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"In Bible times, Saul was accustomed to be troubled by obsessions. Morbid thoughts would occupy his mind, and these would so tune him in on the discordant side of Pluto that astral entities would take possession. I Samuel, 16, relates:
“But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. Let our Lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well"
“Thus was the Crown, as represented by the King, and as indicating a decanate of the sign ruling those in Pluto’s realm, brought into association with the Devotion decanate of Sagittarius, where the Sun each year may be found from November 22 to December 2, pictured by the Harp.
“And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.”
“David, among the constellations, is pictured with his harp as one of the Twins, which rule the hands; but the Harp itself, as a separate constellation, quite appropriately depicts the most religious decanate of the whole zodiac. Of this harp a master wrote:
“Harp divine, whose strings the angels tune and set in motion sweet waves of music that vibrate round the spheres, and bring to man the tidings of his once celestial state, that says in tones of heavenly sweetness to faint and struggling souls; Look up and onward, thy spirit calls thee home. God Jehovah is, and thou must be.”
“But in the case of Saul his thoughts were so morose and savage that the inspiration, or vibratory level of intelligence, he often tuned in on was discordant. Instead of tuning in with prayer and devotion he tuned in with anger and revenge. And following the law which governs contacting the invisible realm, he thus came into rapport with entities of the same general vibratory level as his thoughts, and of the same desires. They were malignant, and finding the avenue thus open to them, they took possession of the king
“The one way to cure a condition of this kind is to stimulate thoughts of an entirely different character. When the dominant thoughts are harmonies this immediately cuts off all approach of unseen entities whose essential nature is discord. When the thoughts are elevated, as sweet music has an influence to raise them, to noble aspiration, it tunes the consciousness in on a corresponding invisible plane, and automatically cuts off any association with evil spirits.
“When thus understood, the method which was applied by David to soothe the troubled spirit of Saul, and thus cure his obsession, is the most approved and successful method that can be applied to such cases today.
“It also explains much of the value to be derived from devotional exercises and prayer. Devotional exercises accompanied by appropriate music are a great help to tune the feelings and emotions in on the plane of intelligence corresponding to such high emotional states. If they perform their office properly, this raises the consciousness to a much higher plane than is its customary vibratory rate. It brings the consciousness into touch with invisible entities on the inner plane who are higher in spirituality and in wisdom than the devotee, and enlists their help.
“Discouragement and feelings of self disapproval keep the mind tuned in on the lower states of Pluto’s realm. But faith and devotion tend to enable the individual to rise above all such sordid and discordant feelings, so that they, for the time being are no longer troublesome, no longer attract discordant intelligences from the invisible. Like the music of David’s Harp, faith and devotion soothe and lift the thoughts. For as the text states: On Every Plane Harmony is Life and Discord is Death.”
C.C. Zain, Spiritual Astrology, Chapter 10
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