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Black + White = WHOLE Not Grey


Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

The Soul under siege …

The return to Wholeness is a reabsorption of dark into light. It is a decision that must be consciously entered into by each individual. To provide the soul with necessary information for growth, you must experiment with both the light and dark expressions of your character throughout many incarnations. After numerous adventures testing each side out, you and only you will decide which path to follow.

Judgmental criteria are human constructs that have no relationship to Universal Truth. Prejudices and accusations are illusions that humans create to separate and elevate themselves. If you compare yourself with a serial killer, you might feel self righteous that you are a better person. That is … until you realize that you have taken on a similar dark role for your self-expression in another lifetime.

Most of us have grown accustomed to giving “love” or “caring” based on deservedness. When someone is nice or has been kind to us we consider them to be a good person and in some cases maybe even a stupid person for being that way. But, what about the people who have hurt us or who have appeared despicable in some way? Are they less deserving of kindness? In reality, they probably need it more than those who we have deemed worthy. If we harbor resentment towards others for whatever reasons and invent false ideas or lies about them to satisfy our sense of self –righteousness or hurt pride, we cannot really see them. We have given them up to the abyss of convenient labels.

Resentful, hurtful behavior is a distortion of Universal Law. Emotions are the most terrifying aspect of the unknown facet of selfdom. Underneath the carefully manicured persona is a demon waiting to wreak havoc. But the soul learns through experiences. The purpose of the darkness or anything black in us is to help us delve into undiscovered territory. In the process we will get banged around and lash out with negativity. This may be undesirable or repugnant. However, it is part of the process of duality that must be experiences before the natural return to wholeness.  Although it may not seem so on the surface, the abusive or neglectful behavior of others is evidence of their souls being under siege. They have lost their true selves and are stumbling and flailing away in the wilderness to find them. Even though we may intellectually understand this, we still react emotionally when we are the subject or target of their insensitivity, cruelty or even hatred. We feel that these others have failed us in some way. They have failed to meet some standard or some pre-specified goal of ours and fall short. It must be remembered that they are worthy. They are worthy because they exist. Period. They are worthy for that reason alone and not because they meet with the standards we have set for them.

We all have many “sides.” Emotions are actually neutral being neither good or bad. They are simply teaching tools. The journey here is not a fall from Grace as many religions would have us think.  To be human is not a curse.  It is a blessing. To be only human is a Universal miracle. Emotions are meant to be experienced and contemplated and not condemned. For example, when the selfish side of the self rears its head in a situation it is because we have a fear that we will not be provided for adequately. Insecurity is fostered by poverty consciousness and can make us experience difficulty in feeling generous. We all know, with no exceptions, on the deepest levels why we act the way we do – lie, cheat, bear false witness, seek vengeance, hurt and act in most cases like a horse’s ass – we just need to stop and examine.

No one said this would be easy. It all becomes a difficult human trial for all involved. It is a process of grief. All must let the pain, anger, bitterness and hatred surface in the heart. We must grieve for ourselves and for all others involved. This is how the soul is purged of the darkness that has possessed it for such a long time. It is an imprisonment that holds the selfhood tight and bound. It has become time to set the self and all perpetrators free. Lift the oppressive mantle of bitterness and blame and remember you are never really alone.






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