Submitted by BRENCIS CYRUS -... on
Image by Laz Georgoulas from Pixabay
Occult Day is an annual observance celebrated on November 18th of every year. The word we live, the religion we follow are surrounded by lots of mysteries and secrets. They are often referred to as the undiscovered knowledge that is hidden or concealed from the common man. What will you do when you get the opportunity to know more about the mysteries and secrets? Occult Day does that by encouraging you to examine into this mysterious world to seek the truths. Take this Day as the better opportunity to understand little more in-depth about the things that are hidden. 1
Occult Day is a mysterious day, outside the realm of the normal and natural world. Concealed, secret, hidden, mysterious, un-natural. These are all words to describe the world of Occult. Astrology should readily come to mind. Alchemy, too. Many secret groups are occults.2
The history, origin, and the founder of the Occult Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year at which the celebration had first occurred. However, Occult has been existing in every culture, religion, and tradition. It refers to everything that is taking place beyond the normal human’s perspective. It includes the magic, alchemy, astrology, spiritualism, extra-sensory perception, religion, and divination. Occult refers to the “knowledge of the hidden.” It sometimes gives the meaning as the knowledge that “is meant only for certain people” or “must be kept hidden.” Most often occultist is the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond the pure reason and the physical sciences. Occult is the life beyond the natural world for the normal people. Almost every culture and religion has the practice of occult. The Day is the perfect time to get involved with your inner self in a spiritual form. 1
Occult Day was established to encourage those who walk in the sun to take some time dancing in the shadows. Occult practices are not all dangerous paths and profane dealings with entities of dubious moral intent, instead they are a way to expand our consciousness and understand the part of ourselves that lives outside the material. Every culture has its mystery religions and occult practices, whether it’s the complex workings of Ritual Magic or the exploration of God through the Kaballah in Judaism, there isn’t a single culture that isn’t touched by the Occult ... Occult Day is a chance to finally listen and move forward into your greater knowledge.3
November Correspondences
Moon: Beaver Moon, Larder Moon, Mourning Moon, Snow Moon, White Moon, Frosty Moon
Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius
Element: Water, Fire
Gender: Feminine
Sabbat: N/A
Deities: Astarte, Calleach, Cerridwen, Circe, Cybele, Frejya, Hathor, Hel, Holda, Horned God, Kali, Maman, Nepthys, Sekhmet
Animals: bat, wolf, sow, dog, snake, owls, raven, falcon
Nature Spirits: banshees and other beings who carry messages between worlds
Trees: pine, cypress, yew, elder
Colors: pale blue, green, silver, black, white, purple
Flowers/Herbs: ginger, hops, wormwood, hyssop, patchouli, mugwort, nutmeg, star anise, white lily, dahlia, chrysanthemum
Crystals: beryl, cat’s eye, chrysoberyl, citrine, yellow sapphire, topaz, pearl, yellow topaz, diamond, obsidian, onyx, Apache tear
Incense: rosemary, dragon’s blood, lilac, pine, wisteria
Characteristics, Influences, and Energies: cooperation, darkness, divination, healing, hope 4
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