Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on

Known Fact 1: Astrologers Argue ... about everything.
Known Fact 2: People, in general, believe what they want to believe and often try to "fit" facts to those beliefs.
Re: Fact 2, Unfortunately, even though it is against the very foundational rules of the science Astrology which is supposed to be objective in nature, I have seen many astrologers these past few years try to bend analysis to what they believe to be true or "right" especially in areas like political analysis for example. In some cases analysis I have read fell nothing short of hilarious and in other cases, down right disgusting. Sadly, this has pushed Astrology into that all too familiar pit of useless opinion. An Astrology Chart shows an astrologer 'what is' - it is not a debate. If the astrologer gets annoyed with what is being revealed in a chart, they should simply not engage analysis and try some deep contemplation and meditation as to why they are being affected in that way ... aka that B Word: BIASED. Of course they have a right to live in La La Land but to conduct oneself in such a fashion is a disservice to humanity. Like it or not, Astrology is a Collective Obligation and astrologers are subject to Karma just like everyone else.
Currently, there are many pro and con arguments as to whether we are in the Age of Aquarius. Personally, I do not believe we are but rather in the last throes of the Age of Pisces struggling with our human behaviors in a world that for many has a status of upheaval sending distress signals everywhere. Some would argue that Aquarius is all about upheaval but if I may state, Pisces is no angel and a bit slippery when it comes to spoiled child syndrome and temper tantrums. It doesn't let go that easily. Perhaps Aquarius is getting ready to dump some cold water on those fishies. I certainly am amused by the whole debacle. Freedom, originality and justice are the promises of Aquarius - I don't see it yet, rather, I see the opposite at the moment. "Aquarius will be the new age, the new life. First there will be disastrous events, gigantic upheavals, turmoil and change of all kinds…." says Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (1900-1986). " Just as old Egypt, Babylon and Sumeria were eclipsed by Greece and Rome, so too the ‘old world’ of Western Europe and North America will be overtaken by new geopolitical alliances and fresh centres of global influence. And this will be accompanied by a dramatic change in consciousness, as the worn-out Western values and Eurocentric rationalist thought prevailing for the last few centuries surrender to the new Aquarian thinking." - Mehmet Sabeheddin ... AKA New World Order.
"Today, America and Britain embody atrophied and degraded Piscean energies." Now you're talking Mehmet.
Yeah well, Pisces tails have a wicked whip to them as they exit for the vast sea of the stars.
You need to consider when the Age of Pisces started to be able to know when the Age of Aquarius begins however there is no consensus on that either.
According to veteran astrologer Nicholas Campion in The Book Of World Horoscopes, approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 A.D. to 3597 A.D. See Campion's credentials here
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius - (Aquarius, Fifth Dimension 1967 from the smash-hit musical “Hair")
Oh come on now ...
According to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which set the constellation boundaries in the 1930s, the Sun moved into the constellation Pisces around 1,800 years ago By the IAU's reckoning, the Age of Aquarius will begin in the year 2597. However, astrologers are not so adamant about the boundaries of the constellations.
Now if you are a UFO enthusiast, according to Billy Meier and the Plejaren, the New Cosmic Age of Aquarius started on 3 February 1844. Don't you just love humor?
Some astrologers insist the 2020-2021 Aquarian era has come about because of the 'great conjunct of December 2020'. Note the use of the term 'Aquarian Era' - nice way to get around it with Piscean slickness.
Other astrologers say the Age of Aquarius actually began in 2012. You remember don't you? All the Mayan Calendar Panic? Were any of us actually enlightened?
Bottom line: The Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. But there’s no definitive answer as to when that will be.
And that gives me a chuckle!
There are plenty of amusing speculative articles out there on the net - if you are so inclined go have a look-see and enjoy yourself.
Whether the earth is shaken by natural catastrophes, or nuclear warfare, or both, earth and the life upon it does survive. More than that, however: A New Age emerges and the devastating changes that have preceded it are understood to have been necessary purgations effecting the transformation of humanity into a new mode of being. By analogy, just as the individual near death experiencer may have to endure the pain and suffering associated with the trauma of almost dying before positive personal transformation can take place, so the world may need to undergo a “planetary near-death experience” before it can awaken to higher, more spiritual, collective consciousness with universal love at its core. – Kenneth Ring, Transpersonal Psychologist
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