Submitted by Scorpius Aquarii on
Image by amberjkauffman from Pixabay
When I was a very small child I used to love running around naked. Nowadays, if you ask any respectable psychologist they will tell you that this is perfectly normal up until age 3 or 4. To be honest, I would carry on today in my buff utopia if I could but it would of course be very unacceptable to my peers in most social settings but the innate sense of freedom stays with me on many levels. I simply do not like restriction. You could say, “Why don’t you simply join a nudist camp?” or even better, “Why don’t you bring back the art of streaking?” You are clearly missing the point.
You can go ahead and giggle but that internal push against the societal wheel has brought me far in life. I have been told that I always spoke my mind from a very young age and had no problem with chastising adults for their ‘ridiculous’ behaviors. Think about it. Toddlers love to run around naked because they are asserting their independence and showing they have their own opinions and abilities. In other words they are letting the world know they are unique. If they are particularly ornery they will adeptly remove their clothing even in front of company much to the chagrin of their parents who generally engage in their best cover-up attempt by saying, “Oh, little Johnny (or Jeanie) just loves getting attention.” EXACTLY. Baby Bare Buns is letting the world and even the Universe know, “Hey I AM!”
Now think about this. We ALL come into the world naturally immodest. Then we are trained into acceptable behaviors. Running around naked IS a Rite of Passage. But once you graduate you are handed the proverbial “acceptable” fig leaf. Game over. Or is it?
I clearly remember an old college professor telling the class, “If you are horribly nervous giving a presentation in front of a large audience simply imagine them naked.”
To do so means all human barriers are broken down and out the window goes societal mores because in a naked crowd everyone is a unique critique unto themselves. We go back to the beginning where we are created equal.
As for myself, I have always pushed against what made me feel uncomfortable shedding those things in life that do. This does not mean I go about breaking laws or mouthing off at people because I feel like it. I have honed my skills well with a laser sharp instinct and it has served me well. I can push the right human buttons and even kick a butt (bare or not) or two.
To an extent we all are what we are taught to be BUT not if that bare-assed kid is still running around inside confidently remembering who they really are.
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