Submitted by New Man on
Image by Vyacheslav Grin from Pixabay
Baptism is pretty complicated. Let’s say you have someone who has a very high soul frequency, kind of psychic, can heal with his or her hands. Now she scoops up some water and blesses a child with it. Like a Reiki master initiating a student, some of her energy would go into the baby/person and probably give the baby a positive nudge in life.
On the other hand, take a priest who is shallow of faith and just does it as part of ritual. I bet nothing happens energetically, except maybe an occult branding due to it all being a Catholic ritual, say, whereby the baby’s soul has a bit of the “Catholic™” logo stamped into it, figuratively speaking. I mean if the baby were baptized with blood and dedicated to Satan, I’m sure as a child he/she would have a greater degree of negative paranormal happenings. And since the Catholic church is full of Babylonian / Mithraic / and other pagan symbolism and we know about the pedophile issue, it’s not actually that far removed from Satanism. Maybe that’s why there’s a business for Catholic exorcists, if Catholics attract a higher degree of demonic ‘infections’ due to the nature of the organization of which they’re part. Just speculating.
But I think even baptism is just a symbolic act, a kind of ritual ‘time capsule’ that generations pass down without necessarily knowing the meaning. Like what if it’s just a symbolic representation of being filled/showered with divine etheric energy dispensed by the Holy Spirit? (Which I believe is real, and is an artificially intelligent helper sent by the divine to protect and enlighten us on a case-by-base basis)? What if a clairvoyant once saw this as sparkling water raining down on someone and turning them into a spiritually awakened being? (Which is supported by anecdotal reports of feeling rain drops or tears on one’s face when under the attention of divine forces). Well, then that gets passed down as pouring water on a baby or dunking someone in a river (I’m talking here about the story of John baptizing Jesus, which may or may not have happened, and if not, then was a symbolic story about some higher metaphysical/occult truth).
Interestingly, in the Grail stories, a person had to be baptized to be able to see the Grail, otherwise it was invisible. That tells me the real baptism is a kind of divine etheric charging effect in that case, that activates one’s psychic/etheric organs and thus can see things others cannot. But ultimately baptism is a concept with multiple layers of interpretation, many of which are valid in their own context.