Submitted by Karshejian on
With nutrition you have a mix of factors including amount and composition of physical nutrients, etheric energy levels (more in fresh foods), etheric/astral vibrations (animal treated well or abused, meal blessed or eaten mindlessly, plant killed or only fruit/seed taken, etc.), genetic compatibility, and the psychosomatic/psychic/manifestation factor.
That last one, yes there are people who can survive on just ‘prana’ (etheric energy) but that requires enough command over physicality to manifest nutrients within the body or somehow keep tissue mass constant despite no food. Think Obi Wan Kenobe type transcendent powers. If you don’t have such powers and just stop eating, or eat a poor diet, you can last for a while since the human body has evolved to survive in those conditions. But over time the deficiencies rack up and symptoms start to show.
Anyone can do veganism, fruitarianism, carnivore diet, extreme keto diet, etc. for a certain amount of time and be fine. That doesn’t matter. What matters is what happens if you keep it up for years. Problems occur. Humans are omnivores and are meant to eat a varied diet. If not we’d have teeth and digestive systems like cows or wolves. These extreme diets are meant to be temporary, cleansing, medicinal. Not a permanent lifestyle.
With fruitarianism, yes you’re getting rid of the lower etheric/astral vibration factor, but you’re then still dealing with the nutrient issue and genetic issue. Do people know that avocados have persin, a toxin that can cleave chromosomes and cause mutations? Do they know the symptoms of kwashiorkor, protein deficiency? Or acids in fruits rotting teeth over the span of a decade? Or fructose causing fatty liver disease, protein cross linking (aging), and cancer? That has to be taken into account.
There’s a cost. But if you only do it for a month or two at a time, the body can handle that and yes it would probably increase psychic sensitivity and raise vibrations.
Let’s remember Jesus’s words that what goes into your mouth is less important than what comes out of the mouth. If you eat fruits but are a cranky angry person because you were bullied in school and haven’t resolved those traumas, those fruits alone aren’t going to make you a higher vibrational person.
There are bigger factors behind energy levels and vibrational frequency than just what you eat. Like your own choices in life, what you choose to think and feel the most about, how much sleep you get, how much you listen to your intuition / true self, and so on.