Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
If you love cats or just a little Zen try this!
"THE TAO OF MEOW … Purrrfect Peace"
“I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the ability to produce food which they take for granted – but his or her entertainment value.” ~ Geoffrey Household
I am the human companion of two Master Taoist cats. I have learned not to say “owner” or even “caregiver” because they are smarter and far more spiritual than I. Ponder this …
Cats are telepathic with extraordinary abilities. They can read your mind before you even speak which is probably why they zone you out most of the time. Cats know the value of simplicity. If you want their attention all you have to do is call out the idiotic name you’ve probably given them and then they’ll decide whether or not what you’re blithering about has any value that can enhance their “being.” Cats know how to be at peace. They will sit on sunny windowsill or bask outside all day on a rock and meditate in perfect harmony with the Creator. Cats know how to pay attention and have radar that never misses anything while you bluster about reacting instead of observing. “Foolish human,” thinks the cat, “Does he not know the value of non-action can bring him closer to the Creator?” Cats don’t concern themselves with the trappings of ego either. When they bring you a “present” which generally consists of some sort of prey, they don’t expect you to thank them or praise them. They simply twitch their tails and walk away because they understand the true meaning of generosity and giving.
Clip from Dharma The Cat
The twelve levels or "virtues" of Taoist Cats...
Mantra: "Life is a battleground - don't skulk, meet challenge head-on with right action."
WU-WEI (Action through non-action --- Ya Think?!)
Mantra: "Pause in your deliberations and enjoy creature comforts."
Mantra: "To be heard, let your speech reflect good humor and less seriousness."
Mantra: "The world can be cruel and impersonal, treat others with compassion."
Mantra: "Be the superstar that you are."
Mantra: "Do all things in moderation. Keep your body and your space clean."
Mantra: "Be compliant, tactful and resolute."
Mantra: "Be free, be happy, get outdoors and play."
Mantra: "Climb to the heights but don't be attached to outcomes."
Mantra: "Be an original."
Mantra: "Be prayerful, respectful and grateful.”
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