Submitted by I Was Here on
When browsing the internet for news today, I found an extremely powerful photograph on the main page of InfoWars. Could language provide further insight into this? I offer my reflections below, what do you think? This is the image I am talking about:
This is obvious, but credit for the photograph goes to InfoWars. I am reproducing it here because I want it to be available for easily reference. Great stuff!
Image URL -
So, where does language come into this?
This may be difficult to explain, maybe others can phrase this better. In the study of "magic"/"magick", certain books are called Grimoires. This is a play on words, it is referring to Grammar in language; notice how Grimoires and Grammar are spelled similarly. Additionally, one can often derive much information from the Latin Roots of words, particularly in the English language. Combining these two factors, I want to bring to your attention two words.
Culture -> Cult
Order out of chaos - this is extremely true. What culture is this image referring to? The culture of the 'New World Order' - it is the mass produced culture originating from mega-corporations, all of which are owned by a very small group of rich families. To call something "conspiracy" of what is obvious fact shows true evidence of brainwashing. Perhaps this blog post will help. There are clear facts out there about who controls what you watch and what you listen to and what you purchase, etc.
If I lost you with that last paragraph, let me rephrase... Modern American Consumer Culture is a Cult ... It is NOT the only way you can live your life ... It is a cult.
You remember what they say about cults, right?
Cults are dangerous~!!!
What do you think???
My main point is that there are many more ways to live your life than the one that is being spoon-fed to you on television, for example - communication determined by corporate interest instead of person-to-person interest is very different. Are you part of the mega-corporation cult or are you normal and have your own clan?
Offering my reflections ...
~Green Moon~
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