Submitted by I Was Here on
Transhumanism is a futuristic philosophy which celebrates the potential of advanced technologies to augment human functioning to unprecedented degrees, ushering in a new phase of ‘posthuman’ evolution. Some trans‐humanists even regard digital technologies as capable of ‘re‐enchanting’ the world. Such visions of ‘cyberspace as sacred space’ conceal many value‐judgments, however, not least in the universalisation of a metaphysics of technoscience founded on longings for invulnerability, incorporeality and omniscience. Such propensities cloak ideologies of technocratic consumerism that refuse to engage with the global implications of new technologies. A theologically‐derived critique not only exposes the ideology of ‘transcendence’ at the heart of transhumanism, but also challenges its claim to represent a latter‐day Nietzschean sensibility.
- Elaine Graham, ‘Nietzsche Gets a Modem’: Transhumanism and the Technological Sublime, Oxford University Press.
Are you even aware of how technology oppresses you instead of liberates you?
You need Television - How else will you know what to think?
You need Cell Phones - How else will you be tracked, documented, and sometimes, communicate?
You need Facebook - How else will you be tracked, documented, and sometimes, communicate?
Everything is bugged, everything is tracked - there is no privacy.
As more information is collected about you, you can be controlled even more, by even more subtle and devious means.
You need these technologies because they own you.
They control you.
This is what "The Matrix" was trying to warn you about.
Don't you remember that movie?
The spell is so strong ... I do not even know where to begin to try and break the trance ... Why would you want to be tracked so your movements, actions, and even your intermost personal thoughts can be manipulated to make you more passive, obedient slaves? You do not want that, but, by your actions, you desire to be controlled. This is not the type of fascism in World War II where you could see who was controlling you - this is the worst kind; the kind where you are begging for more glittery gadgets that control you more and more in ways you are not even aware of.
The advancement of technology has not kept pace with our ability to discern its proper use. The results are proving to be disasterous as more and more are put under a GLAMOUR SPELL ; you consume what the Illuminati-Controlled Media and Illuminati-Controlled Corporations tell you to consume; thereby putting you under their spell. You spill your private thoughts and private moments for the world to see. This allows for those at the Top of the Pyramid to try and manipulate you even more; they have the weapon on information. What do you have? You have NOTHING - you are an obedient SLAVE who does what you are told by the tyranny of 'Group Think'.
Lord Help Us!
(10) Ten let the countdown begin
(9) I was born in the mind
(8) Take the head of a snake
(7) Behold Armageddon
(6) Ain't no love for the rich
(5) Only strong will survive
(4) Cause we live by the sword
(3) Plus sixty degrees
(2) For the black and the blue
(1) For the sun.. step into millennium
- Method Man, Judgement Day
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