Submitted by Adonis on
In the Trenches is property of Adonis - Supervisor and is protected by LightForceNetwork. No copys or reposting of this material shall be made without the permission from the author.
In the Trenches is a book I have poured my heart and soul into. This fantasy is not only a love story but a story about a young magicians transcendence. I hope you enjoy and comments are much appreciated.
Trent was completely scatter brained when he entered his loft. The place was an utter disaster, It looked more trashed than he was last night before he did the mile walk of shame home from his random hook up last night. He stumbled into the kitchen kicking designer clothes, text books and Occult books out of the way, Opened the fridge, took out a gallon jug of water placed it on the counter then proceeded to the pantry. Your usual college aged guy would have a pantry full of ramen noodles, soda and beer but Trent wasn’t your usual college guy. His pantry was filled with herbs, oils, jars tins and boxes. Trent’s pantry was probably the only thing in his loft that was always organized. He reached for a tin on the top shelf that had a huge RX and a skull on it. He opened the tin and pulled out a bag of moist green leaves labeled Coca Genus leaf and a bottle labeled ephedra, he then closed the tin and placed it carefully in its designated spot and placed the bag and bottle of pills on the counter next to the water.
Trent popped one of the pills chugged a third of a gallon of water and started chewing on a few of the leaves. If Trent had any company they would see his pupils dilate to the size of pomegranates. “Who said Illicit substances aren’t magical?” he said aloud with no one in his loft to hear him. Trent looked at his disheveled loft in disgust. He sat down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen area and looked at each corner for about 20 minutes at that point his “herbs” had kicked in and he was ready to clean.
He started with the books, He grabbed his laundry basket and threw every single book that laid open on the floor and then put them on one of two book cases. One book case was filled with school books ranging from arithmetic to physics the other was filled with books about numerology, astrology, alchemy, the qabala and diaries adorned with leather and special markings. The clothes took care of themselves, he threw them in the laundry basket and into the washer in his kitchen. He then meticulously mopped his dark hard wood floors. His bed was already made only because he hadn’t slept in it for a week not due to lack of sleep mind you only because he was busy messing up other peoples beds and crashing with them that week. In an hour his apartment went from an episode of hoarders to a better version of a Neicy Nash hosted show.
Trent grabbed his current book of shadows off of the shelf and his cell phone then sat on his bed with his legs crossed “Pen!” he said and let out a grunt. As he reached to open the drawer of his side table his phone rang. He looked at his phone to see who was calling him, it was Kelly. Kelly was a girl Trent went to school with who often bought his “Focus Formulas” and who he occasionally hung out with.
He begrudgingly answered “Hey girl”.
“Hey! Are you home?” she asked. Kelly was the type of girl who always had some sort of drama going on and Trent didn’t want to participate. If it was important he would lend a helping hand but if it was miniscule, he tried his best to let her down easily.
“Nope” Trent lied.
“Oh damn, I wanted to stop by for a minute and buy some focus formula. I have a test tomorrow I need to cram for.” Kelly said.
“Oh I’ll be home in 30 if you want to stop by then” Trent said with a brighter tune.
“Awesome see you soon” Kelly said.
“K bye” Trent said and hung up the phone
At this point you might think that Trent was a total bad boy or your morals might dictate that he is a bad person. How can a guy who sells herbal drugs and sleeps around be a good person? On top of it all he practices the occult. Trent was a true magician; He followed one rule above all. Do what you will, harm none.
Trent went to the kitchen pantry and pulled out an envelope filled with pills with Kelly’s name on it and an IOU ten dollars note with a place for her signature attached to the envelope.
Trent proceeded back to his bed to write in his book of shadows. If you aren’t familiar with a book of shadows, it’s a journal that a person who practices magic writes in whether it be spells and formulas or thoughts and things that have happened recently.
Dear Powers That Be,
I have been feeling like someone is trying to reach out to me. I have no idea what or who it is all I know is that I am avoiding it at all cost, I haven’t practiced for a week and I have been out every night this week. 5 pointless hook ups in a row…next time I will be more specific when I do a companion spell. But none the less thank you for the distraction from the odd feeling I have been having. I can’t put my finger on it. I feel as though there is someone watching me and they want to tell me something I need but don’t want to hear. I really…
Kelly Knocked on the door. Trent answered “hey girl.”
“Hey love” Kelly said and gave Trent a hug. “this was on your door” Kelly handed Trent a blank envelope with a wax seal. His heart raced a little but he pretended like it was nothing.
“Weird, thanks” he walked to the kitchen placed the envelope on the counter and grabbed her envelope with the IOU attached. Before he handed her the envelope she opened her wallet and said “Oh crap I’m ten dollars short.”
“Got a pen?” Trent asked and handed her the IOU to sign. Kelly looked at Trent with wide eyes then signed the IOU. “Talk about weird” she said and laughed.
Trent laughed and said “I have my ways, Do you want to stick around and get a tarot card reading?”
“Yeah that would be great” Kelly said with excitement in her voice.
Normally Trent would pretend to be busy and send Kelly on her way but he wanted to avoid opening that envelope at all cost. The eyes he felt watching him seemed closer than ever. Kelly took one of the pills and Trent grabbed his Tarot cards and they both sat on the bed opposite each other. Kelly was a really pretty girl; She had long blonde hair and green eyes and a petite lanky body. She actually looked a lot like Trent except Trent was tall and had a muscular build. Trent giving Kelly a reading on his bed looked a lot like a brother and sister playing a card game. After her reading they talked for hours by the time she left it was already 9:30 at night.
As soon as Kelly left Trent ran to the kitchen and grabbed the envelope. He looked closely at the seal and saw that it was a Tetragrammaton which was a symbol that represented the name of god. He shakily opened the envelope and read the letter inside.
Dear Trent,
Please meet me at Wolf’s Den at 10pm tonight. It is important that we talk.
Love and Light,
Trent had no idea who ivy was but he knew the bar. It was located right next to the occult shop that he frequented that was only a few blocks away. He never went in because he thought it was seedy and it was never busy. Holding the letter in his hand he knew that this Ivy person was the person he felt watching him. Nervousness quickly turned into rage. He grabbed a jacket and started towards the door. He ran down the stairs lit a cigarette and made his way toward the bar. Every step he took he could feel what felt like eyes get closer and closer but as soon as he got to the door the anger subsided. He looked at his watch which said 10:05 opened the door and there was no one there except a devilishly handsome bartender wiping down the counters at the bar.
Trent sat at the bar and rested his head on his fist and looked at the sexy bartender as he wiped the opposite end of the counter. He was wearing a deep V shirt with the perfect amount of dark brown hair lying on his chest, His thin, toned, and hairy arms did a dance as he polished the granite counters.
He looked up and gave Trent a wink and said “be right with ya.” in a surprisingly sexy British accent.
“Thanks take your time” Trent said as he continued to stare at him taking note of his blue eyes, stubble and perfect shiny hair. Trent caught himself staring and corrected his posture. As he came too he felt the same strong feeling he had on the walk over to the bar
“Names Louis” The Bartender said and extended his hand.
Trent’s hand met Louis’s and suddenly the feeling of being watched left. Trent kept a tight grip of the handsome bartenders hand and then realized that it probably wasn’t proper to turn a handshake into an “Ill never let go moment”.
Trent released Louis’s hand and said “it’s a pleasure to meet you, haha you aren’t from around here are you?”
“What gave it away my devilishly hot Brit accent or the fact that I’m not an ass and actually introduced myself properly to a handsome guy in a Los Angeles bar?” Louis said and laughed.
“The latter and thank you” Trent replied. He didn’t actually expect him to be gay. He was hard to read. Not only because of the accent but because he didn’t exactly have an aura. His aura was just light that slowly faded into darkness. Trent was well versed in magic and metaphysics but he played to his own beat so there were definitely things that he didn’t know. He made a mental note to check his books when he got home.
“Do you have a name gorgeous?” Louis demanded in a polite tone. He was getting frustrated by Trent’s L.A manners.
“Trent, sorry it’s Trent. I hate to be cheesy but I really am thrown off by you. You’re gorgeous and I didn’t expect you to be gay. How long have you been here? And I’ll have a Manhattan dry vermouth please” Trent explained and asked.
“Gotcha” he started making Trent’s drink. “Thanks Trent, I don’t limit myself when it comes to sex and love I learned that centuries ago. I’ve been here two nights, I just flew in from London.” Louis handed Trent his drink.
Trent laughed “Centuries? Have you fallen into the L.A trap already? You don’t look a day over 28 or so? London! I have always wanted to go. “
“Give or take a few years.” Louis said and winked “I’ll have to take you one day.”
“Your bartender wages aside aren’t you getting ahead of yourself” Trent said in a playful way, not to completely offend his potential next lay.
Louis looked at Trent grabbed his hand and said “I own it”
Trent smiled “Oh please forgive me”
“Don’t worry about it, It’s a perfectly appropriate assumption.” This time Louis is the one who wouldn’t let go of Trent’s hand. “ Do me a favor and just look me in the eye”.
Trent thought this was a tad strange but he was used to strange so he said “OK”
They looked into each other’s eyes and played with each other’s fingers. It was almost as if they were having a silent conversation but with not much thought on either end. Both men were completely comfortable staring at each other. Louis let go jumped over the bar, brought Trent to a table turned a chair around, straddled him and put his arms around his neck. Trent remained silent and put his arms around Louis’s waist. They proceeded to look into each other’s eyes. Louis had complete control and Trent didn’t mind although being submissive wasn’t his usual role. Louis began to kiss him lightly on the lips and then down to his neck only to move back to his lips and start kissing him harder. Things started to get rougher, Trent kissed him back and that began a back and forth motion. Both of their hands were caressing every part of their bodies. Louis started biting Trent’s neck. Louis jumped off of Trent abruptly, ran to the bar and took a shot of whiskey. He went back to the table, turned Trent’s chair back towards the table and sat opposite of him.
“Get ready” Louis said.
Trent had whip lash from the mind fuck he had just experienced so he went along and said “OK”
“You’re 24 years old; you’re going for a masters in psychology and your Pre Medical. You’re smart, someone has been watching you for the past three weeks. I won’t even get into your childhood. You are a Leo, and a full blown witch kind of like me.” He said in a matter of fact way.
Dumbfounded by the way Louis read him Trent was speechless. A grandfather clock chimed that was by the entrance to the bar, it was officially midnight. Trent felt violated but at the same time he felt good about it. S&M at its best some might say. Trent walked to the bar counter “You, you…you” Trent couldn’t finish a sentence.
Louis went back behind the bar and said “You and me baby” he grabbed a jewelry box from under the bar and a note. “Here take this as a gift and wear it and here is a note from some bitch named Ivy for you.”
Trent opened the jewelry box and inside was a beautiful gold amulet that was a Tetragrammaton with a sun and moon symbol around it. “Thank you” trent said.
“Put it on and tuck it in your shirt, take the note and leave, meet me here at midnight tomorrow. I have to run errands now. “Louis kissed Trent goodnight.
Stunned trent just did as he said and left. He knew he could trust Louis. It wasn’t as if he had been spelled. It felt like his soul had been seen by someone who he knew he could trust. He opened the note and all it said was take a right and keep walking. Trent annoyed and frustrated at this point threw the note away and took a left towards home, He got a block down the street and saw a woman dressed in a tight white dress. He was just passing her when she called out to him.
“Trent! Come on follow me” Ivy demanded
“Ivy?” Trent asked. She Knodded. “you have a lot of nerve asking me to meet you and not show up and then expect me to follow you.” Trent said annoyed to the point of violence.
“Just follow me?” she asked politely
“Fine” He said begrudgingly
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