Submitted by Adonis on
Oh yeah I said it. I feel compelled to write this blog and so I will with no regrets or apologies. A high magicians uses more than the earth and will to cause change. We use everything from angels to spirits and of course the earth. But any good occultist knows that demons and angels are not just outside entities, they are internal (Some occultist might argue that they are only internal). We use ourselves in magic. I feel that new magicians, witches and practitioners get confused and sometimes feel unaccomplished because they do not know where to collect energy or strong energy.
When we use the elementals to do our bidding things can get...out of sorts. For example if you use water as a directive things become extremely emotional and sometimes overwhelming. One could argue that if we put "ALL" four elements to use then we will obtain balance in a spell. I say NOT! The first point on the pentagram is spirit. Magic has rhyme and reason to it. Only using a high power is not going to work, everything must be recognized and that includes the microcosm. Rant lets get to the juice.
The shadow is our lower selves, it is the stuff we burry deep down and do not want to recognize. It is the opposite of our higher selves. The Ego is its protector, it is big and bad and unlike the darkness of the shadow can show itself in the light. A high magicians ultimate goal is to ascend and it is a lifetime mission that is long and grueling at times and drives many insane. In order to do this we need to trench up all this shadowy muck and bring it to light.
When bringing this stuff to light the ego backs down a little bit because it has less to protect and eventually (hopefully in this lifetime) it can lay down and bask in the light of your higher self. Like it or not our ego is a tool. In the shadow of our love (light) is a mirror, a mirror our ego's do not want to look into but in order to do this we have force our ego to look and while it looks we plan a sneak attack steal some darkness and transform it. While we plan our alchemical theft the ego eats up a bit of the darkness as well. When our ego turns around to guard itself it finds itself in more darkness. Now it is forced to deal with it because our egos don't like to be in darkness and look at what is wrong with ourselves. So it does the battling for us. Bear in mind that the ego is essentially you but it is also is the you in you. Its the i in...well I.
You are an over running cup of energy black or white it is never ending and you will always have both. at any given time you may have more oil than water but trust in the fact that it will always be full. When we turn this shadow energy into light we feel lighter we get a high and that high puts us in a place where we can work the best magic.
The entire time my lower self has been telling me "tell them to use their darkness for there own will". This is the big FUCK YOU to my lower self because every single bit of information I have given you is correct and with love and understanding. Go deep into that darkness and transform it because all you really want to do is eat it up and throw up some light. The high can make you a little woozy.
Love and light
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