Submitted by Aesch Mezareph on
I am not an astrologer but enjoy studying different cultural views and beliefs surrounding the Ancient system. Presented here is a brief selection of some of the essence of Kaballastic Astrology.
“The Ancient Hebrew astrologers viewed the workings of the planets and the constellations very differently from our modern astrologers. They considered at all times the need to find balance in the universe, and read the heavens as a key witness to that balance of forces which kept the universe in ethical as well as physical motion. Therefore, they developed the concept of constant forces and changing forces, and of the relationship between them … the constellations presented constant forces in the universe for our use, and the planets represented the changing forces of the universe. The forces of the constellations could be pictured in physical terms as the carrier wave, which was modulated by the play of planetary forces and aspects, presenting their influence to our waiting world.” – Rabbi Joel Dobin
The popular Sun Sign Astrology which is present in many newspapers and magazines provides each sign with a one size fits all character analysis of each of the signs of the Zodiac. Therefore if you are a Pisces you will exhibit traits outlined by that particular sign. The majority of us know this is inaccurate as there is much more to it all. In the Hebrew study being a Pisces means the person is aware that they are born during the month of Adar which runs approximately from February 22 to March 21 in a given year. There is not much knowledgeable depth to this yet finding one’s sign according to “dates” has held the interest of people all over the world. People simply love to read about themselves. So how did the Ancient Hebrews view the constant forces of the constellations?
According to Dobin, “The operations of these constant forces were well documented and based on actual physical observation of the heavens. In modern Astrology, most of these forces and their influences were not even considered although almost all of our modern Sun Sign delineations depend on their development in ancient times. Because of the familiarity of the ancients with the movements of the heavens as observed, their delineations of the Sun Sign seem to us almost too instant, the ancients were very specific in some senses, and not nearly specific enough in others. For instance, the ancient were very specific in their descriptions of the physical appearance and health indications of the Sun Sign native, but much less the specific in terms of the psychological vectors of the naïve’s life. This seems strange to us until we realized that constant forces will manifest themselves in physical constancies which have little ability to change, whereas variable forces will easily affect those areas of life, the psychological, the social, the ethical, and the material dimensions which themselves are very amenable to change in human life.”
The first book in the Jewish tradition that linked Astrology to the mystical vector of the faith was written in Tamudic times in the third century of the Common Era. It matched the planets, constellations and elements to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and to the Path of Wisdom which linked the 10 Divine Emanations or 10 Sephirot into a Trees of Life … basically, the 12 constellations were linked to the 12 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which had a constant pronunciation. The 7 known planets were linked to the 7 letters of the Hebrew alphabet that had double pronunciations.
“Astrologers thought each planet had capabilities for both good and evil, whereas they thought of the constellations as having constant forces, which varied only as the planets transmitted them, and took on positive or negative vibrations … each letter of the Hebrew alphabet represented an esoteric tool used by God in the creation of the Universe, its influences had to extend from Divine will through time, space and man. This concept explains the influences of the planets on the life of man and the lives of every growing thing.” - Dobin
There has been much debate over which faction the Sun Sign (sign of birth) or the Ascendant Sign or Rising Sign (the sign rising at the horizon upon birth) is a more important factor. In the Talmud, all discussions of character are based in the Ascendant Sign and the planetary ruler of it.
“When one sage speaks of those born under certain planets, and is indicating that this means the Sun Sign in a Constellation which is ruled by that particular planet or planetary ruler of that particular day of birth (Rabbi Joshua be Levi) another sage insists that is wrong and that the hour of birth (Ascendant or hourly planetary ruler) is more important (Rabbi Hanina).” – Dobin
Some ancient provisions of the Signs:
ARIANS: Provide the world with kings who practice justice; leaders in war; fire and bloodshed; surgeons, butchers, travelers.(Ruler Mars, co-ruler Scorpio)
TAUREANS: Provide the world with procurers, sensualists and entertainers.(Ruler Venus)
GEMINIANS: Provide the world with kings, magnates, heroes, magicians, sorcerers and delicate craftsmen. (Ruler Mercury)
CANCERIANS: Provide the world with plebians, wanderers and those people others find repulsive.(Ruler The Moon)
LEONIANS: Provide the world with kings, princes, and nobleman; artisans in gold, silver and gems; and all those who exercise any useful trade.(Ruler The Sun)
VIRGOANS: Provide the world with writers and sages, mathematicians and geometer, and all intermediates and exponents of mockery.(Ruler Mercury)
LIBRANS: Provide the world with mathematicians, businessmen, merchants; dealers in foods and beverages; judges and singers. (Ruler Venus)
SCORPIOS: Provide the world with judges and all despicable persons.(Ruler Pluto, co-ruler Mars)
SAGITTARIANS: Provide the world with judges and servants of God: philosophers; interpreters of dreams; merchants; philanthropists and all others who are merciful; archers. (Ruler Jupiter)
CAPRICORNIANS: Provide the world with farmers; sailors; intermediaries and shepherds.(Ruler Saturn)
AQUARIANS: Provide the world with sailors; tanners; the downcast and the afflicted.(Ruler Uranus)
PISCEANS: Provide the world with fisherman and outcasts.(Ruler Neptune)
Resource: Kabbalistic Astrololgy: The Sacred Tradition of the Hebrew Sages © 1977, 1999 by Rabbi Joel C. Dobin, D.D.
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