Submitted by Alchemyst on
Many thousands of years ago human life was a far different experience to that which we enjoy today. Life for our ancient forefathers was a mixture of wonder and fear. The interesting point to notice is that the human body has not changed since the old days. The things that have changed are our environment and our language. We see objects our ancestors could not see and therefore we talk about concepts our ancestors were not aware of.
Although our concepts have changed the way we think has not changed.
Thinking is a bodily process. Our muscles talk and our brain processes a huge amount of data.
Current science is able to look into the living body to observe the process of thinking. Scientists think that thinking has a lot to do with seeing. A picture paints a thousand words when the objects (nouns) and the relations (verbs) between the objects are named.
Our ancient ancestors saw other ancestors, animals, rivers, mountains, trees, plants, stars, the sun and the moon. Nature was all around them and Nature was the source of their reasoning.
When you look at nature for a long time you come aware of all kinds of patterns. The Sun rises and disappears every day. The Moon shows itself in the same stages. The plants and the animals act according to these patterns. Observing Nature during day and night generates a theory of Nature and because Nature is cyclic the ancient theory of nature was a cyclic theory.
Our ancestors observed short and long term cycles with their eyes and created a theory of everything just like the current scientists are trying to do. The human has not changed and his ability to define and verify a theory has not changed also.
In our time we have developed highly advanced instruments to probe in the big and the small structures of Nature. We are able to look at the beginning of the Universe and we are able to look at the very small structures of Matter.
Just like our ancient ancestors we use the data of our new eyes, the instruments, to formulate a theory. The big question is if our theory looks a lot different from the theory of our ancestors.
The images our eyes detect are interpreted by the rest of our body. Sometimes we look with our Imagination (Daydreaming, Fantasy). Sometimes we look with our Emotions. We love or dislike what we see. Sometimes we look with our Expectation and see what we want to see (Verification) or don’t want to see (Falsification). The objective instruments of science project our subjective theory, our belief-system, upon our reality.
Many people would say that we have advanced in our knowledge of our reality. They believe history is a progressive process. It always moves up because we are learning all the time.
Our ancestors would say that history is a cyclic process. It moves Up and Down. Civilizations rise and disappear. History repeats itself all the time. The proof of their theory is visible everywhere we go but we ignore the evidence. We, the Western people, believe our civilization will stay forever because our supreme technology is able to solve every problem we will encounter.
The ancient people used different symbols, concepts and names to describe what they observed. We, the Western people, don’t spend much time to understand their theory because our theory of history proves that it is a waste of time to look back and learn from their experience and their comparable thinking process.
The most advanced theory of Physics is called String Theory. It was based on the so called Beta Function of Euler which describes the behavior of the string of a violin. The people that started the quest for the ultimate theory of physics highly believed in the harmony of the spheres, a concept promoted by the ancient scientist Pythagoras. Pythagoras was educated at the University of Heliopolis in Egypt.
Interesting enough the most promising variant of String Theory is called Loop Theory. It supposes that strings make close loops around flat surfaces called Branes. Just like our ancestors the creators of String Theory strongly believe in the concept of the closed cycle and there is a reason for this.
The simple reason is that you have to close our Universe somewhere. Our Universe is very big but there is a horizon, an end of the Universe, which is expanding into the nothing.
The smallest particles we can imagine also have a boundary and this boundary is closing the particle. Closing a system needs something that is closed in itself, a circle, a cycle or every other concept that returns in itself.
One of the most important ancient concepts of closure is the Ouroboros. It represents a snake that is eating itself. If you imagine the eating snake you will see that this snake compresses itself into a point and finally disappears into the nothing.
The modern mathematical term for the ultimate vanishing point is a Singularity, a hole in space and time, sometimes called a black hole.
A black hole is really the entrance to the singularity. It attracts matter in our space while the white hole ejects matter in a different space. The Ouroboros disappears but comes back in another world and starts to expand again. Modern theory supposes that our Universe has expanded out of the Singularity and will move back into this singularity, just like the concept of the Ouroboros is showing.
The ancient concepts are not of our days but they describe the same theory in a completely different way because the old scientists where using Nature as the Source of their concepts.
If the old scientists came with a comparable theory using different terms the big question is how they did it. They could not use the Large Hadron Collider to observe the small and the Hubble Telescope to observe the big. Their only instrument was the eye.
The ancient scientists used the rule “As Above, So Below” to make things easy for them.
If the old scientists would be asked to explain this statement in our terminology they would certainly make use of the concept of recursion. Recursion shows itself in the Russian dolls that contain dolls that contain dolls. The ancient scientist believed that the same rules repeat on every level of the Universe.
They also believed that every system is closed in itself. The Big Structures are connected to the Small Structures.
The point of positive Infinity is connected to the point of negative Infinity. The Up, the Down, Forward and Backward move around in a pattern called the Moebius Ring (the Symbol of Infinity). In higher dimensional space this pattern transforms into the Klein Bottle, the basic structure behind Alchemy. If you understand one level you understand every level.
In 1982, Benoît B. Mandelbrot formulated the same theory in his book The Fractal Geometry of Nature. In this book he coined the term “fractal” to name his recursive structures. At this moment many important physicists are convinced we live in a fractal universe.
The theory of the fractal universe implies that when you observe carefully with the human eye on our level of existence you are able to formulate a theory about every level of the Universe.
The old scientists went a little bit further and stated that our Inner Universe is also an expression of the Outer Universe (“As Within, So Without”). They united physics and psychology in one Theory of Everything.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a follower of the famous Sigmund Freud until he met Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900-1951). Wolfgang Pauli was a genius and devoted much of his time to Physics. In 1945 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics. At that time Albert Einstein called him his intellectual successor.
Wolfgang Pauli started to visit Carl Jung around 1930. At that time his life was in a terrible mess and Jung started to analyze his dreams just like Sigmund Freud had told him to do.
Jung detected many ancient themes in the dreams of Pauli. One of the most famous dreams of Pauli is the dream of “the World Clock“. This dream is a modern version of the dream of Ezekiel and the Tetramorph.
The dreams of Pauli were highly related to the hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance (John Dee, Robert Fludd, Paracelcus). The alchemists based their theories on the Ancient Egyptian Knowledge of Heliopolis.
Pauli and Jung started a life-long collaboration to explore the bridge between the Inner World of Psychology and the Outer World of Physics.
Jung was also highly interested in what was called the Pauli Effect. Wolfgang Pauli’s life was full of strange and meaningful occurrences of Telekinesis. Objects in the surroundings of Pauli started to lift without any physical explanation.
Finally Jung and Pauli were convinced that the Dream World, the Unconsciousness, was the primal source of inspiration. They also believed that this highly unknown part of the inner world of the human being was able to affect the outer world by producing meaningful signs. The telekinetic effects of Pauli were created by his own Unconsciousness.
They even believed that the force behind human creativity, Spirit, created and sustained the outside material world of our senses.
Pauli was one of the creators of a weird theory called Quantum Mechanics. The predictions of this theory were verified with the instruments of science and proved to be right all the time. The theory was weird because it detected a strange duality in physical reality. Light showed itself as a particle and a wave at the same time.
To explain this duality scientists moved far back in history and adopted the ancient Yin/Yang-concept as an explanation. This concept describes a constant cyclic movement of the Universe between two opposites, called Female and Male. When the two opposites are combined they are voided into Nothing. The three parts, Male, Female and the Void were called the Trinity.
The scientists of Quantum Mechanics proved that it was possible to influence this duality by the human mind of the observer when the two complementary parts of the mind unite and are voided. This happens when the human meditates or moves into trance.
In the meditative or trance state the brain resonates and entangles, becomes One, with the Electro-Magnetic Waves of Mother Earth, the Shumann Resonance, and the Waves of Life of the Universe.
In the strange terminology of Quantum Mechanics this state is called a Quantum Superposition and the union of the waves is called Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Entanglement moves with a speed much higher than the Speed of Light.
Sometimes the fragmented Tones of the Universe unite into one Symphony when the Strings of the many Violins are in Tune. Pythagoras, trained in ancient Heliopolis, explained the same thing a long time ago.
To explain Quantum Mechanics the scientists had to assume that our Universe is not the only Universe that is in existence. To solve the paradoxes they created the concept of the Parallel Universes. The only bridge between these universes is the Hole in Time/Space, the Singularity, which was there before the Duality came into existence.
The old scientists agreed on the number of seven parallel Universes. They are a combination of two Trinities, the upside Triangle of the Spirit and the downside Triangle of the Material World.
They called these Universes Heavens and Hells with our Universe, the Universe of the Heart, in the Middle.
They believed that the Shaman could travel between these universes in Space and Time with the help of his Light Body.
They also believed that the Human Soul, the Light Body, travels these universes in between the time of reincarnation.
In our Western World the Great Spirit of Creation is something many people consider a very old fashioned concept. The funny thing is that at this moment the new scientists introduce the same concepts the ancient scientists were using but with a different name. The modern Material Universe and the old fashioned Spiritual Universe are merging. The only thing we don’t want to accept is that the source of our creation could be a conscious being.
The discussion about Human Consciousness is a very complex discussion. The main reason is that scientists don’t agree about the concept itself.
Consciousness is often confused with Intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to be creative, to find simple solutions for complex problems. Consciousness is the ability to be aware of your own actions. We need our Consciousness to learn from our mistakes. We need our Intelligence to create new solutions to make new mistakes to start learning again.
Most people believe that Humans are the only organisms on earth that are Intelligent and Conscious. They accept the possibility that somewhere in our huge universe a comparable situation exist where extraterrestrials live. This possibility increases with the day because our highly advanced instruments are now able to detect comparable planets orbiting comparable suns in the galaxy.
The big problem is still the speed of light. According to the relativity theory of Einstein this speed is the maximum speed to travel space. Our possible companions in the universe are so far away that will be impossible to communicate with them.
Our advanced science is solving this problem too. At this moment scientists believe that the singularity now called a wormhole could make it possible to shorten the distance in space. If they are right space/time-travel will be soon a fact of life.
Some people believe animals are Intelligent and Conscious. They feel that their cat or dog or horse looks and acts a lot like the human being. Because of this believe they treat their pets just like human beings.
Scientists are already able to construct artificial humans and pets. They are convinced it will not take a long time to produce artificial human beings that are not distinguishable from the normal human being.
Scientists are desperately trying to define a difference between a conscious and intelligent machine and a conscious and intelligent human being and they are not succeeding at all. Soon they have to admit that their experiments with artificial life show that consciousness and intelligence are the properties of a fractal system.
The old scientists already believed that our universe is a highly intelligent conscious fractal machine put in motion by a creator to experience all the possibilities of his own potential. The creation machine, the Matrix, gave the creator the opportunity to experience itself, to become fully conscious.
We, the Humans, are an enfolding of the Creator into a deeper level of existence. We are not created by his image we are in his image. If we look deep in the mirror of ourselves we are able to see the creator.
The old scientists even believed they had broken the code of the software of the creation machine and therefore could become an immortal being, the creator of a new parallel universe, themselves.
Consciousness is created when the self encounters the self by a short or a long feed-back loop.
If this is true the Cycles are there to become aware of the machine and to break the code of the software of the machine to become a fully creative entity. When the self encounters and accepts the mirror of the self they merge into the nothing, the state of the Universe before the singularity came into existence.
The ancient scientists did not believe that the state of the Nothing was not existent. They believed that the primal state of creation was pure potential. It was a highly fluctuating state called the zero-point-field by our scientists and the Mystery by the old scientists. The zero-point-field generates everything that is possible.
It produces mysteries, things we cannot imagine, because we as parts of the enfolding are unable to imagine every thing that could exist. Our bodily pattern recognizer, the Brain, is not capable of doing this. Imagining every thing would turn our brain into a state of pure madness.
Madness and sickness is a state of the body ancient and modern humans have experienced through history. This state has many names in our current highly specialized society. The old scientists believed that Spirit was able to help people to become sane and healthy again.
They believed in independent conscious beings with a positive and a negative attitude. The Trinity and its many enfoldings on different levels (Archangels, Angels) could be asked to erase the negative powers to let the love of the Spirit heal the body and the soul.
The ancient scientists named the force that heals the Force of Life. They believed in four other forces called the Four Elements (Air, Fire, Earth and Water) with the Force of Life, the Void, in the Center.
The first two Forces, Male and Female, are part of the first Trinity, the Spiritual World. Male and not-Male are voided in the Void. They are opposites just like expanding space, Gravity (Fire, Heaven) and not-expanding, compressing, space, the Strong Nuclear Force (Earth). Its main job is to hold together the subatomic particles of the kernel of the Atom. In the beginning God, the Void, created the Heavens and the Earth.
On the second level of Enfolding of the Trinity, the Material World, four combinations of Male and Female are possible. Two of them (Male/Male = Male, Gravity, Female/Female = Female, the Strong Force), are part of the Spiritual World and repeat their existence in the Material World.
The two other forces, the Electro Magnetic Force (“Let there be light”) of Life and the Weak Force (Radioactive Decay, Darkness) of Death are a mixture of both Male and Female and are therefore oscillating forces. They are compressing and expanding and therefore look like waves (Water and Air). These forces are also voided in the Void which shows that the potential of the Void, the Force of Life, is available at every level of existence.
The ancient system of Physics was a highly logical, mathematical system just like our current theory of Physics is. It contained just two concepts expansion (Female) and compression (Male) and showed that the spiraling vortex of creation was a repeating combination of the Expansion of just two simple dynamic concepts that were in a balance all the time. They knew that in the end everything would be Compressed to return to the Mysterious creator, the Void, the State of Infinite Potential.
The ancient scientists used the terminology of Nature to explain their theory to the masses. They also used highly abstract geometric theories to calculate the movements of the levels of the fractal universe. These theories were only available for the initiates of their secret societies.
The main reason was that they were afraid of misuse of the power of their knowledge. Science was not only related to the game of invention but it was also a state of mind. Ethics, Physics, Art and Religion were expressions of the same fractal structure of the Universe, that originated out of the Love, the Attraction of the Void, the First Creator, for his own Mirrors.
The force that heals is still there and science is again on the verge of the rediscovery of ancient practices. The weird science of Quantum Mechanics proved the power of the mind and the force of life returned when the Mystery of the Void was transformed into the zero-point-field.
The power of the mind explains the placebo-effect feared by scientists who want to cure the body with chemical structures that exist on a very low level of the enfolding of the fractal universe. The pharmaceutical industry is using conscious entities (chemical forces) with little power while the powerful forces of the Archangels are still there.
The belief of the scientists in the healing power of nature itself has disappeared. They wanted to beat Nature with brains that are part of Nature itself. They wanted to beat their selves instead of uniting the male and female parts of their brains to become whole again.
In the dream state they saw the consequences of the steady increase of dominance of technology when the humans would start with agriculture. They believed Nature would take care of them when they lived according to the Dreaming. I think they were right.
The move from hunter/gatherer to farmer produced the advanced civilizations of the World. Every one of these civilizations did not survive the strange behaviors of Mother Nature, the Trickster, also called the Demiurg, represented by the Raven in the World Clock of Pauli.
I also think they forgot one thing. They forgot that the Cycles of the Wheel of Fortune of the Matrix we live in are a Machine that moves Back and Forth. It move far away from the Void into the Darkness to return back into the Light of the Mysterie.
The ancient scientists could calculate the short and long cycles of history and predicted a new Golden Age. They incorporated the predictions in their stories, buildings and artifacts. They knew that their scientific ancestors would try to explain their weird theories.
They knew that one day ancient science and modern science would converge because the cycles predicted that.
They knew that independent minds would return in every step of the cycle to repeat the same story again and again with different words and different concepts. They knew that history repeats itself all the time.
The only thing that is left for us is to take the consequences of our current understanding of our Universe.
Do we want to fight Nature with our technology until Nature fights back to create a new balance or do we want to return to the old knowledge of the Aboriginals and start again to cooperate with our Mother Earth.
The choice is yours.
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