Submitted by All Knowing on

The cause is usually a series of past lives where you have been criticized, questioned, put down and generally not accepted by others. These energy projections of other people’s thoughts and actions remain in your energy field now as trapped patterns of discordant energy that when triggered by circumstances in your current life will begin to “play” a familiar refrain. – Judy Satori
There is a reason people hate or downright loathe one another. Usually it is explicit, in other words they know the reason why or it is implicit as in they have not a clue. Even when it is implicit, there often seems to be something familiar about with the reason seemingly buried so deep it is irretrievable. This is the Karma of Loathing.
Ever have an inexplicable feeling of loathing for someone you just met or who has just entered your environment? You cannot put your finger on it in any reasonable way and you might even be cognizant that it might be a karmic playout. But why?
1. Past life fear and the emotions it manifests.
The truth is we really don’t hate anyone. We are uncomfortable of the emotions they stir within us because they are tied to past life dramas and traumas that have remained unresolved. This usually takes on the form of insecurities that bar and stall us from having a happy life and most likely connected to a past life or lives where we were jealous or the target of jealousy for example. Jealousy is a form of hate so we hate and/or loathe the person who is stirring that emotion.
2. Conflict of values.
Often this regards mutually conflicting values from a past life or lives. In the current life we may be confronted with someone who has an interest in common with you but does things regarding it in the opposite way. For example you may believe in the worth of a particular charity and donate generously. The other person may also have interest in this charity but write columns or do tweets against it because they feel it amplifies a social problem because those who benefit will stop doing work to help themselves.
3. Residual biases.
It is often said that biases are learned through conditioning and the childhood environment however they can also come through the veil. This includes ethnicity or physiological characteristics and involves negative judgments, prejuidce and the suffering that had ensued from them.
4. Cumulative guilt.
Guilt at one time or another is an emotion we all carry. On a past life level it is one of the most difficult issues to deal with when someone else stirs it up. In some esoteric systems it’s called the soul-chaser. In a sense it is unspoken badgering which fuels anger which is outwardly directed as loathing of another.
5. Revenge.
This is like the residual hot coal you want to throw at someone but instead you keep burning your own hand, which in turn makes you angry and leads to the loathing of another who is somehow stirring the anger pot. Vindication for some past life act is sought but rarely works out the way it is hoped to work out. Residual envy is often behind this one.
Honest inner and outer self-examination may help to pinpoint if your loathing is tangible or perceived and least open one up to the realization that karmic residuals are a possibility. If you decide karmic residuals for loathing another or of self-loathing seem evident for you take it as a healthy sign. It is the beginning of cleaning up your act or your inner house and you will be all the better for it. Less to do next time around.
“Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognizance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
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