Submitted by Anon I Must on
by Joseph Ho
The great philosopher named Lao Tze, made his own great observation of the universe some 531BC. He said, "The Dao that can be named is not the Dao, he who can define the Dao has already negated the Dao." This was the reverence he had given to the Great Way, the Dao is also known as the Way. Essentially, the Dao is infinite, anyone can observe the Dao, it is everywhere around us. The Dao does not interfere yet it nourishes, and governs all things within its sphere of influence.
The Dao is essentially a system of spiritual laws that shows the way, guides the way, is everywhere and its free from any biasness. It does not discriminates, it accepts and welcome all things as they are. The big and the small, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the short and the tall, the dirty and the clean, the front and the back. Only men stereotypes things and makes them good and bad. The Dao as explained is the supreme laws over the universe, it comes from the void and went into creating all things that were empty. This is almost another view of the Genesis creation of the universe by God who created all things from nothing except by the command of his supreme voice. The Dao can be describes as the Sun that gives life to all things, it provided the energy of life to everything without discriminations. The Dao, however is not the Sun. Therefore it is devoid of any selfish thoughts, it is unbias, its neutral, it gives without warranting any returns, it just gives without receiving. Lao Tze used this simple explanation to explain the generousity, unselfish acts of the Dao.
The Dao essential teaches, it exists without words, it display itself and presents its ways without imposing on nature, it just is. The Dao is then the Great, I am. He who controls everything using his knowledge and understanding will meet with his limitations. All things that does not follow the Dao will come into eternal balance of decay as it cannot fight the Dao of time. The Dao therefore is the eternal spiritual will of the universe, although hard to define, all nature obeys the Dao. The Dao is not a religion its an observation of the works of a creative intelligent force, it presents the reality of the management of things. Human knowledge that is contrary to the Dao brings desire and pain and it is counter to the eternal Dao, the great Spiritual Will. Spiritual because it is not tangible, yet it is tangible in force. Not a thing but a systematic law of the universe, it exists eternally as the Way of things.
The Dao is in its very basic sense advocates a way to see things as God sees the world. For God is not discriminating, God does not interfere daily in our lives, God exists and gives us life without demanding any reward for no men can give to God what God has not already given to us. The Dao, is a description of the very essense of God goodness in the universe that can be seen in natural and Lao Tze has captured this essense of wisdom. The Dao is a godlike attitude and behaviour of seeing things through the eyes of God. The Dao is therefore realised through revelation and not learning through human ways, its reflection of the things in the universe. Lao Tze does not acknowledge that there is a God of the universe, he only observes its effects on the universe. No language can fully describe the Dao, or spiritual Will of the Universe.
Since the Dao is so wonderful, powerful, and eternal, he has no name for it except he uses a pseudo name call the Dao. He calls it the Dao, a force without any character and is neutral it treats everyone with the same reverence, it does not discriminate. Thus, Lao Tze can only acknowledge its exsitence and its mystical force that controls and governs the way of the universe in silence. He therefore asserts that if we can name the Dao then we limits its power and therefore discredit the works of the Dao. He was indeed in awe of the Supreme God. Man cannot create anything in the Universe, man can only rearrange things to make a different function of things which already exist in the universe. So man is subjected to the dominion of the Dao. The Dao exerts its spiritual hidden powers without being too prominent. It can only be realised with a grateful heart that is at peace within and without. A heart that is dedicated to the understanding of Truth.
The Dao is a great exposition of a man who does not know God but has made a great observation of the handiworks of God, it is almost similar to the Book of Job. Anyone who has read the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation can then understand that the Dao which Lao Tze has mentioned, that second great selling book in the world besides the bible is an oriental chinese exposition of the great works and spiritual will or laws of the Almighty God. Daoism is thus not a religion in the beginning it was a works of observation of the universe according to the eyes of God. The Dao thus points us to look at the world through a godlike mind and observe his ways. It advocates being in harmony witn the ways of god and creation. Lao Tze says the Dao is the gateway towards the infinite force that creates all things in the universe. The earth is the great artwork of God with true observation all people will come to the true knowledge of God and his existence, just as Lao Tze called it the Dao, the Christian calls it The Kingdom of God. Today, the Dao has evolved into a religion called Daoismdue to the desire of human wanting to subject all seekers to specific schools of thoughts, but in the beginning it was not so as Lao Tze intended it to be.
But Lao Tze didnt name the Dao, God, he said it cannot be named so he gave it a pseudo name Dao. He said the Dao cannot be named when you name it, it becomes finite when it is infact infinite. Today, we have a name for the Dao which Lao Tze didnt know. The Dao as described by Lao Tze in 531BC is in truth called the Spiritual Kingdom of God. Lao Tze has in fact described the Spiritual Kingdom of God in his own words and definition. Lao Tze has written a book with no name called the Dao. Now as of today, the Dao has a name, I have given it this name. The mysterious Book of the Dao is in fact the Spiritual Kingdom of God.To those who disagree, read the Dao and then read the bible, they both are speaking about the creation of God and his universal laws of the Kingdom of God using different names and abstract words essentially describing the same thing. However, the gateway into the infinite creator is the name Jesus, for he said, " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father (God) except through me." Jesus is the gateway to the infinite God, without him no one can enter into the kingdom of God.
There is only one source of Universal Truth. If you want to know more about the truth, search for the ebook titled, "The Real Narrow Path into The Hidden Kingdom of God." Cheers and God bless you all and may the Holy Spirit guides you into all Truths.
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