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Color healing is a technique of restoring imbalance by means of applying color to the body. It was a popular method of cure in ancient Egypt. About 3000 years ago, color light was applied therapeutically and "color halls" were used for healing by ancient Egyptian healer Priests.
The ancient Egyptians worshiped the sun and based their lifestyles on the elements. These elements where a controlling force of nature and determined so much of their existence.
In ancient Egypt, an ancient form of medicine practiced for thousands of years, was based on the idea that every individual contains five elements of the universe, which include: earth, water, air, fire, and spirit. These elements are present in specific proportions unique to each individual, including their personality type and constitution. When these elements are out of balance, The Egyptian healer Priests worked with the energies inherent in the colors of the spectrum to restore this balance.
The art of healing with color in ancient Egypt was founded by the god Thoth. In the tradition, the Ancient Egyptians used colored minerals, stones, crystals, salves, and dyes as remedies, and painted treatment sanctuaries in various shades of color. They believed color to be associated with each organ and elemental system. This healing method looks at the idea that every individual is a balance of the five elements, and each element has an associated color, Green, red, yellow, white and blue. each color is also associated with a musical note or tone: RED-G, YELLOW-B, GREEN-C, AND BLUE-D
The ancient Egyptians divided all these colors into two groups: the plus group (red and yellow) and the minus group (green and blue). Colors of the plus group produce excitement and cheerfulness. Colors of the minus group are associated with calmness and deep feelings. They observed that green and blue give a feeling of coolness and that red and yellow give a warming effect.
In addition, the ancient Egyptians were aware of the bactericidal action of solar ultra-violet energy, and knew the possibility of assisting the healing of wounds with visible light. They used red light to inhibit the formation of smallpox and like scars and used colored light to treat respiratory diseases and tuberculosis. They also believed that Blue and red colors are at the two extremes with yellow and green representing the midpoints.
From the beginings of ancient Egypt, light was the metaphor for spirituality and enlightenment, it can be found all around us. Therefore, it is easily accessible, yet only available to those who notice or care to pay attention. They believed in the healing power of sunlight, and that it shows us the path to achieve eternal health, in the physical world and in the after-life.
Today ancient Egyptian theories and practice in the healing arts are more important than ever, because of the ailments that threaten humankind with ever-increasing force. These ailments are due to an over-abundance of technical innovation, to the hardships and struggles of everyday life, and to nourishment, which is not fit for human consumption. The connection with the source of Nature has been almost completely lost; nor is it surprising that orthodox medicine has followed the path of "modern science" and attempted to substitute thousands of chemical preparations.
Ancient Egyptian healing Priests treated a variety of ailments, including burns, nervous excitability, and cold in the extremities. They used solarized water, and colored jars and colored lenses. They were aware that water becomes medicated by colored rays of light, which emanate from the Sun. Today we know that by placing distilled water into a glass colored jar or tumbler we can manipulate matter by altering vibrational frequencies through applied color or sound. This simple yet profound therapy can be used in meditation and healing, by drinking the colored, solarized water that corresponds with the color of the body energy point.
The ancient Egyptian healer Priests also knew of the physiologic effects of individual colors and how they would correspond with the actions of certain minerals, which show that color. They assigned specific attributes of the colors to behavioral attributes of physiology. They also determined formulations with applying colored light directly to the body to influence physical injury and illness. They were the first to develop a system of healing utilizing the colors of the spectrum, specifically: red, yellow, green, and blue.
The ancient Egyptians knew that every substance on earth contains color. Even the rays cast on earth by celestial bodies contain color in the form of white light. The rays of the sun contain the colors - blue, green, yellow, and red. These are natural colors which are highly beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing diseases.
They knew that there are numerous ways to heal and balance with color, and that energy follows thought. Where we put our thoughts, this is where the energy goes. By concentrating on a particular healing color, it is the visualization of that color that will be projected. If we focus on a color, the energy emanates from our body and begins to change the frequency that resonates with that particular color.
Color is light. Light, which is split into different wavelengths vibrating at different speeds and different frequencies. Objects that absorb all wavelengths and do not reflect any, are black. Objects that reflect all wavelengths and do reflect all, are white. Between black and white lies color. Colors are wavelengths of energy that, to us, appear as color because of the potential and capabilities of the object to either absorb or reflect the energy. This basic principle is how we experience color.
Every substance on earth contains color. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors - violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These are natural colors, which are highly beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing diseases.
Color healing was valued throughout the history of ancient Egypt as a remarkable source of healing. Today, the therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major hospitals and research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum, ultraviolet, colored, and laser light can have therapeutic value for a range of conditions from chronic pain and depression to immune disorders.
The oldest form of light therapy is natural sunlight, which is the ultimate source of full-spectrum light. Different wavelengths stimulate different aspects of our physiology, all playing a vital role in our functioning. We especially need natural light with its subtle variations that act on our well-being. The rhythm of dark and light from day and night and the full-spectrum of light is essential to our circadian rhythms (biological clock), endocrine, immune, sexual and nervous systems.
Our modern style is different from that of our ancient predecessors in one unique way — we live our lives inside. We spend most of our time in closed quarters, be it in our offices, stores, factories, theaters or homes. We place our children into classrooms for the most part of their days, since their early years. We travel in closed vehicles, often with shaded glass to block the sunlight, or commute and shop entirely under ground. We have become concerned over the ozone hole in our atmosphere and its potential harmful consequences, so we readily vacate sunny beaches and often replace them with timed sessions in man-made light-emitting pods.
Ever since the early humans discovered they could make fire at will, the importance of the sunlight was made relative. Nowadays, we routinely substitute daylight with various types of illumination of our own making — candle light, gas light, light from incandescent bulbs or fluorescent tubes. Our lives offer minimal exposure to sunlight. When we do venture outside, we continue to shield ourselves from the sole source of life in universe — sunlight — by wearing sunglasses, hats and long sleeves, by applying sunscreens and staying in the shade as much as possible. We consciously choose to live an unnatural life in artificial surroundings. Only a hundred years ago most people spent 75% of their time outside, today the reverse applies. Yet, we were not made for such an existence.
Full spectrum light, at the proper intensity, is essential to the production of Vitamin D in our skin and the metabolism of calcium; the amount of calcium in the system regulates not only our bones, but also our nerves and the thinking process. Nevertheless, we do not readily associate ailments and disorders with our confined lifestyle. Only recently have we identified one – seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – and only in a certain percentage of the population (statistics show that 10 to 25% of North Americans occasionally exhibit symptoms of SAD).
Meanwhile, we are faced with myriad conditions, afflictions and diseases for which the Western allopathic medicine offers no compelling explanation or treatment. Chronic anemia, unexplained organ failures, the surge of cancers regardless of age and gender, mental illnesses, depression in all of its modalities and forms — all these signals are diagnosed, recorded and addresses solely as independent events in the lives of individuals (or as statistical data), not as symptoms of a single, planetary condition. Medical doctors always look at ill people to establish what is wrong with them; they do not study the healthy population to understand and define the essence of health.
Naturally, our bodies do not use incandescent or fluorescent devices; to survive, they require the color energy carried by natural light, which the sun gives for internal and external use. Light, when shone through a prism, splits and reveals itself through specific colour categories including red, having a long wavelength, to yellow, green, and blue having a short wavelength — this is our visible colour spectrum. It is a perfect mirror image of our rainbow. Have you ever wondered why we get so excited, feel like a child again and marvel so much at a rainbow after a spring shower?
Perhaps, it is a reflection of our own true inner beauty, our inner source of light. Whether we admit it or not, at a spiritual level, we all feel our inner child within and will chase rainbows until we find our pot of gold outside ourselves, which, of course, doesn’t exist. Perhaps we need to discover our rainbow located within each and every one of us at a soul/heart level. When we find that ‘pot of gold’ within, we will not need to search anymore. You’ll know it is an all-encompassing, complete ‘inner’ knowing. Colour can assist you in achieving the unimaginable.
RED relates to the body energy point situated at the base of the spine
The organs to which this body energy point relates are the kidneys and bladder. (The kidneys are formed within the pelvis and here they link, although prior to birth they rise to the position higher in the body with which we are more familiar). The vertebral column, hips and legs are also areas related to this energy point. The endocrine gland to which this colour relates is the adrenal gland.
On the psycho-spiritual level, this body energy point relates to self awareness. That is to say our awareness of ourselves as human beings and our place on earth. It is the area of survival and relates to our basic human instincts of fight or flight. Red gives us courage and strength. The colour relates to stability and security.
Some problems associated with this body energy point are: constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn's disease, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, problems with hips, legs, feet, tailbone, vagina, urinary organs, and adrenaline glands. Fatigue, fear, and anxiety are often caused by the missing contact with red energy.
Red is the lowest of the seven colours in the visible spectrum and is known as a "warm" colour. It is stimulating and energising therefore it is helpful for tiredness and lethargy, to stimulate low blood pressure, to boost sluggish circulation.
RED is used to energise and stimulate. It affects the heart by increasing pulse rate, and the muscles by increasing their tension. It influences vitality, and increases body temperature. It can be used to develop excitement and sensuality.
The color red was associated with lust, passion, love, and beauty as well. Psychological research has shown that men find women who are wearing red more attractive.
Red catches people's attention, and is often used either in a negative way to indicate danger and emergency, or in a positive way in advertising to gain more viewers, or in nature, as a ripe fruit announces its readiness with its red color. Several studies have indicated that red carries the strongest reaction of all the colors
In the ancient Egypt RED was associated with sexuality in marriage relationships through its connection to heat and fertility. It was also the color of wealth and beauty. Red the color was a symbol of life and health, and sick people were painted with it.
The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
RED is a stimulating and energizing color. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. Used as a general tonic, it is very valuable in the treatment of diseases like low blood pressure, rheumatism, paralysis, anemia and advanced cases of tuberculosis.
YELLOW relates to the SOLAR PLEXUS body energy point, situated below the ribs. The organs to which this energy point relates are the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestine. The endocrine gland is the pancreas.
On the psycho-spiritual level, YELLOW relates to self worth. How we feel about ourselves and how we feel others perceive us. This is the area of the personality, the ego and the intellect and of self confidence.
Some of the associated problems with this body energy point are: nervousness, sadness, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer, Coeliac's disease, gall stones, ulcers, catarrh of the large intestine, parasites, weight problems, poor digestion, and diabetes.
YELLOWis one of the colours in the lower half of the visible spectrum. It is known as a "warm" colour and has a stimulating effect. It is the colour of the intellect and can be very helpful with study and where concentration is required
YELLOW increases neuromuscular tone. Purifies blood, helps digestion, and has a cleansing effect. Strongly stimulates happiness, brings on a sense of security, as well as a strong feeling of well-being.
Yellow is the color of intellect and it is used for mental clarity. Linked to the sun and the lion, it is connected to source of creation was it's frequency emerges into higher frequencies.
The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it.
Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
YELLOW energy gives power for digestion, constipation, flatulence in the intestine, liver problems, diabetes, and skin problems. Yellow energy may help cleanse the pores of the skin and is a great brain stimulant.
Associated with joy and happiness, yellow is laxative and diuretic. It is a stimulant to the brain, the liver and the spleen. It is also effective in the treatment of indigestion, kidney and liver disorders, constipation, eye and throat infections, syphillis and impotence.
YELLOW has a powerful effect on the nervous system and assists the left brain in operation. Yellow energy is good for children in that it enhances their ability to perceive and understand.
YELLOW corresponds to the biggest nerve plexus in the body, the solar plexus. Through the solar plexus, all the digestive organs such as the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder and pancreas are affected.
Yellow is used to find warmth and radiant energy. It helps with flexibility, self awareness, self control and keeping your personal power. Yellow gives logic, humor, efficiency and organization.
GREEN relates to the heart body energy point. Associated organs to this energy point are the heart and breasts. The gland is the thymus gland.
Some associated problems relating to this energy point are: heart diseases, diseases of the Immune system, for example, Aids and ME (myalgia encephalomyelitis, sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome or post viral syndrome); other problems related to the immune system and allergies, cancer of the breast. GREEN allows balance to the heart, lungs, bronchia, arms, hands, and secondary system, to soothe the nerves, help tension headaches, chronic problems, digestive problems,
and the need to calm down
GREEN is a balancing colour, in the middle of the visible spectrum. It regulates the pituitary gland, fights depression, bulimia, and other psychosomatic conditions affecting the gastric system. It is useful in calming the nervous system, fights irritability, insomnia and can be used to assist in recovery from nervous breakdowns.
GREEN is also associated with regeneration, fertility and rebirth for its connections to nature and it is sometimes associated with nausea and sickness. The color GREEN is also linked to healing and alchemy.
The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Green is the harmonizing, balancing energy. It has strong influences on the heart and blood supply. Green has much to do with the way you feel about yourself. It is associated with abundance and giving. It's strong tie to nature is very important in order to be balanced, peaceful, harmonious.
GREEN energy gives a feeling of renewal, new life, freshness, and clarity. The heart is the center of the soul and it is the heart that makes us one with our fellow human. Most importantly, it harbors love energy, the leading principle of life. Being with loved ones, family, and friends, strengthens the heart energy.
GREEN is regarded as a color of harmony. It is a mild sedative. It is useful in the treatment of nervous conditions, hay fever, ulcers, influenza, malaria , colds, sexual disorders and cancer. It preserves and strengthens eyesight. Being highly medicinal and depressive, it is of great help in the treatment of inflammatory conditions.
In using green -- we must accept and allow love in our hearts and learn to give it without expecting anything in return. When our heart center is balanced, we are able to give positive feelings and happiness, unconditionally.
GREEN governs the circulatory system, which includes the heart and its flow through the arms hands, legs and feet. Green energy brings growth, compassion, unconditional love, openness, forgiveness, acceptance and contentment. Use green for nurturing, generosity, harmony, assertiveness and to help heal loss.
BLUE relates to the Throat body energy point. Associated organs to this energy point are the throat, lungs and the endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. The upper digestive tract can be affected by imbalance in this area.
Some associated problems relating to the throat energy point are: Thyroid problems - over active/ under-active; Anorexia nervosa, asthma; bronchitis; hearing problems; tinnitus, problems of the upper digestive tract; mouth ulcers, sore throats, tonsillitis. BLUE can calm your mind and nerves, help throat problems, sleep problems, menstrual problems, eye, ear, nose, throat problems, shock problems, and fevers.
BLUE is calming, relaxing and healing. It can be used in any rooms except those used for physical activity or play. It stimulates the parasympathetic system,
reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate.
It has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects.
Fights both physical and mental tension and is used to assist in relaxation.
Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. It is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. good for fevers, calming the body and mind, raising frequency, etc. Blue is the color of electricity. Blue also connects with the body energy point located between and slightly above the eyebrows.
The need for a particular color's vibration seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. When you absorb a color vibration it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color, is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Blue represents the spiritual aspects of our life. The sky and the ocean give us the feeling that life is an endless process. Blue is the greatest healing power in the world. Blue is the color of purity and those who enjoy it, carry with them a sense of calmness, peace, serenity, and beauty.
Relating to the throat energy point, we express ourselves, connecting with sound and voice, carrying power with our words. BLUE energy is peaceful and soothing. Calming tired nerves, alleviating agony and pain we suffer from physical stress.
It has a pacifying effect over our nervous system and brings us great relaxation. Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reducing bleeding and heals burns. It is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, colic, asthma, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure and skin aberrations.
In using blue -- blue connects us to a spiritual and higher ground. The nature of blue energy is to connect our beings with the cosmic universe.
BLUE controls the throat, thyroid, parathyroid, lungs, mouth. BLUE allows for the freedom of expression, both verbally and artistically. It helps with the easy flow of communication either with other people or listening to your own thoughts and feelings.
BLUE offers reliability, gentleness, kindness, integrity, honesty, loyalty, endurance and commitment.
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