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The Coronation Stone is one of the most important relics of the British Empire. According to legend, the Stone was transported from the Holy Land to Ireland, taken to Scotland and in 1296 captured by King Edward I of England. From that time the Stone stayed in Westminster Abbey in London until November 15, 1996. At that time the Stone was brought back to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland.
The Coronation Stone has many names. It is called ‘the Royal seat of Marble’, ‘the Pharaoh’s Stone’, ‘the Stone of Celebrated Memory’, ‘the Stone of Scotland’, ‘the Regal Stone’, ‘the Stone of Scone’, ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ and the name by which it was known in Gaelic – the ‘Lia Fail’ – translated as the ‘Stone of Destiny’.
On Christmas Day, 1950, four Scottish students heisted the Stone from under the Coronation Throne in Westminster Abbey, dumped it in the trunk of their car, and drove off with it. About four months later the rock was recovered but many people believe this stone is a copy of the original stone. If this is true the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1952 was an illegal coronation.
An eyewitness description of the ‘Stone of Destiny’ was made by an Englishman, Walter de Hemingford, who attended the coronation of John Baliol in 1292 A.D. He depicted it as “Concavus quidem ad modum rotundae cathedrae confectus“, i.e. “hollowed and made in the form of a round chair“.
The 14th century English ‘Chronicles of Melsa’ also describe the Stone of Scone as being “hollowed out, and partly fashioned in the form of a round chair”. The coronation stone in Edinburgh Castle does not fit this description.
What was the original meaning of the Stone of Destiny?
The name ‘The Stone of Destiny’ is an English translation of the Gaelic words ‘Lia‘, a great stone, and ‘Fail‘, meaning fatal; hence ‘fate‘. However, the ‘Lia Fail’ was originally known to the Irish as the ‘Lia Faileas“. Faileas doesn’t mean fate at all, but rather spectral, or spiritual shadow.
The Spiritual Shadow is a major theme in many old religions. The Egyptians believed that a human being consisted of five separate parts or elements. Those were the body itself (“ha’), the personality of the person (‘ba’), the life force of the person (‘ka’), the name of the person (‘ren’), and, most significantly from our point of view, the shadow of the person.
The shadow of the body was considered an important and integral part of an individual and its name, according to Egyptologists, was the ‘shut’. The Egyptian aim was to keep the shadow alive after death to make it possible to travel space/time. The Lia Faileas was an instrument to travel time/space or in current terminology, a portal.
What is the Lia Faileas?
Irish legends inform us that the Lia Faileas was one of the four great treasures given to the Celts by the De Danaan, a mythical god-like people of early Ireland; the other three treasures being an invincible sword (the Sword of Nuada), a fiery spear red with blood (the Spear of Destiny) and a cauldron of plenty (The Cauldron of Dagda) from the fabled cities of Gorias, Finias and Murias respectively.
The Lia Faileas, exclusively for use in the coronation of kings, was gifted from the city of Faileas, which means ‘the Place of Shadow’.
The Tuatha de Danaan also called The Danu came from the “Land of Youth”, called Tír na nÓg in Irish Gaelic. Tír na nÓg was situated in some distant land, possibly an island or group of islands. Tír na nÓg may have something to do with Mu.
What is Jacob’s Pillar?
The Story of Jacob’s Pillar starts in Genesis.
Genesis 28:11 “And he (Jacob) lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put [them for] his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
He dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it And, behold, the “I AM” stood above it, and said, I [am] the “I AM” God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed (Jacob’s) shall be as “the dust of the earth”, and thou shalt spread abroad to the West, and to the East, and to the North, and to the South: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I [am] with thee, and will keep thee in all [places] where thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done [that] which I have spoken to thee of.
And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the “I AM” is in this place; and I knew [it] not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful [is] this place! this [is] none other but the house of God, and this [is] the gate of heaven.
And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the Stone that he had put [for] his pillows, and set it up [for] a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel (House of God): but the name of that city [was called] Luz at the first.
And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the “I AM” be my God: And this Stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God’s house (Bethel): and of all that Thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto Thee“.
Jacob takes the Stone with him to Egypt and passes the Stone to Joseph (Gen 49:24). The Stone is (Num 14:33) taken over by Moses when the Exodus takes place and brought to Canaan (1413 BC). It is moved to Shechem. Many Kings are crowned at the Stone (Abimelech, Rehoboham, Joash). Later the Stone is brought to Jerusalem.
Upon the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, (2 Maccabees 2: 4-8) Jeremiah takes the Ark, the Tabernacle and the Stone and hides them in a cave on Mount Nebo. Later he flees with the royal princesses to Egypt and finally to Ireland.
The ancient Irish records record the coming of “the Great Prophet,” “Brugh” his scribe (Baruch), and the daughter of a “Egyptian” king (Tea Tepi), about 583 B.C.
The Princess marries the Zarahite King, Eochaidh II. The Stone is kept at the capital city of Tara for some three centuries, and all the kings, descendants of Eochaidh and Tea Tephi, are crowned on it.
About 350 B.C., it was sent to Scotland for the coronation of Fergus, King of Scots, who was a descendant of the Milesian kings of Ireland. It remained in Scotland, and all Scottish kings were crowned on it, until 1297 A.D. when King Edward I of England invaded Scotland and captured the Stone and placed it in Westminster Abbey.
The Story of Jacob’s Pillow has a huge impact. If it is true the royal bloodline of Abraham and the major relics of his tribe (The Stone, the Ark, the Tabernacle) are taken to Ireland (Tara) and later moved to other places (perhaps Scotland (Scotia, Scone), England). The Stone of Destiny that is now placed in Edinburgh Castle is certainly not Jacob’s Pillar and certainly not Lia Faileas. The last one may be buried in Tara. It is not sure that Jacob’s Pillar is the same stone as the Lia Faileas. The Lia Faileas seems to be a lot older.
Let’s continue with the investigation.
The history of Ireland starts with a tribe known as the Picti (Painted People). They brought iron forging skills to Scotland and the north-east of Ireland in the seventh century BCE. The Picti were followed by Celtic Tribes from Belgium, France and Spain. The mythical Milesians are commonly accepted as the historical Celtic Gaels and therewith the ancestors of all the Irish.
Who are the Milesians?
The legend of the Milesians begins in the Holy Land at the time of the Tower of Babel. One man, Fenius or Feinas, sent scholars over the world to learn all the languages. He handpicked the best language and named it Goidelic, the precursor of Gaelic. The next step was to assign land to the Goidelic speaking tribe. Years passed and Fenius’ son, Neil or Niul, got married with Scota, the daughter of the pharaoh.
There is some evidence that Scota is the daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten named Meritaten. The name scota was original written as sceadu which has a lot in common with the Egyptian word shut, the Shadow. Scota is not the name of the Princess but the name of the attribute, the “stone of destiny” or the “portal”.
Scota gave birth to a boy named Gaedhael or Gadheal Glas. One day Gaedhael was bitten by a snake and he went to Moses for relief. Moses prayed to God and touched the bite with his staff. Miraculously the bite healed and Moses gave Gaedhael his staff stating God commands and I command that this boy’s descendants will live in a land free from snakes.
Moses was the principal advisor of Pharaoh Akhenaten. There is lot of evidence that the religion that was created by Moses is the same religion Akhenaten wanted to create in Egypt.
Generations passed until Sru, a successor of Gaedhael, and his tribe was forced to leave Egypt. Their first stop was Crete, like Ireland an island without snakes. They tried to settle on Crete, but after five generations of war they moved on and went to the Iberian Peninsula, nowadays Spain and Portugal.
Breogán, a descendant of Gaedhael, decided to build a tower on the northern coast of the peninsula. One day his son, Ith, climbed the tower and spotted a strip of land on the horizon. They decided to move to this place by boat. One the major inhabitants of the fleet was an Egyptian Princess also named Scota.
There is much evidence that the Tower was built in Gibraltar. This fits with the idea that the origins of the Irish are the Celtic Gaels who came from Spain. The “second” Scota is the same person who was named Tea Tepi in the story of Jacob’s Pillar. There is very strong evidence that “Egyptians” lived in Tara.
When the fleet arrived at what they called Innis Fail, translated as Island of Promise or Island of Destiny, they ran into the Thuata de Danaan. After many battles an agreement was reached.
The Milesians were allowed to occupy Éire and they allowed the Tuatha de Danaan to live underground in Sidh or Sidhe, invisible places of Tír na nÓg, Land of the Young, to bring their magical powers to perfection and to serve the ordinary mortal people. From that moment on the Milesians and consequently the Irish in the mortal world are honoring the immortal half-gods and fairy-folks of Tír na nÓg.
If the legend of The Milesians is true the Milesians, the Irish, are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, fulfil the old prophesies in the Bible. Some people in Ireland believe this is the case. Many other ethnic groups in the World claim the same.
It is very clear that many old legends are mixed up. To find the “truth” we have to have a look at where the original legends came from.
Where do the Milesians come from?
According to legend the Milesians originated in Scytia. The “Scytians” are Iranian-speaking peoples who ranged across the Eurasian steppes during the first millennium B.C.E. They were celebrated for their hoards of exquisitely carved golden art in the animal style, their superb horsemanship, their elaborate armor and excellent metal weaponry, their skill as archers, their bravery and strength, and their nomadism. They lived all across Central Asia to the borders of China. The Scyths were known by many names such as the Sarmatians and the Alans (From Iran, Aryan).
From archeological, artistic, historical, and linguistic evidence, we know that these northern Iranian peoples had a European appearance and that they were often blond-haired and blue-eyed.
The Sarmatians and the Alans wandered to Europe and came into contact, and eventually in conflict, with the Romans. In 175 AC they were defeated by the forces of Marcus Aurelius after which 5,500 of them were sent to Britain to defend the Hadrian’s Wall. The overwhelming majority of them never returned to their homeland. They are probably the originators of many Iranian Stories and Legends.
There is much more evidence that shows that a major part of the Irish Myths are really Iranian Myths that were taken to Ireland by the Sarmatians and the Alans. These myths include the Magical Caudron, The Magical Swords and The Sword in the Stone (Arthur & Mozes).
Who are the Druids?
The Sarmatians and Alans were assisted by Magicians, the Druids. The Druids were first recorded in the Aristotelian work “Magicus” (200 B.C.) in which they are termed “druidae”. The origin of the word is unknown but it could mean “Immersed in knowledge” (dru-wid). The term “Magi” or ‘Magoi’, means ‘bearers of the gift’.
At this moment we would call these special gifts para-normal abilities. Druids or Magi (The Iranian term), were able to Travel Time/Space, Explain Dreams, Foretell the Future, Heal the Sick, Communicate with the Dead and Read the Soul.
The Tools of the Magi are well known. They used a Sword (to Paint a Circle of Protection), a Wand (representing Growth), wore a special Cap (The Phrygian Cap ), used a Caldron (representing the Heart), Incantations and a Mirror (the symbol of Wisdom, Reflection). The magical tools are still visible in the Symbols of the Playing Cards (Swords, Cups (Caldron), Wands. Pentacle (The Ring of Protection)).
The magi served in the courts of the Chinese Emperor, and studied alongside the priests, priestesses and philosophers of Greece (Pythagoras, Plato), Rome, India and Egypt. They influenced the Templar Knightsand were the cause of theAge of Chivalry (Amor) and ultimately the production of the Grail legends.
The origin of the Iranian Magi (or the Chaldees, servants of God) can be traced back to the Old Testament. The Magi are the descendants of Arpachsad, son of Shem, son of Noah, the Archfather of Abraham.
What is the knowlegde of Druids?
The knowledge of the Magi was taken over by the Essenes. When they were converted to Christianity they became Manichaean. In the Islamic religion they became the Sufis and later in France they came back as the Cathara. When they were Jewish they were called Kabbalists. Wherever they went to escape the violence of their many persecutors the magian Christians were progressively exterminated.
What is the Stone of Destiny?
Esoteric or Hermetic texts contain many Levels. The Universe consists of many Levels. Every time when a Level is mastered a new Level shows itself.
The Stone of Destiny is an object of the Material Level. The Druids and Magi knew that this level was totally unimportant. The “real” Universe was covered by a veil and this veil only showed the Material Part.
The Magic Caldron or the Grail was a symbol of the Heart and the Wand was a symbol of the Tree of Knowledge. They did not need tools to look behind the Veil. They used their special Gift.
They knew that the Shadow was the complement of their Male or Female part. The Shadow has to be mastered to find Total Integration. This is also the aim of the practice of Alchemy (The Rubedo, Reddening). The integration of the Shadow also happened to Jacob when he wrestled with the Angel (Elokim, The Unknown, the Unconsciousness) who dislocated his hip and gave him the name Israel, the Integration of Esau and Jacob (The Good and the Bad).
The Stone is the symbol of the Foundation (Yesod), the Sexual Energy also called the Kundalini, that has to be transformed into Spiritual Energy (The Astral Light, Chi or Prana). The White Astral Light (The Rainbow) is the Energy that is given by Al-What-Is, the I AM WHAT I AM, to the Magus/Druid to Heal, Hear, Know and See when they have realized the final Connection to the One.
I hope you understand where the Thuata De Danaan (Danan, Danu, Anu (Heaven)) came from. They are the Spirits that live in the OtherWorld, the World of Shadows, The Promised Land, Heaven, The Garden of Eden, MU. They are the Gardians of Nature and are still protecting Mother Earth.
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