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Lucid Dream: Fighting monster with antacid

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Its not often that I dream, and also not often that I have very vivid lucid dreams. Had one this morning that was pretty much like a Hollywood horror movie. Where the main characters runs through the building trying to escape the thing chasing them, only to find some really corny and stupid way to kill the thing chasing them. In actual fact it was insanely funny when I run this whole thing through my head.

This is what happened:

I was attending a big function, at a US army base, in the research department. They had a massive conference hall where all the guests were entertained with snacks and drinks. All the people there were doctors and Army officials, their spouses and there were 2 children as well.

They were the children of one of the researchers. Her name Ruana (she looked like the lead actress from Eureka) She was the developer of the serum that they were going to have a representation about as part of the function. She was nervous, and I was talking to her and the children a boy age 13 and a girl aged 8. She has worked many years to develop this serum that heal people, and they were planning to use this on some space mission.

The scene jump up one floor, and in the research facility just above the hall, where everyone is there was 5 people… one of them a research assistant calls Luke. He was young and helping out as part of his school assignment. He wanted to become a researcher when he was done studying. He was a bit of a goof, and a bit clumsy, as his mind was not with what he was doing but on the party going on below him as he could hear the music through the vent shaft he was standing close to.

Larry the Researcher that was second to Ruana was adding the last blood serum to the 2nd batch of the Healing serum to test it. Look were absent minded while pouring coffee into Larry’s cup, and for some strange reason the coffee flask slip out of his hand and bounce off the cup and crash into the tray Larry was working on. The hot coffee was spilled all over the serum, scorching Larry’s hands.

Larry jump up and the container of blood serum got bumped over onto the mess already made. Larry started shouting at Larry for being so clumsy and stupid. They start arguing and insults were thrown between them.

Meanwhile behind them some weird process was happening and the coffee and serum and blood serum started boiling and changing. It turned black and oozy and oily. Bubbling like tar. The next minute the arguing pair looks at the table and are shocked at what is happening. Next minute this black oozing oily tarlike substance rises and explodes all over them, covering them in it.

It was like an acid, it started eating at them, and their screams had got the attention of all the rest in the room. They ran grabbed containment foam and started to spray it on the spill, but it was only fuelling the mass of inkiness. So they tried water, which made it worse, it fuelled the black mass and it started growing at a very fast rate. It got into the chemicals of the lab, and started to consume it, fuelling its growth. The remaining 3 pressed the alarm button. And the building went into containment. All windows and doors were locked and sealed.

The guests in the hall below the lab, freaked out and panicked. I grabbed hold of the 2 children and told Ruana, to come let’s go find out what’s going on in the lab. At the same moment we left the hall and headed for the stairs to the upper floor. The stuff started coming through the vent into the hall. It started attaching people, and with each person it touched it grew even more. The panic already there started, became more intense.

We reached the Lab only to see the one researcher overcame by the black stuff. I said… OMG, this stuff is growing too fast. We need to find a way to stop it. It’s like stomach acid it ears its way through stuff. And everything it eats fuels it.

Ruana screamed we have to run to the living quarters on the next floor as she has her notes there and a small lab she work on. Maybe we can find something there to stop this thing. We ran up the stairs me holding the girl and Ruana holding her sons hand, the remaining researcher runs after us.

We got to the upper level only to find the thing was already there. We stood looking at it as it spread consuming everything it touched. And all the way you can hear like voices, many voices talking. You can’t make out words but the humming of many voices came from it. Through this whole thing I was not scared at all, just trying to keep the children and Ruana safe. Dave the last researcher grabbed the fire extinguisher and told us to go and see if we can find a way to counter this thing. He will try to slow its progress. And he started using the extinguisher against it.

We ran into the hall leading to the lab with sleeping quarters where Ruana and the children live. As we ran I was like, wait a minute it’s like stomach asid. Light bulb moment! Ruana looked at me not getting it. I yelled at her “Ruana do you have any Baking soda?” She looked confused and said “Yes I have a small box”. We ran into the room flung open the cupboard, and found the box of baking coda, it was tiny, but in the back there were a lot of chewable antacid, made from baking soda.

I grabbed it and opened the box Ruana looked confused. I yelled at her to grab something to bash the tablets into powder. Then she hit the light bulb moment and was like its acid, antacid should kill it. So she set out working feverishly and the children were helping to bash up the pills.

The black stuff was oozing in through the wall and I grabbed a handful and threw it onto the black stuff it made a screaming noise and started to shrink back. I grabbed a handful and headed out the door, found the researcher being overwhelmed and threw the powder on him it dissolved from him.

Just then the radio flickered and the general was talking asking what this black stuff is and if anyone in the building is still alive. Ruana told him not to engage the thing as aggressing and anger fuel it, but to spray it with antacid. So we went through the building with buckets of power and threw it all over the black tuff when we found it.

I brought myself back to wakefulness, and had a good laugh at it. Thought it would make a great Hollywood movie. Fear and negative emotions tend to overwhelm us and we lose our reasoning and personal power. Getting rid of the oozing blackness of negative energy is not easy when fear is consuming you, and you feel that nothing will work, only to realise that the white powder of Love and positive energy will clear our all the negative black iccyness.

t’s so easy to become overwhelmed, with everything, but always when you ask for help, it’s there for you.