Submitted by Aradia on
I have been in and out of Pagan and Occult circles for many years. I learned much but for the past few years have taken an even broader solitary path of seeking enlightenment incorporating each experience that rings true for me. Recently I had a discussion with a friend about spell casting and the various ramifications that evolve from that practice. I am still working on the ‘personal judgment’ end of things and fully understand the entire issue of personal choice but I also see that there are many renegade acts of magical manipulation that occur wrapped up very neatly in ‘innocent acts of aid’ that, at the end of the day, are clearly based upon ego needs.
One can readily choose any type of category and find all sorts of spells to suit the ticket. Intention of course is always the most important consideration and many people are quite good at ignoring the underlying motivation behind even kindly intention. Spell casting is an act of control no matter how you want to dress it up for Sunday School. Free will (I have a right to do as I choose) and personal gain (be it want of resources or simply satisfaction) are always apparent with no exceptions. The Rede (ouch!) and even better Karma (bigger ouch!!) are often ignored.
Consider a spell for the general category of ‘truth.’ This seems righteous enough however this is a tree with many branches from revealing truth to keeping secrets to binding or stopping a liar to holding up the proverbial mirror to making someone else ‘see the errors of their ways’ and so on and so forth.
As an example, here is a version of the ‘see the errors of their ways’ spell (which is universally well know in many circles).
"Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free.”
Seems fairly innocent, right?
Now let’s break it down:
1. The more powerful spells of any nature require an item that belongs to the sendee. This can be a personal item, strand of hair, fingernail etc. etc. Since most of these things are rarely given freely this stipulation requires stealing. Nothing wrong with that right? No need for the sender to be bothered to worry about any errors of their own ways because there is an important self appointed job to do. Really?
2. A spell such as this one is a three x three spell. In this case, it is used to force the corrupt to see the error of their ways. Assuming the alleged judgment of corruption was not handed down by some Cosmic Divine Authority it means a personal assessment was made by the sender. Nothing wrong with that type of judgment right? That wouldn’t be a corrupt act now, would it?
3. Most spells include a neat little codicil that as long as the sender has no ill thoughts while casting the spell it will cause no negative consequences and exonerates them from Karma. Says who? If someone would like to explain that then I am all ears. That couldn’t be ego, could it?
4. One version of this particular spell warns that it may not work the first time and should be repeated until results are seen. That would not have anything at all to do with the sender’s personal need for control of the situation would it?
We all walk a personal path - sometimes it bends a little crooked but we all still have a choice of which way to go.
I suppose there are those who would argue that this is only done for the good of the whole. There are other practitioners who hold the belief that they are so studied and learned that they don’t need to use any ‘tools’ such as a silly spell as for them just sending out the thought intention will do the job. There are still others who feign aloofness (harm none) saying they need not do anything and that some great universal power or better yet Karma will take care of those who need a good whooping ... yet in another breath these alleged detached people have no problem stating ‘why’ they think that can of cosmic whoop ass should be opened upon someone else. I wonder why they never seem concerned about their own Karma.
There are those who will say that by golly I have expressed a personal judgment here. Seems like vicious cycle to me - a chosen loop. I prefer to think of it as an observation and will continue to question whatever or whoever appears false to me.
So be it …
Brightest Blessings,
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