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Aura Color Meanings For Aura Interpretation

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Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay

The meanings of aura colors may vary depending on your approach, but here are some general guidelines. Remember, these are close to colors in chakras. Once you learn the chakra colors and what they represent, you will find it easier to ascertain what each color represents in other situations. However, resisting the urge to oversimplify the meanings of colors in the auric field is vital. Think about picking out white as a paint color for your walls. At first, you may think that you want the color white. It's easy. But then, when you see all the hues, tones, and shades of white, you realize that the color white is not so simple.

Typically, if an aura color is crisp and clear, then the aura is healthy. But with any troubles, the color may become dull and muddy. An aura color can be affected by the environment around it and can change from moment to moment. I use an aura chakra computer program to help me show my clients. While the aura may not change drastically from one moment to the next, if I do energy work between aura photos or interject a surprise event, the aura color may change quite quickly. As with any divination, there may be differences in the interpretation and message delivery depending on the person reading and relaying the message. This does not mean the interpretations are incorrect, but that they represent different messages the recipient may need to hear. As you go through the various colors, remember that you will also need to consider the clarity or muddiness of the color. Clear red, for example, might represent passion, while a muddy red might indicate jealous passion or perhaps heartache. Once you see or sense a color, think of all the sayings or phrases that come to mind that are affiliated with that color, such as, "I feel blue," "I am green with envy," "My world went black," or "I am pure as the white snow." Do the phrases apply to what you are seeing or sensing?

Knowing how your querent feels about a color is essential as a psychic. Perhaps the querent is drawn to green, which shows up in their aura. This might mean they are comfortable with healing and heart issues. However, you may realize the client needs more grounding; therefore, red must be introduced into the client's life. If the client detests red, it may mean they resist working on their safety and security (root chakra). Therefore, the querent may need to wear red. If the querent dislikes purple, then it might be a sign they need to work on connecting to all that is. They may need to immerse themselves in purple. As a psychic, you can get all sorts of intuitive information from these simple scenarios when working with a psychic situation.

Clear red (root chakra): Red is the densest color (slowest vibration); it creates the most friction. Friction can attract or repel; a vibrant red indicates powerful passion, enthusiasm for love and life, consistent drive, and a healthy, strong ego, all at a demanding pace. Because it is the color assigned to the root chakra, it may indicate security, survival, stability, physicality, or lack thereof. Red is the color associated with blood, so a red aura may mean life force, blood circulation, or a feeling of insecurity, anxiousness, or anger. Some people mistakenly think a red aura always indicates anger and aggression. While this may be the case, red will usually have a cloudy or muddy appearance (like brick red) when someone is angry or aggressive.

Dark red (root chakra): Dark red is associated with the root chakra. It may indicate someone who is overly grounded. If this red comes in flashes, it could mean passion. If it sticks around, it will eventually indicate exhaustion from needing to hold your ground. A person with a consistently dark red aura may become physically worn out over time.

Muddy red (root chakra): Muddy red indicates intense, repelling anger, trauma, frustration, and aggression. Someone with this aura may become impulsive and take their offense out on others, like a bully would transfer their rage.

Light pink (heart chakra): One of the rarest aura colors, pale pink indicates someone loving, tender, empathic, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affectionate, pure, compassionate, philanthropic, and loyal. A light pink aura may show the beginnings of a relationship that seems more platonic than romantic. It may also indicate love for a friend or a child. Those with light pink auras tend to be kind and gentle to all creatures.

Fuchsia pink (heart chakra): People with fuchsia-pink auras are energetic and excited. They are usually happy and fun to be around. They know how to make everything seem beautiful.

Muddy pink (heart chakra): Someone with this aura struggles to love themselves, much less anyone else. They lack compassion or empathy, and this lack of empathy is primarily for themselves.

Orange (sacral chakra): Orange relates to reproductive organs, sexuality, passion, vitality, courage, creativity, and motivation. Someone with an orange aura is likely in good health and excited about living. They probably have lots of energy and stamina, which helps them enjoy adventures. They are courageous and outgoing and make friends easily with the help of their social nature, happy demeanor, independence, and healthy self-confidence. However, they need to be careful because they rarely do things halfway. They go all in, and this can lead to addictive behaviors.

Dark orange (root and sacral chakra): Dark orange is an indicator of someone optimistic and hungry for challenge and adventure. They probably have a very persuasive personality.

Orange red (sacral chakra): Orange is connected to the sacral chakra and red to the root chakra. Someone with this aura feels confident, courageous, and brave. They usually have a healthy ego.

Orange yellow (solar plexus): Someone with an orange-yellow aura is self-confident. They feel at home in their skin and enjoy life. They are also intelligent and creative, which helps them combine their left and right brain.

Muddy orange (sacral chakra): A cloudy-orange aura indicates someone who lacks confidence in their abilities. They second-guess themselves and their leaders all the time. Those with a muddy-orange aura usually do not enjoy life because they question everything instead of being in the moment.

Yellow (solar plexus): Someone with a yellow aura is intelligent, analytical, self-assured, optimistic, and confident about life. They don't worry a lot because they are hopeful things will always work out for the best. People with yellow auras are usually happy and optimistic. The brighter the yellow, the more intelligent, while the broader the aura, the more friendly.

Pale yellow (solar plexus): Those with a light, pale aura are easygoing and optimistic. They tend to be calm and rarely anxious. They are a laid-back version of yellow.

Neon, bright, lemon yellow (solar plexus): While a bright, lemon yellow might seem happy, it indicates someone struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship. This color of aura usually means fear of losing control, prestige, respect, or power. This is the desperate (trying too hard) version of yellow. Think of the busy neon doing anything to get attention.

Metallic, shiny, bright gold (crown chakra): Metallic gold indicates awakened spiritual energy. A person with this aura is typically inspired.

Muddy, dark, brownish yellow (solar plexus): Someone with this aura color might be a student or worker pushing hard in their studies. They are overly analytical to the extent of feeling fatigued or stressed. They have possibly fallen behind due to procrastination and are trying to make up for lost time by cramming everything simultaneously. The result is that they do not feel confident.

Green (heart chakra): Green is the aura color of self-love. It is also a comfortable and healthy color of nature. It relates to the heart and lungs. When green is seen in the aura, this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. A transparent green aura may indicate a love of people, animals, and nature.

Bright emerald green (heart chakra): Bright emerald green is the aura of a healer. The healer is typically empathic and a love-centered person.

Yellow green (solar plexus and heart): Someone with a yellow-green aura is intelligent and clearheaded. They love to help others, are good listeners, and may open up to strangers.

Muddy forest green (also dull gray green) (heart chakra): Dark or dirty forest green indicates jealousy, resentment, or feeling like a victim. People with this aura typically blame themselves or others for everything instead of trying to fix the situation. They are insecure and have low self-esteem. They are sensitive to perceived criticism.

Turquoise (throat or brow chakra): A turquoise aura relates to the immune system. This aura represents someone who is sensitive, compassionate, a healer, or even a therapist. Those with turquoise auras are adventurous and enjoy travel. They bring happiness to others.

Blue (throat chakra): Blue relates to the throat chakra and thyroid. It usually indicates someone cool, calm, collected, caring, loving to others, sensitive, and intuitive.

Soft blue (throat chakra): A soft blue aura indicates peacefulness, clarity, communication, truthfulness, empathy, and intuition.

Bright royal blue (throat chakra): A bright royal-blue aura almost always indicates someone who is clairvoyant, spiritual, generous, and on the right path. This color is associated with mental alertness and emotional control. It may mean new opportunities are coming.

Muddy blue (throat chakra): Muddy blue indicates fear of the future, fear of self-expression, fear of facing or speaking the truth, and one who does not listen. Dark, dingy blue is often seen in those with depression. Think of the saying, "I feel blue."

Indigo (brow chakra): Indigo relates to the third eye, vision, and pituitary gland. These auras have sensitive, deep feelings. Someone with an indigo aura searches for truth and can sniff out deception in others. An indigo aura is an excellent sign that the person is tuning in to their higher self, developing their psychic muscles, and understanding their purpose. Many with indigo auras are on a spiritual path.

Muddy indigo (brow chakra): A muddy indigo aura indicates someone who may be delusional or mentally ill. This aura may also indicate a God complex.

Violet (crown chakra): A violet aura relates to the crown chakra and nervous system. Violet is the most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura and reveals the psychic power of attunement with the self and all that is. It is visionary, futuristic, romantic, artistic, and magical.

Lavender (crown chakra): Someone with a lavender aura has imagination and vision. They are daydreamers.

Muddy violet (crown chakra): A muddy-violet aura may indicate someone who needs clarification with all the messages and information they receive. They may have frequent migraines, hallucinations, and nightmares. This is equivalent to an overactive crown chakra.

Silver (crown chakra): Silver is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver in an aura indicates plenty of money and an awakening of the cosmic mind. Those few that have silver auras are the dreamers, not necessarily the doers.

Bright, metallic silver (crown chakra): This aura indicates someone receptive to new ideas.

Dark and muddy gray (various chakras): Dark or cloudy gray indicates fear accumulating in the body. This creates health problems, especially if gray clusters are seen in specific body areas. The area that is gray may indicate an rea or source of disease.

Gold (crown chakra): Gold is the color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it indicates the person is governed by their highest good and divine guidance. It signifies protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, a spiritual mind, and intuitive thinking. People with gold auras are charismatic, which can also indicate a prosperous mentality.

Muddy gold (crown chakra): Muddy gold indicates confusion or fear regarding divine guidance. The person may be confused or questioning their connection with Source.

Black (various chakras): Black draws or pulls energy to it and, in so doing, transmutes it. It captures light and consumes it. Black usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward self or another) collected in a specific body area, leading to health problems; entities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past-life hurts; and unreleased grief. Many people claim that areas of white or black may be seen in an aura but are never the total color of the aura; I have found this to be untrue. Although it is rare, I have seen a pure black aura. This aura was that of a sociopathic criminal legal client who had committed murder. I have also seen a black aura photo taken of a woman with a strong entity attachment. After a free energy healing, the aura photo changed to a pale yellow.

White (crown chakra): White reflects other energy. It is a pure state of light and often represents a new, not-yet-designated energy in the aura. A white aura indicates a spiritual, etheric, nonphysical quality. The person with this aura is part of higher dimensions, is pure, values truth and has angelic qualities. Angels or other spirit guides may be nearby if there are white sparkles or flashes of white light.

Earthy (root chakra): An earth-tone aura represents soil, wood, minerals, or plants. These colors display a love of Mother Earth and someone who is grounded. It is often seen in those who live and work outdoors.

Rainbow (various chakras): Rainbow auras indicate many positive traits— intelligence, philanthropy, intuition, generosity, and optimism. Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head, or body, indicate an energy worker. While those with rainbow auras tend to be leaders and successful, they are also highly susceptible to aura interference that throws them into a tailspin.

Pastels (various chakras): A blend of light and color, pastels show sensitivity, empathy, and a need for serenity.

Dirty brown: Dirty brown usually indicates someone is holding on to harmful energies, usually due to insecurity about moving forward.

Dirty gray (various chakras): Dirty gray indicates someone with messy energy, usually due to codependency with these energies that the person is afraid to release.

Excerpted from A Psychic's Handbook, by Michelle Welch. © 2025 - Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.