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The Normal Well-Tempered Mind

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The vision of the brain as a computer, which I still champion, is changing so fast. The brain's a computer, but it's so different from any computer that you're used to. It's not like your desktop or your laptop at all, and it's not like your iPhone except in some ways.


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And the Spirit came and said, where your thoughts are, you are – and


When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets,

It is hard, for I am not there.

Dream Journal 8/21/14

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I am looking for a girl at a library.. i find her mother first as they both have the same auburn red hair.. she says that she must go as it has begun to thunder and she wants to get home before it rains but states that i might join her if i follow... i go out to grab my bicycle which i have some difficulty unlocking and the girl gets out of veiw.. i begin down the road to where she is going when i come upon my turn which is a bridge covered in clouds and mist..

Dream Journal For The Night Of 8/19/14

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I appear to be viewing the dream as my father. I am taking care of a young boy giving him baths in the sink as a baby then he is about 3 and he thinks its funny to pee on me when im giving him a bath. I call him little TJ (my nicname is tj). I am then walking down the street in the town i was born listening to music on a portable tape player while wearing sunglasses that allow me to see what is behind me.
