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Dream Folklore

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Our culture has, like many others, an informal set of beliefs about dreams that can be referred to as dream folklore. Most are empty of empirical content, such as the following common myths:

Contact of the Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial Kind

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By  Phillip J. Imbrogno

You hear about it all the time; it's becoming a part of the human experience in the 21st century. It’s not a fashion, a new video game, a fast food, or a high tech cell phone. This new fad is people claiming contact with an alien intelligence.

The History of Crystal Gazing

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Crystal gazing was once thought to be a branch of magic but now is generally accepted as an important phase of experimental psychology. History and romance, ancient and modern, contains many interesting legends and stories about magic mirrors and magic crystals. Some date back to the Greece of the 4th century B.C.
