Occult Whistleblower
Submitted by I Was Here on
Occult Whistleblower
Or, How Magick Is Being Used As A Weapon
Submitted by I Was Here on
Occult Whistleblower
Or, How Magick Is Being Used As A Weapon
Submitted by I Was Here on
Genesis 1:11
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."
Genesis 1:29
Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
In Mundane Astrology, the 2nd House is considered one of the Houses of Values (along with the 8th House) that concerns acquisitions and material possessions and the manner in which they are garnered.
Submitted by I Was Here on
Invoking The Light
Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Submitted by Mara on
It's important to emphasize that reincarnation and karma involve justice, not punishment. For many people, the model of the afterlife presented to them as children involved an angry God who punishes sinners for the slightest misdeeds. This way of seeing things can feel terrifying to a child and can even unsettle an adult.
Submitted by Desperado on
Submitted by ZERO POINT - Ex... on
Submitted by Gemini on