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Constantine's blog

The Watseka Wonder

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The small town of Watseka, located in the northeastern corner of the state and just a few miles from the Indiana border, was just like any other midwestern farm town in the late 1800's. Little out of the ordinary occurred here --- until July 1877.

The Screaming House

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The great paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren gave Helen (the house's current owner) and I (the house's former owner) a piece of advice right after the doors to the Union Screaming House were closed to us. She said, "It is far from over."

Haunting Primer

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When classifying ghosts and haunting, we find conflicting views within the paranormal research community. The following is an essential breakdown of differeny types of hauntings, entities and other manifestations.

Mr. Gordy

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The story of Mr. Gordy is a well known case and is considered to be one of the top ten ghost cases in the USA by many paranormal investigators.


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In a nation long fascinated by the supernatural, the case of Gef the talking mongoose stands out as one of the most bizarre in British paranormal history. Though he is largely forgotten, a small but obsessive band of researchers refuses to let Gef go.

The Story of Gef by Clifford Malcolm Willett


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