Submitted by Constantine on
When classifying ghosts and haunting, we find conflicting views within the paranormal research community. The following is an essential breakdown of differeny types of hauntings, entities and other manifestations.
Intelligent Haunting
Perhaps the most widely accepted kind of ghostly activity. Here the spirit or entity involved is an “intelligent” presence in a haunted location. It is there because of a connection to the site, or to the people, in the location. This ghost is best (and most simply) described as the personality of a person who once lived and has stayed behind, instead of crossing over to the other side.
Residual Haunting
Is believed to be caused by traumatic past events that leave an imprint on the environment. These imprints replay over and over. No spirit or ghost is involved, it’s just like watching a movie. There is no interaction with the living.
The theory in this sort of haunting is that the energy expended during repetitive or traumatic events is absorbed and stored in the electromagnetic field at the site. Over time the energy builds up, when the energy can no longer be contained it is discharged, showing a replay of the traumatic event that once took place. Once the event is played out then the cycle begins again.
Some suggest that atmospheric conditions, such as storms, may initiate the playback. There is also a quantum physics-related theory that explains the energy as particles of light that are dormant until they are stimulated by an outside variable under the proper conditions.
Reoccurring Haunting
This type of haunting appears very similar to a residual haunting, except that there is some kind of intelligence involved. In this case, the activity is caused by a spirit trapped between realms, reliving a moment in the past, over and over until the pattern is disrupted.
Historical Haunting
Ghosts can be seen in more than one location, going about their business. Typically they are dressed in period clothing and often appear solid. They may interact with the living, but they believe they are living in their own time.
Portal Haunting
Portals are a link, or doorway, between our physical world and the spiritual world. Spirits can enter into our world through a portal. Portals can be created through a ritual or caused by a natural energy source coming from the earth, such as ley lines.
This is a spirit, usually mischievous and occasionally malevolent, which can manifest its presence by making noises, moving objects, and assaulting people and animals.
The term “poltergeist” comes from the German poltern, “to knock,” and geist, “spirit.”
Some cases of poltergeists remain unexplained and may involve actual spirits. In other cases the phenomena may be produced by subconscious psychokinesis on the part of an individual.
The most common types of poltergeist activities are: rains of stones, dirt, and other small objects; loud noises and shrieks; objects, including large pieces of furniture, being moved or thrown; and vile smells.
It seems that poltergeists have adapted to the development of technology. They are suspected to have caused interference in telephones and electronic equipment, and turning lights and appliances on and off. Some poltergeists are said to pinch, bite, hit, and sexually assault the living.
Generally poltergeist activity starts and stops abruptly. The activity almost always occurs at night and in the presence of a certain person. Typically this is the “agent,” an individual who seems to serve as a focus or magnet for the activity.
They died as a result of a traumatic event such as; murder, car accident, etc.
They may have died suddenly and not realize they have passed.
They may have been confused at the time of death, by a mental state of mind.
They are searching for someone or something they have lost in their lifetime.
The living love-ones are so emotionally distraught, they can’t let go of the person that passed.
The spirit is emotionally connected to their love-ones.
The spirit has an emotional connection to a place or item.
They have unfinished business.
They cannot rest due to an injustice done to them.
Fear of the other side, the unknown.
The fear of the judgment they will face on the other side.
A lack of faith.
Malevolent (aka Demonic) Haunting
This type of haunting is usually caused by a malevolent, nonhuman entity or demon. Although human spirits can cause some of the same activity, it is rare.
They often start out with subtle and relatively simple activity, which then quickly increases in intensity. They can be very dramatic and violent in nature. There will be poltergeist activity (see description above), as well as vicious attacks on the living that result in psychological and physical harm.
Sometimes the attacks are sexual in nature, which can also include very vivid dreams of sexual acts. It will weaken its victim’s psychological and emotional state, which will influence his or her behavior.
The entity will wear it’s victim down until it can gain full control of them through possession.
Curses, Thought Forms And Psychic Attacks
Curses (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity — one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic,witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.
In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result that can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. They can involve ritualistic techniques, ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of. Some curses are sent without awareness.
The dark energies that are employed to carry out the curse, will find their way into physical and energetic bodies (auric layers) and homes of the intended targets to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the victim.
The dark energies will affect the victim’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes the targeted person will take on the physical characteristics, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity to such a degree that the person afflicted has a complete personality change.
Negative Thought-Forms
Thought-forms are a manifestation of mental energy that can be sent to others through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear.
A thought-form can be positioned into the attended target’s physical body or various layers of their energetic bodies (auras) causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.
Intentional Psychic Attack
Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. These dark negative energies can be called a spirit, an entity, or a thought form. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.
Intentional psychic attacks can include spells, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or types of black magic. They attack the psyche and can produce devastating effects on the overall health and energy level of the victim.
Unintentional Psychic Attack
The same as intentional but the sender is unaware of what they are doing. They usually harvest intense negative emotions towards the victim. The attack can often happen during the exchange of harsh words and heated moments. The attacking energy is released from one person to the other. It can remain with them until the energy is properly cleared.
Drawing Negative Energies to Ourselves
We can draw negative energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever from external sources.
Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies to us. It’s normal to get angry or fearful when things happen in our lives and these occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us. It’s the long-term and prolonged states that set up the energetic attraction.
Fragmented Parts
Ongoing repressed negative emotions can eventually turn into an entity of its own. Look at it as a fragmented part of you that can no longer coexist within your body, therefore it has manifested itself outside of you as an entity of its own.
When dealing with this kind of entity it is wise to seek professional help. You need someone that can discern spirits/entities to make sure it really is a part of you and not something separate from you. If it is determine that it is a part of you, then you will need to help to heal and reintegrate it.
Outside Force
Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for dark and negative types of energies. Certain entities are attracted to certain energetic vibrations. Once they find someone that emanates that vibration they latch on to them feeding of off the person’s bad behavior and even encourages them to indulge in it.
Drug and alcohol abuse also draws in these types of energies. When we become intoxicated, our auras (natural protection) becomes unstable and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up by this state and it offers an easy way in.
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