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An Appearance Of Truth

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“Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.” - Phaedrus

First, some basic ponderings well-crafted by Mr. Joseph Panek:

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Greetings fellow savants, sages, philosophers and thinkers ... Holmes at your service presenting my observation of the week - the nature of arguments. Yes, those nasty repartees we all engage with others from time to time which is fast becoming a veritbale art form of win win.

Let's take a brief look at a few definitions and origins:

3:42 AM

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When I was a kid, I was a typical older brother who enjoyed teasing and scaring the bejesus out of my two younger brothers. It was the springboard for the development of my adult powers of persuasion.

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Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world.

“… might have” – key words here.


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