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Days and their ruling planets - linguistics

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Alright, I've had enough and just researched real quick how we come to the names of our days and what it has to do with the planets associated to them.


Monday (Moon) - Not much to add to that, it's Moon - Day. The French call it lundi (luna we all know).

Tuesday(Mars) - Here it already gets exciting. Tuesday comes from Tiw's day, Tiw being ruler of the skies or Lord of war; Mars. French call it mardi, again making the connection easier than in germanic English.

A simple and brief Thought

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Everyone of us represents a universal consequence. As much as each of us is the sum of all that featured into each, it is our own action that has the last word on the consequence that we represent in every living second.


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...Manifestation, Evolution, Ascension...


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