Submitted by Taron on
Alright, I've had enough and just researched real quick how we come to the names of our days and what it has to do with the planets associated to them.
Monday (Moon) - Not much to add to that, it's Moon - Day. The French call it lundi (luna we all know).
Tuesday(Mars) - Here it already gets exciting. Tuesday comes from Tiw's day, Tiw being ruler of the skies or Lord of war; Mars. French call it mardi, again making the connection easier than in germanic English.
Wednesday(Mercury) - Again those Germans made it tricky for us to see that with their God Woden (or Wodanas), who's Mercury to the Romans, they gave us Woden's Day. French call it mercredi...isn't that a bit more direct? Ah well...
Thursday(Jupiter) - This time a tiny bit easier, because Thor is more commonly known than those other guys. Thor is the nordic/germanic name for the god Jupiter. So Thor's Day is what the French call jeudi and again they make the connection to Jupiter a bit more obvious than us.
Friday(Venus) - Yes, again another germanic god makes our day; Freya. This happens to be the goddess of married love, but really refers to Venus. This is where the word "Free" comes from, too, amazingly. Why would married love be the root of being free? Hmmm...I like the mystery behind that, but let's not dwell on that now! (hehe) Freya's Day is what the French call vendredi and as such again beat us to the obviousness of it being ruled by Venus.
Saturday(Saturn) - OMG...I think just around the weekend our ancestors decided to update their naming habits having Saturday, Sunday and Monday very easily relatable to their ruling planets. Amazingly the French call it samedi, sharing less letters with the planets name than we do?! Victory! Ah well...thankfully it ain't a war nor battles.
Sunday(I'm not going to tell you) - Ok,'s what it is; a day where we can rest our questions, too, a day ruled by the sun. Oh joy! But here's the weirdest thing about it, almost like an inverted curve of naming clarity the French go out of their way to make this the least matching name, calling it dimanche? That actually refers to the diemenche, relating to the latin dies dominica - the day of the Lord. Talking about Sun god worship...
But there you have it. I really finally wanted to know and even if it wasn't news to many of you, some of you might appreciate this little reference, too, I hope. I would've been happy...thus I'm happy now! 8}
There's this cute little poem I found on Cafe
"Monday's Child is fair of face,
Tuesday's Child is full of grace,
Wednesday's Child is full of woe,
Thursday's Child has far to go,
Friday's Child is loving and giving,
Saturday's Child works hard for a living,
But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay."
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