Submitted by BRENCIS CYRUS -... on
Everything You Need To Know ABOUT Curses -
The simplest way to define a curse is to say it is the opposite of a blessing. But this is so simple and would easily make some to easily label anything bad a curse.
It is scripturally true that the whole creation is under a curse or bondage from God having fallen through the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned,” Romans 5:12.
“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God,” Romans 8:20-21.
Yet the context that we'd define such a type of a curse or bondage is only in the context of the Original Sin that God brought on all creation. Outside the context of the Original Sin we'd end up labeling everything bad thing in our lives a curse. Even persecution, trials of faith, every sickness, every failure, every accident, every type of poverty, carrying the spiritual cross, and so on would be labeled curses.
Now we can define a curse in the context outside the Original Sin or outside the fallen nature. A curse, from a biblical perspective, is any undesirable matter that emerges from an utterance, statement, pronouncement, and invocation, oral or written vocabulary that expresses ill will or misfortune to an individual, animal or object. This is a definition based on biblical analysis. It won't be found in a dictionary because secular dictionaries do not use the bible for definitions.
Thus what distinguishes a curse from other unpleasant matters is in its expressive nature. It needs to be uttered whether verbally or in writing. It's not just a bad thought, feelings of anger or hatred towards someone. Curses are not telepathic or psychical. My other book on breaking spells deals with overcoming matters on telepathy, the psychic and tapping into the spirit world. It's titled, Breaking Occult Spells: Protection from Witchcraft and Occult Influences.
Neither can curses be received through a dream, vision, apparition, or any spiritual phenomena. They can only be expressed in the physical or earthly realm, not spiritual realm. Until such mental or any spiritual phenomena are physically uttered whether verbally or in writing they cannot result in a curse.
The expressed words, whether spoken or written, do not constitute curses on their own. They're cursing words but they are not curses in the real sense. In general language we say someone spoke cursing words to another. However, in reality the words themselves are not curses. It's what emerges or results from the words that constitutes curses.
The spoken or written words have to pass tough conditions that God has established before they can have any power of resulting in misfortune. This is the best part in guarding against curses. God has insured that cursing words do not automatically result into curses.
The nature and characteristics of curses
The nature and effects of a curse can be any type of unpleasant matter. This does not mean any type of unpleasant matter is a curse. It only implies that a curse can come in any form or characteristic that is undesirable.
It can be characterized by any one or more of the following: affliction, nuisance, hardship, pain, grief, despair, misfortune, punishment, condemnation, sentence, scourge, torment, torture, terror, toil, bondage, deformity, abnormality, payback, hindrance, difficulty, stumbling block, interference, holdup, predicament, confusion, chaos, and so on – anything unpleasant.
This is why some people define curses as simply the opposite of blessings – the fact that curses are characterized by matters that are opposite to blessings. But as said earlier, not all unpleasant or undesirable matters are a result of a curse. A curse is only a subset of various categories of unpleasant and undesirable matters.
These other categories of unpleasant and undesirable matters have their own descriptions. They include trials of faith, thorn in the flesh, the cross, persecution, storms, the fallen nature, and so on.1
What is a cursed object?
A cursed object is an object or item that has been enchanted to hold a curse to it. It is similar to the movies where a cursed object may cause bad luck or torment someone. Just like any enchanted object, it is linked to a spell but it instead puts out negative energy.
What objects can be cursed?
Any object or item can be cursed, just like how any object or item can be enchanted. Whether you are cursing jewelry, a crystal, an image, your grimoire, or anything else it doesn’t matter.
Why would one want to curse something?
A witch may wish to curse something for various reasons, just like there are many reasons people put curses on others.
An object may be cursed to prevent others from taking it or if someone does it will bring them misfortune or misery until the object is returned to the owner. Some witches curse their grimoires or other magical books to keep others from snooping in them or stealing their personal secrets, especially if that witch finds their practice very personal and wish not to share it with others. An object may also be cursed if it belongs to another that the witch feels deserves to be punished.2
Demon Cursed Objects
Can objects be possessed by demons? Can dreamcatchers carry demons? Is there biblical evidence for this?
Only people can be demonically possessed. But inanimate objects can be negatively controlled through curses. As Adam Blai, a lay Catholic expert on religious demonology and exorcism, writes:
A curse is simply a demon sent to do some harm. . . . Cursed objects are objects that have had the opposite of a blessing done to them. Instead of grace being attached to an object to make it holy, a demon has been attached to the object to make it associated with evil (Hauntings, Possessions and Exorcisms, p. 45).
That is, through the permission of the one who has rights over an object, a demon attaches itself to the object and inflicts harm through it.
We can also distinguish between the cursing of an object and an object’s being impacted via demonic infestation. Infestation refers to when demons have obtained the right to carry out extraordinary manifestations in specific locations, such as a house, an example of which could be the moving of a non-cursed item(s) into the house.
In addition, in an attempt to intimidate exorcists and others involved in spiritual warfare, the devil and his demonic minions may perform extraordinary manifestations apart from curses or infestations that could include physical attacks the type of which St. Padre Pio, for example, endured.
I’m not aware of any case of a cursed object in the Bible, but Jesus did allow the demonic group called “Legion” to enter into a herd of swine after exorcising them from a man (Mark 5:1-20).
As for dreamcatchers, they hypothetically could become cursed or impacted otherwise by a demon.3
Cursed Objects for Sale
There are a million cursed objects on Ebay right now. Some of those in the past have gone on to become real artifacts, like the dyybuk box or the ”Hands Resist Him” painting, but those are just two out of the thousands and thousands on eBay. It's easy to find something that somebody says is cursed, but with no real story wrapped around it. A lot of these artifacts are too expensive for regular people to buy. Rich people will always fall into weird troubles, and it's usually generational. The first generation makes the money, the second generation is really bad with money, they fall on hard times and all that. The most expensive cursed objects are tied to the rich, and to whatever bad stuff they get into. The other reason is because it's a physical thing, and there's a point of undeniability about it. The story is wrapped around that particular object, and if it's real, then the stories must be real, too.
Distinction between a cursed object and a haunted object. Why was it important to establish those as two separate things?
Ghosts rarely hurt people. Like 99% of the time, the ghost story—and we're talking real-life ghost stories—it ends with 'we ran away' or 'then we moved' or 'then the priest came.' Ghosts rarely harm, and for a cursed object to be a cursed object, it has to harm someone. They're just chairs, lamps, and vases and stuff, but they also cause misfortune. It's usually death, but also financial loss, strife, that kind of thing. If a haunted object does cause serial harm and it hurts more than one person, then it becomes a cursed object as well. Annabelle is technically a possessed doll with the spirit of a little girl trapped inside, but she also wants to hurt everyone. Cursed objects are supposed to be dangerous.
If someone really does think that they have a cursed object or that they're being affected by one, what should they do with it?
First, if they're already suspecting a particular object, they're a genius. If you start having misfortune in your life, or people in your life start dying, you're never going to suspect the rocking chair or the ottoman. But if you do, then send that thing to one of those museums [of cursed objects]. There is a recipe for deactivating them that is salt and prayer, water and sunlight, but honestly, I'd just say just get rid of it. - J.W. Ocker 4
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