Submitted by BRENCIS CYRUS -... on
Image by Patricio González from Pixabay
Karma fundamentally is your own self-correction mechanism induced by guilt or approval of what you did. This self-judgment occurs every night when you go to sleep and enter delta brainwave sleep, where the soul/spirit leaves the body and enters a state similar to the state it’s in during the afterlife just a smaller version of that. The self-judgment also occurs between lives in a bigger more profound way with longer term impacts (as it influences your conditions of birth in the next life). These self-judgments cause situations/conditions to arise in your incarnated waking life that offer the opportunity for a corrective lesson to occur.
But if you resolve the guilt, learn the lesson, release and forgive pre-emptively, then the harsh experience isn’t necessary. So karma (of the negative kind) isn’t fate unless you’re born with it then you can’t reverse it (like a birth defect)… Usually it’s more a “to do list” about stuff to go through to correct a choice made in ignorance.
Where archons come in is that they profit off your suffering when you go through a karmic experience. Therefore, they want you to make as many mistakes as possible, and be the slowest to learn from them as possible. So they program, tempt, provoke, deceive, distract, etc. people to get them to attract their own suffering
That’s done by sinking them into negative vibes, seducing them into harming others (and self, in the case of suicide especially), and inducing more guilt/shame/whatever that is called for.
For example, if you’re programmed from birth in a hard Catholic upbringing to feel you are sinful, dirty, unworthy, shameful, etc. then this can sink so deep into your subconscious, inscribed into your soul, that it can bring on an artificial karma pertaining to that.
In that case maybe you feel you need punishment and oppression to make up for the un-washable dirtiness in you. Hence the old practice of self-flagellation, which can continue in a more metaphysical way in the form of reincarnating with burdens that don’t actually need to be there. The bigger metaphysical lesson there is that buying into programming that devalues your true spiritual worth brings on suffering, and until you get sick of that suffering and see the light, you may ‘need’ to go through that.
That’s why organized religion can be a control system that extends beyond the physical world into the afterlife and subsequent incarnations. We’re only as free in the afterlife as we are in this life. If we’re programmed and attached and addicted in this life, we are likewise in the afterlife, just in its own way which is more how it manifests in the astral planes.
But yes, organized religion, like so much else in our world, is an energy-feeding racket that’s been going on for thousands of years. Archons (negative 4D and 5D entities and negative parasitical thoughtforms) are the ultimate architects and profiteers of these schemes.
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