Submitted by Clarity on
Reposted from The Awakening Website
Dr. Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D, is a former Professor of Philosophy who holds the highest degree of the State Doctorate, is the recipient of four Honorary PhDs and was nominated for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. In his book, titled Science And The Akashic Field, he writes extensively about akash. This is also known as ether.
here are four physical elements that describe the material Universe. But ether, the fifth element, describes the Spirit that exists beyond matter. It is the space out of which all material objects spring forth.
Ether is a subtle sea of energies that stores everything that has ever occurred throughout all of Creation. This information exists in Egypt, in a great Hall of Records and, when our consciousness reaches a level at which we can decipher how the Music of Creation was written, these akashic records will open for us.
As part of your field of energy, ether is also stored in your DNA spirals. This ‘cellular memory’ contains records of every experience you have had in all of your lifetimes on Earth – every thought, action and emotion. These are the akashic records of your own past, present and future.
You have access to this Book of Life. It’s your birthright. And anyone who has the capability to do so can also access it. This includes your spiritual guides, those who have passed on and now live multi-dimensionally between incarnations.
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. Revelation 20:12
Everyone has a spiritual support system of higher dimensional beings, which dispenses understanding to us of both a spiritual and a philosophical nature. Your spiritual guides work indirectly by placing you in the right place at the right time, or by leading you to find the right people who can help to expand your awareness so you can fully embrace your potential as a holy being.
It is only those who exist in human form who can directly affect the outcome of the collective human consciousness. So the main goal of your guides is to help you to understand who you really are. And they will use every means possible to attract your attention, including communicating telepathically and through the dream, or astral, state.
He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Luke 4:10-11
When your spiritual guides read your akashic records, they see your Book of Life as an analogous automobile race, within which each of the cars is being driven by you.
If you imagine the past, present and future as the individual cars in the race, you can understand how they view all of your lives at once. Each car is a life you are living, have lived or might live.
In this multi-dimensional race, the car that is currently winning is the life you are most likely to live in the perceived future.Time does not exist in the higher dimensions of consciousness. In five minutes of real Time, the mind can process one hour of dream Time because, as per Einstein’s theories, events that occur at an accelerate rate are perceived to move slower. As a result, your guides can see all of your cars simply by looking down on the track. And this is all done in real Time.
If the car that’s winning your automobile race falls behind, or if it strays off the track your Spirit has laid out for you, your system of spiritual guidance will place obstacles in your life. They will do this in a deliberate attempt to lead you back onto the track. And the harder you resist their guidance, the more obstacles they’ll place in your way.
People often wonder why their lives are so challenging. Sometimes, our doors are shut as a deliberate attempt by our spiritual guidance system to get us to focus our attention on God. This is how most people come to find God. When their lives become hopeless, they finally look to Him to remove the obstacles.
The harvest is the End of the Age, and the Harvesters are Angels. Matthew 13:39
Vicky Anderson
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