Submitted by Dichotomy on

Is there a Hierarchy? What is it?
It’s not so much a master-controller/slave-subordinate hierarchy, but a master-teacher/journeyman-student relationship. The higher is seen as a source of higher wisdom, guidance, and inspiration.
The “lowest” part of this “hierarchy” would be ourselves, or at least those of us with more benevolent than malevolent inclinations.
Above that would be those saintly or masterly people among us who have awakened to their higher consciousness and hearts and serve mankind in very quiet but powerful ways. You’d never know they had that role if you met them because discretion comes with the wisdom they have. They are still physical though. Many of them seem to be part of positive secret societies, secret because their mission is compromised if they were publicly known (via worship or fear, persecution by people who don’t know better), and society because strength in numbers is always a good thing.
Above them are semi-physical superhuman or angelic humanoid types who can shift in and out of our reality and are part of a spiritual brotherhood spread throughout the realms beyond our own. They are humble divine servants who are not limited by the physical and emotional limitations that we are still bound to. They can take on physical form, but are not fully angelic because they still have bodies and technology, and are more popularly known as positive hyper-dimensional aliens. I think the positive Nordic aliens are of this category. They are like elder brethren to us.
Those individuals then are known to communicate with, or get guidance from, even higher nonphysical divine beings. From what I can tell, those nonphysical divine beings are more of the angelic category, often functioning as oracles or master-teachers or council members. Those beings themselves don’t engage in battles, but are even more purely service-oriented and are beyond the whole physical incarnation thing.
In the Allies of Humanity material they are referred to as “The Unseen Ones” while those in the previous paragraph are called the “harim” — while by the Ra/Cassiopaean material the former are 6D STO social memory complexes while the latter are 4D/5D STO beings. I think in the Seth Material the former are referred to as “The Others” although my memory is spotty on that one. Generic term would be “lower positive beings” versus “higher positive beings.”
It’s a recurring pattern in various sources, that above us are individualized variably physical positive beings who are like initiates or knights or journeymen compared to the oracles/master-teachers/unseen guides in the realm above them. For instance, the latter can comprise councils, to which the lower positive types go to for arbitration and important decision making, and so on. That lower/upper division I am pretty certain about.
And above all that is God/Creator, which equally interpenetrates us, and of which we are a tiny extension. That part of us from where our intuition, love, empathy, and creativity comes from is this godspark.
There is also the Christ intelligence and/or the Higher Self (I think those are the same) which appears to be a specialized extension of God representing our spiritually perfected versions of ourselves. If we connect with it and become an open expression of it, it makes us the most potent and powerful servants of the divine will possible in our individualized form. It’s like a higher consciousness. Those higher positive humans, and the positive superhuman types, have an active line of mutual communion with this Christ/Higher Self. Jesus was the flagship example of what happens when a spiritually disciplined person successfully becomes a channel for the Christ.
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