Submitted by Dr. Dave on

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“By locking the stupidity around you, you can unlock the sagacity within you” -
As idiocy and effectiveness go hand in hand, aren’t we all idiots and also effective people from time to time? Regardless, here are the seven habits that idiot people live by day after day.
If there’s one thing that idiots do, that’s procrastination. Why would I do this thing now, when I can do it tomorrow?! And then tomorrow comes, and the loop starts again. And then years pass and idiots are still wondering how is it that they never got that thing done? Well…
Maybe stupidity and idiocy go hand in hand, but there are some important differences. Stupid people know they’re being stupid, but idiots, although they know about it, keep pushing their stupidity for the masses to enjoy. Being stupid is all about a lack of knowledge and education, so an easy fix would be proper education for the individual suffering from it. Convincing the stupid that he needs education? That’s another Achillean battle…
“My fists have no rules”, says an old Persian quote. I just made that up, of course, but as a rule, stupid people rely on aggressiveness to make a point or, if they can’t understand you, to literally show you that you’ve failed to make yourself understood. For all of the people who use their fists to come out of an argument on top, they’re idiots.
Bad driving skills
Driving is a skill you learn by repetition. You go to driving school, you learn how to drive and then you can’t unlearn it. It’s there with you for the rest of your life and even if you take a break from it, the minute you’re in front of a wheel again, your skill is right there with you. Bad drivers are idiots, as they have no excuse for doing what they’re doing in traffic.
This is one of the first things that I look for in a person when trying to establish a new relationship with him or her, regardless if it’s personal, romantic or business. If the person is always late, has little to no scheduling skills, delivers good stuff today, but rubbish for the next three, then that’s enough evidence for the idiot badge and total avoidance to be applied.
If someone is an idiot, he or she is almost always unaware of their status. Still, that’s no excuse for their unwillingness to change. People that are stubborn, as in, have no intention of even learning about other opinions and why their own are wrong are idiots. If you’re not open to change, good, vital, healthy change for you, because you can’t take someone else’s opinion into account, you as a person should never be taken seriously.
Being greedy is a sign of idiocy. If you’re not using someone else’s fortune and fame as a lesson, but as a reason to get angry and miserable, not only you’ll never be able to get to fortune and fame, but you’ll forever block your entire future from the possibilities that will arise for you. Greedy people are idiots.1 - Gabriel Losa
Idiotic behavior also includes passive-digressive approaches.
"If you’ve ever attended a course on assertiveness, you learned that in communication you can be aggressive (a win-lose approach), passive (lose-win), passive-aggressive (lose-lose) or assertive (win-win) which is clearly stating your needs without violating the needs of others. Yet, I believe many fall in another category that I’ve labeled Passive Digressive.™
Rather than not speak up for yourself at all (passive behavior) or speak up in a way that disrespects the needs of others (passive-aggressive behavior), the Passive Digressive™ individual speaks sideways. Rather than be clear and direct (assertive behavior) they zigzag around an issue by being roundabout."2 - Collette Carlson
The bottom line here is that it is all choice. You wake up every morning and decide how you will react with the world. The responsibilty is yours. What will you choose?
1,Gabriel Losa
2. Colette Carlson
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