Submitted by Dr. Dave on

Image by Engin Akyurt from
Unwarranted guilt is irrational self-abuse. It is a thorny condition arising from feelings that somehow, someway, you have betrayed your personal sense of ethics. The rules for unwarranted guilt usually belong to someone else making another person feel blameworthy for something they have never done.
The term white privilege is an example. It is generally implicated by accusation from an outside source. In this case the explanation is rooted in historic abuse of peoples who were enslaved through no fault of their own. As history progressed, it was collectively understood that this was an abomination of the human race so things began to change and continue to do so even though the healing process is arduous. The current reasons for inflicting this form of guilt on others therefore is irrational by nature yet, in reality has another agenda which is the desire for control and domination as the ultimate result. It is a clever deception and shaming tool. Individuals suffering from this form of guilt need to remind themselves that they are not responsible for acts they never committed even if it is claimed that their heritage was guilty of that “sin.” In spiritual essence white privilege or any other racial color privilege doesn’t exist – don’t confuse it with political conditions in the world at large or with any familial history. It is always healthy to have empathy for others and work to make relationships better but guilt never helped anyone accomplish anything lasting. Learn from historic mistakes – don’t personally house them.
Remember that to blame yourself for a mistake or mishap that at the time was beyond your control is to assume an intention or volition that may not at all characterize your behavior. – Leon Seltzer Ph.D., Evolution of the Self
Unwarranted guilt is directly tied to needless emotional and physical suffering and self-loathing. In the worst case scenarios it has been tied to shame based issues such as substance abuse, self-sabotaging mental disorders and even sexual disorders. Professional help is often warranted although in many cases some self-talk can help a great deal. Speak compassionately yet with authority to your inner child who is the source of the guilt. Reinstate that you unconditionally understand and accept yourself exactly the way you are. In a case of white privilege, stop lowering your own self esteem because someone else has made what seems like a good argument. Don’t adopt that projection and end up co-dependent with your guilt.
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