Submitted by Dr. How on

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There has been plenty of speculation about Nikola Tesla's possible contact with aliens over the years. An FBI document now declassified seems to confirm that he was actually from Venus.
The actual FBI file from their online vault revealed that Nicola Tesla was brought to Earth from his homeland of Venus.
According to this document, the following was stated:
“The Space People have visited the Tesla engineers many times, and have told us that Tesla was a Venusian, brought to this planet as a baby in 1856, and left with Mr. and Mrs. Tesla in a remote mountain province in what is now Yugoslavia.”

Find the document here and click on download PDF:
Margaret Storm mentioned in the FBi document above writes on page 244 in Return of the Dove:
This was the Venusian, the superman, who arrived on this Earth in a spaceship, as a tiny baby, and who grew to maturity to fulfill his great mission... that of assisting Ascended Master Saint Germain to set up the machinery for the new scientific civilization that will lift the Aquarian Age to heights of glory.
An astrological delineation Nikola Tesla, Our Gift From Venus, and more comments about Tesla's Venusian nature can be found here:
In 1928, Tesla actually did patent a UFO. His plans for it however remain a mystery.

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