Submitted by Dr. How on

Image by Alex Yomare from
If multi-dimensional beings exist who can manipulate events in past, present, future in order to advance their objectives, why would anyone be “allowed” to publish information about them?
Timeline manipulation has its limits, or degrees of limitation depending on who is manipulating and using what method. The one thing limiting everything is freewill. It seems that timeline manipulators try not to violate freewill for whatever reason. I suspect it’s some law of metaphysics and physics that they must obey in order to even “get a lock” on a portion of the timeline to edit.
But of those who do not violate freewill, some respect it completely, and others try their best to subvert it indirectly without directly violating it. Of the latter kind, what they do is hit points on the timeline where a decision is being made, or some pivot point, sensitive point, critical moment, that sort of thing. Could be as simple as someone deciding whether or not to attend a conference where, if they did, they would end up meeting someone that changes their life in a positive direction; suddenly they get hit with a feeling of sadness and depression, and mistaking it for an intuitive warning not to go, stay home, and thus the future changes. That’s an example of a past point being hit with an emotional signal in order to change the future. It happens all the time.
Another method used is some kind of synchronistic obstacle. Say this person is on his way to the conference and a really odd obstacle arises, let’s say an accident or roadblock with cars backed up for blocks. Originally this accident didn’t happen. Either the driver got hit with sudden sleepiness and crashed or maybe looked down at his cellphone when originally he wouldn’t have, or maybe the accident isn’t even real but some kind of artificial event sequence patched into the timeline. Point being that it doesn’t violate the person (visiting the conference)’s freewill because he still has the choice of waiting an extra ten minutes or taking a detour, he can still make it, just now his choice is a little harder to accomplish than before, but not completely blocked.
So timeline manipulators often hit the softest spots, which are thoughts and emotions and beliefs. After that, they might be able to insert artificial events. I don’t know how real those events are, but they are physical and can be touched, it’s just that they weren’t originally there prior to the edit. There also appears to be certain technology that allows greater degrees of timeline editing, their advantage lying not in how sophisticated the technology is, but what “access privileges” it has been given by its designers, which depends on the highness of consciousness and spiritual development of the designers and builders. It’s attuned to their consciousness, and if they have great powers over reality, then so will the device, thus if the device is somehow captured and used by lower negative forces, those forces will have greater power than they would otherwise. In the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was one such device.
Negative forces patiently manipulate the timeline. If you have ever played pickup-sticks, it’s like that… careful editing here and there where possible without disturbing too much at a time, but approaching the goal of domination. They are limited by the freewill of the population they are trying to ensnare. And that’s a problem because positive forces, let’s say divine intervention, is likewise limited by freewill of those they are trying to help. Therefore a slow process of manipulation is countered by a slow process of liberation, and that’s what we’re in right now. Lots of tug of wars going on, from the tiniest to the largest, and I believe it will escalate severely in the years ahead.
The reason freewill must be preserved is because that is the point of creation, to learn and grow from the choices you make, it’s the prime directive of existence. If the Creator wanted to micromanage everything and control it according to its own Will, then there would be no freewill and no being could choose alignment with the Creator because the choice would already be made for him or her. But if there is choice to choose negative, then the choice for positive is real and so even the most powerful of positive beings, the Creator, needs to allow for freewill, maybe even enforcing it, but not doing anything about people choosing negative if they so desire and if it serves their learning path in the end like the story of the Prodigal Son.
Our personal choices and experiences do matter. We do navigate our way through the terrain of life. Timeline manipulation changes the terrain here and there, and maybe now we must climb a hill twice as high as before, but we still climb if we must. The edits bias our choices, but don’t completely block them. Well, the only exception is if a being much more powerful than ourselves, but of a positive nature and connected to ourselves (like our Higher Self) deems it absolutely necessary to keep us from making a choice that would ruin everything, then we will find our ability to make the choice blocked. Maybe we encounter obstacle after obstacle, or some situation that forces us to not make it, and in the end we give up because we simply cannot do it. That happens rarely but it does happen.
Aside from changing the terrain, timeline manipulation may also attempt to influence our decisions, emotions, beliefs… and there you use discernment and self-control to distinguish what is true, and what is genuine intuition or higher knowing and not just some artificial blast of emotions trying to be plastered onto you.

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from
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