Submitted by Dr. Saarya Sharma on

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You first must very quickly realize you are not dealing with moral codes, ethics or constitutional rights; but with cosmic laws and magnetic forces that most people are unaware of and have little understanding. Second, erase from your dictionary the word innocent if a cosmic law is committed out of ignorance, fear, or any other possible motive. There is a big difference between what the so-called experts are telling us and what the true masters are warning us about 1 – Gary Zalban
The latest controversy about late term abortion and infanticide has brought about new awareness to the act of abortion in general. Universally speaking, it does not matter whether you believe in Karma or not, the far reaching consequences of the Laws of Cause and Effect operate without your consent or any lawgiver or political reasoning (U.S. the law permits us to act according to our own consciences). From the very inception of the act, it becomes rooted in the subconscious of the one who is committing it creating a cause and effect seed that will bring about inevitable justice which basically nullifies the outward human justification that acting according to individual conscience and ‘feeling’ good about the choice to abort clears up Karmic effects. It does not, no matter how much a person has self-vindicated.
“Thou shalt not kill.”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
These are old adages that get little attention today in the so-called progressive mindset often referred to as ‘fairytales’ or ‘fantasy’ or self-righteous and superstitious BS because a woman has a right to her own body. Those with an inept understanding of Karma even argue that the unborn Soul has chosen to be aborted and die because they are not ready to re-enter the Earth plane for another go-round which is more of an argument of convenience and avoids the ramifications of choice.
Choice is at the foundation of this matter.
By making a certain choice now the future is shaped and created.
No one, religious or agnostic is exempt.
Unwanted pregnancy, at the root of the abortion choice, can cause ‘mothers’ and others involved to undergo strange mental and emotional aberration. One must always bear in mind there was a choice at the beginning to engage with another human being that could bring about possible consequences. This situation is an obvious example of Karma. Let’s get real, a pregnancy had nothing to do with God or betrayal BUT simple biology, man and woman have sexual intercourse - pregnancy is very likely because sometimes even birth controls fail. Then the whole thing becomes a tantamount to a crap game of life … and death. Negatively, the unborn becomes thought of as a monster who is going to destroy the future life of the mother and devour her existence for one reason or another. It must be done to ensure happiness for the individual. In some psychological circles it has been ascertained that killing once creates an impetus to kill again – also a Karmic consequence. Psychological analysis from abortion clinics recognize that a first abortion causes much mental anguish however that anguish diminishes with each ensuing abortion to where it comes down to a matter of convenience devoid of any qualms of conscience. This too sets up Karmic consequence very likely to manifest in the current lifetime and continuing into future lives whereby the individual gradually losing the ability to distinguish between moral and immoral, lives a more wretched and miserable life in each incarnation … and it is a long walk back – sin and happiness do not walk together.
There are also justification debates. These include questions about when the actual Soul enters the body of the unborn which is used to justify abortion. If one believes the Soul does not enter the body until birth then what is the problem? When does the Soul enter the body? No one really knows when the Soul enters the human body. There is also the question of life endangerment to the mother for health reasons. Perhaps both mother and child would die if pregnancy ensues. Who is ‘choosing’ which life is more important OR if that life path has been completed? Karma is not concerned with such theories. It is the ‘choice of destruction’ that is karmically entwined.
Even those who feel they are not affected by and will not be affected by possible outcomes and are detached from any emotions or guilt connected to the action will not escape Karma. The choice and ensuing action becomes an astral blueprint that cannot be destroyed. This is important because these blueprints determine the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional structure of the next incarnation. The individual is in actually choosing the ‘handicap’ it will carry in the next lifetime. It is a choice and cannot be undone once made.
And what of the Collective Karma? We are being made aware that ‘invisible’ killings via abortion are committed every day. For example, millions of “invisible” killings take place daily in Russia. In essence, murder in any form, corrupts the function of the root chakra (Muladhara) the connection to abundance and one’s native land and all its representatives. Collectively, when we kill our children, we condemn ourselves to poverty in all its forms.
The progressive mindset tends to dismiss reincarnation and pooh-pooh any belief in consequences associated with Karma. That is also a choice and it is called denial – something the progressive mindset has accepted and cleverly engineers to relieve stresses. It’s all about those “human rights” and the “human right to choose” which is so loudly touted. But it must be remembered that the “human rights” of the unborn have been violated by abortion. That right to make choices in the future has been destroyed.
Incarnation in the human world is a precious gift, but only those who remained alive were able to say this. Those who were murdered also had their own plans for development, but their own “mothers” prevented them from that. 2
Good or Evil actions are always chosen freely.
But …
There is no freedom of consequences.
Either in this life or the next.
Quote 1
Resource and quote 2
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