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The Illusion of Democracy: Who Really Controls Our Lives?



Our democracy is a lie, and here I’m going to show you exactly why.

First, let’s consider what the word democracy means.

Democracy comes from the Greek word δημοκρατία, which is composed of two shorter words: δήμος – meaning, people – and κράτος – meaning, power or rule. So, democracy in essence means “rule by the people” and refers to a political system where the power of decision making belongs to the people.

Now, let me ask you this:

How much power do people have in our so-called democratic system?

Well, you might say that they have quite a lot, since they are the ones who elect through voting those who govern them – namely, politicians. It’s only that people’s power is indirect, for they themselves don’t really take any political decisions, other than deciding who will be the ones taking political decisions for them.

We call this form of democracy indirect democracy, and it’s the most common one across the globe. We also call it representative democracy – because, in theory, politicians represent the people. But, do they? Well, not really. For, although the people do indeed elect politicians, elected politicians usually don’t make decisions that the people agree with.

You see, what often happens is that, before elections, political parties present their proposed action plans, yet once they are elected, they don’t implement them. Rather, they implement different ones, sometimes even contradicting to the ones they had proposed.

So, where exactly is representative democracy?

But things are even worse:

The political parties who get elected are, generally speaking, pushed to political power by the economic elites, especially by those owning the mainstream media. Research shows again and again that the bigger and more positive the media exposure political candidates have, the more likely they are to be elected. In other words, although people do elect politicians with their votes, in a sense the elected politicians are pre-determined by the mainstream media which persuades the masses to vote for them.

And then you have lobbyists who pay insane amounts of money to support the campaigns of the political parties they are affiliated with, thus influencing significantly who gets elected and who doesn’t. Of course, let’s not forget that they do so solely because of their vested interests – they support those political parties, so they can have a significant say in their policymaking.

Therefore, most elected politicians don’t have much power either. Rather, they themselves are puppets who are controlled by more powerful figures behind the scenes. Yet most people are so heavily brainwashed that they believe they have the power! Every few years, they just go to the ballot box and cast a vote for their favorite politicians or political party, and they think that they are participating in a democratic process!

As you can understand, our so-called democracy is a lie; it is a fake democracy. But, as the popular propaganda law states:

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”

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