Submitted by Golden Harmony on
"From out of the void the voice of the Eternal resounded throughout all of creation bringing forth the light." ~ Anonymous
Scientifically speaking, if we take light to mean freely propagating light as we have today, then the Universe had sound hundreds of thousands of years before it had light.
The following passages are authored by Samuel J. Hunt
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A cursory reading of the first four verses in Genesis allows us to find the first act of creation is the begetting of Light. But, this act, and all other acts in Genesis are preceded by a very important element, that of sound. This is the key to all origins research whether it is cosmology or creationism. Without this initial sound (acoustic/sonic/compression wave), nothing in science makes sense and nothing in the universe would exist. The central tenant of the theory of Acoustic Genesis ( is: sound came first, then light, then matter. This leads to three fundamental premises of the theory: 1) That all matter emits a distinct tone as evidence of creation, 2) that all matter can be manipulated by sound, and 3) that the structure of all matter can be reduced to simple vibration. Science verifies and validates all three assumptions. Once you conceptualize these axioms, then you will begin to unwind the underlying tapestry of “the all”. So let’s substantiate this hypothesis using accepted observation and publications from modern science.
There are 4 key concepts for the first day of creation: the existence of a void, primordial ‘waters’, an acoustic wave (aka compression wave), and light. We will begin by describing the acoustics. The immediate retort may go something along the lines of: ‘sound can’t travel in a vacuum, or sound can’t travel in space, etc. This is an assumption that is without foundation with respect to ‘outer space’ and origins research. Simply stated, the universe is not an empty vacuum —it is filled with matter, and as we will see in a moment, so was the ‘void’ mentioned in Genesis. Further, going back to the first prediction of our theory to overturn a long-held assumption, all observable phenomena in the universe from black holes to stars to molecules to the ‘picture’ left behind from the Big Bang, the Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB); everything emits a distinct tone. This leads us to a previously unheard of postulate that although sound is the result of the motion of matter, wouldn’t we observe the same laws and artifacts if indeed it was also the opposite; the cause of motion and formation of matter “in the beginning?” Matter would then be the resultant of the compression and rarefaction cycles of sound through the ‘waters’ of creation. As we will see in a moment this idea is actually testable. However, if this were not true, then what we know as sound would be completely homogeneous and without any variance or characteristics. On the contrary, due to the variance of the properties of sound, we have the variance of all characteristics of matter! According to Steven Weinberg, sound was travelling before light in the beginning. Without this primordial acoustic (compression) wave, then there could be no chemical structure of matter in the universe. As Genesis states clearly, each new ‘day’ of creation required a new perturbation – a characteristic change in the acoustic wave to institute new compounds. So what are the ‘waters’ that existed at the time of creation and the Big Bang?
Again, in your mind you might have the image of the kind of fluid that fills a lake, a container, or drinking glass, and that is a false image of what Genesis is talking about. And, in order to understand origins, the existence of this substance is essential to Big Bang theory and creationism. As far back as science can ‘see’, the ‘waters’ was an immensely bright, glowing, dense, ionized plasma wherein the speed of a pressure wave (i.e. sound) was approximately 380 million miles per hour. A sound wave you can hear with your ear today, in the pressure and temperature of our atmosphere at sea level is only 761 miles per hour. As a matter of fact, at that moment of our origins, sound and light were trapped together as one, and scientists have reproduced similar effects in nanocrystals today. Prior to what scientists can ‘see’ the ‘waters’ were of a different character. There was a field of energy present, as Genesis describes, but it wasn’t the hot dense plasma that left behind the CMB yet. Even though this substance existed, Hawking is correct, prior to the moment of the Big Bang, there was no space or time. But, something was there and it is essential to everything! Genesis uses the terms void and waters of the deep interchangeably and this substance existed prior to the influence of sound and the subsequent formation of light and matter. A void is not, as one might assume, necessarily a state wherein nothing exists, but rather a point (and time) where something was not. Essentially, a moment when there was no space-time as we think of it today. To clarify, this ‘void’ in time and space as Hawking confirms Genesis and prior to what science can ‘see’, is the existence of a field of “dark matter” (a still yet undescribed, hypothesized substance); and for simplicity, the zero-point energy state. Both are described as having characteristics exactly as Genesis describes: transparent, pressure-less (prior to the formation of the plasma), dense, and fluid. Further, there is observable evidence that this newly created region of ‘space’ was a ‘bubble’ of what is presently now denser spacethan whatever surrounds it, i.e. no space-time.
Recap:- Creation begins with the void, composed of a fluid-like medium science has deemed dark matter which we will call the universal zero-point energy state
- The Holy Spirit moves over the void (the ‘waters’ become effervescent) forming a ‘bubble’ of space-time-energy
- God speaks and a sonic influence creates rapid expansion (inflation) and contraction (crunch) of the bubble forming the hot, dense, plasma described by modern science
- A background sea of light and sound is instituted into all creation from which all matter, due to these initial (x5 creation days) and subsequent perturbations is formed
- An image of the event is observed by science called the CMB, confirming the Genesis account of origins
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