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"In Egyptian mythology, bird identified by the Greeks with the phoenix. The benu was said to have created itself from fire that burned at the top of the sacred persea tree of Heliopois. It was essentially a sun bird, symbol of both the rising sun and the dead sun God, Osiris, from whose heart, in one account, the bird sprang. The benu not only signified the rebirth of the sun each morning but became a symbol of the ressurection of man. The Book of the Dead provides a formula for enabeling the deceased to take the form of the benu. According to the Greek historian Herodotus (Book 2), the benu made its appearance once every 500 years. Its plumage was partly golden and partly red, and in size and form it resembled an eagle. It came from Arabia and brought with it the body of its father (which it had enclosed in an egg of myrrh) to bury at the temple of the sun."[1]
"According to ancient Egyptian myth, the Bennu had created itself from a fire that was burned on a holy tree in one of the sacred precincts of the temple of Ra. Other versions say that the Bennu bird burst forth from the heart of Osiris. This would mean that Ra reincarnated himself through Osiris, creating a precedent for Pharaohs. The Bennu was supposed to have rested on a sacred pillar that was known as the benben-stone. The Egyptian priests showed this pillar to visitors, who considered it the most holy place on earth.
The Book of the Dead says, “I am the Bennu bird, the Heart-Soul of Ra, the Guide of the Gods to the Tuat.”
Some of the titles of the Bennu bird were “He Who Came Into Being by Himself,” “Ascending One,” and “Lord of Jubilees.” While Bennu is the common name given to the bird in English, the original vowels of the name spelled as bnn by Egyptian scribes are uncertain, although it may have been pronounced something like *bānana. The name is related to the verb *wabāna (spelled wbn in Egyptian texts becoming Coptic ouoein), meaning “to rise brilliantly,” or “to shine.” It was associated with the rising of the Nile, resurrection, and the sun. Because the Bennu represented creation and renewal, it was connected with the Egyptian calendar. Indeed, the Temple of the Bennu was well known for its time-keeping devices."[2]
"In world mythology, fantastic bird who is reborn from its own ashes. The standard ancient accounnt of the phoenix of found in Herodotus’ History in which he says he never saw the creature but was told that it lived for 500 years, and upon its death was reborn from its own ashes, which were lit in the temple of the Sun in Heliopolis, Egypt."[1]
"Classical discourse on the subject of the phoenix points to a potential origin of the phoenix in Ancient Egypt. In the 19th century scholastic suspicions appeared to be confirmed by the discovery that Egyptians in Heliopolis had venerated the benu, a solar bird observed in some respects to be similar to the Greek phoenix."[3]
"The most important temple in Heliopolis was the “Mansion of the Benben“, also known as the “Mansion of the Phoenix“. In the middle of the Temple in an open courtyard, stood an Obelisk, on top of which sat the “Benben Stone“. The Benben stone looked like a small Pyramid.
The Benben Stone was seen as the solidified Seed of Atum, the Stone of Creation. It was on this stone that the Phoenix or Benu Bird would return every 12,594 years and place its new Egg. At that moment a new Era of Mankind was started. The Benu Bird came from the ‘Isle of Fire’, the mythical place where the gods were born.
The Benben Stone could be the same stone as Jacob slept on in Genesis 28:11 (Jacob’s Pillar) because there is some historical evidence that Abraham was an Egyptian Pharaoh named Djehuty or Djehutymes, Son of Thoth. This explains the important positions of Joseph and Moses.
Why is the Benben Stone so Important?
When the World was almost Destroyed by the Great Deluge the Survivors detected the Cause of the Cataclysm.
The Deluge was part of a Cyclic Pattern that repeated itself every 12,594 years (half of a the Precession Cycle). They created Myths hoping this Knowledge would survive the coming 12,594 years. The Myth of the Phoenix that came from the Land of Fire was an Important Story. The Phoenix landed on the Benben Stone in Heliopolis.
They did not only create Myths they also deviced Instruments to Balance the E/M-Field of Earth to prevent the giant Earthquakes to happen again. This instrument, a huge Crystal, the Benben Stone, was put into a Pyramid at the Right Place on Earth. Comparable Devices were created at other Strategic Places on the Earth Grid.
At this moment the Balancing Infrastructure of Earth is completely Out of Order. We have to Restore it soon because the Phoenix from the Land of Fire is about to Appear Again.
The Phoenix is looking for the Benben Stone to lay down its New Egg that will trigger a New Era of Mankind, the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer."[4]
"The sacred Benben Stone was a pyramid-shaped capstone on top of an obelisk. The Benben Stone was believed to be the beacon for the mythical Bennu Bird, a phoenix-like bird with beautiful red and golden feathers that sheltered in the Tree of Life, at Heliopolis. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the sacred Benben Stone emerged from the primeval waters at the beginning of creation and symbolized the Primeval mound.
The Benben Stone was a potent ancient Egyptian symbol and icon in the mythology and legends of Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the mythical Benben Stone [is] the fruit of which provided eternal life and knowledge of the cycles of time."[5]
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[1] Mercatante, Anthony S., Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Facts On File, New York, NY, 1988, Print.
[2] Wikipedia -
[3] Wikipedia -
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