Submitted by Hecate on
Whether scientists, astrologers or esoterics, they agree on one thing: the moon influences earth and life on earth. For instance, it regulates the tides through its magnetism. Also continents feel the consequence of this magnetism and either raise or lower their position sometimes up to 26 cm.
But are humans also influenced by the moon, in particular full moon? Generally speaking, one has to admit, that so far science has proven merely that the moon has no impact on humans. In the midst of it all, evaluated studies about the connection between the moon and human behavior, whether homicides or suicides, admissions into mental health institutions, drug consumption, accidents or emergency calls to the police, the reoccurring results were either negative or proved to be doubtful in their methods of conduct. Often, the evaluated period of time was too short, for example, and was therefore affiliated with other reasons like a specific day of the week. Even the widespread belief that full moon causes insomnia could not be confirmed statistically.
But one fact remains without any doubt: the more light surrounds us while we sleep, the less melatonin (sleep hormone) our body produces. This experience may have been the cause for restless sleep in the past, when electric light did not light up our nights yet. Incidentally, hence the bon mot: "... against insomnia during full moon: simply let down the shutters! ..."
But indeed, for example, 40 percent of Germans report of their moon sensitivity, according to a survey. It can neither be explained scientifically nor psychologically that one searches for a plausible cause for specific experiences, mostly negative. For example, if an accident happens on full moon, this event will be attributed to full moon. Events in other moon phases remain less important and are evaluated less critical by the observer. Often the personal attitude plays a big part: for instance, who is convinced that they sleep poorly during full moon, will find less sleep due to this expectation alone. And the more people occupy their minds with full moon, the more intensely will this field of information be fed.
However, the truth is that a great need for research in this area remains and that even science with all its statistics and attempts to explain, can never clearly affirm nor negate.
The moon teaches patience. Just like everyone knows that a low is followed by a high and vice versa. How long each of this condition lasts however, cannot be predicted in most cases. So it might be helpful for many people to create a time frame for themselves. For example, by believing in the phases of the moon.
It is said -
.. that people are looking for an argument at full moon or are especially happy ...
... that if full moon is surrounded by a haze, a person dies ...
... that you raise your hat three times to the moon (being a man) or you make a curtsey (being a woman), in order to protect yourself from misfortune until the next full moon ...
... that whoever does not chink glasses with full moon at least once, does not deserve any happiness [Greek toast] ...
... that who drinks alcohol at full moon, knows now moderation ...
... that full moon influences our sleep. According to a an opinion poll this is what 39% of people believe ...
... that clear water, if poured into a jar and positioned in full moon light at night, will grant astonishing beauty, if you use this water for washing your face the day after [from Croatia] ...
... that medicinal herbs, if cut back shortly before full moon, will unfold their strength in the tip of the plant ...
... that warts disappear, if one lets a snail crawl over it at full moon. Witty people claim that one can only get rid of warts by burying a black cat at the wall of a cemetery. This is a recipe for success, especially if the wart is on the cat ...
... that for breast enlargement , the virgin (!) has to immerse her naked breast in the glow of full moon light at midnight (from a book of witchcraft) ...
... that you can cleanse and energize crystals and gem stones energetically in full moon light ...
... that one should not make important decisions at full moon ...
... that all the body ingests during full moon, is much better absorbed, for example vitamins, nourishing creams, but likewise toxins ...
Posted for educational/informational purposes only.
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