Submitted by Holbrook PSI on
The following inquiry was sent to Holbrook Paranormal Site Investigation. Any member with a legitimate paranormal concern can contact Holbrook PSI on site or can join the paranormal group and post it there.
I hope you can help me and my friend with this problem. My friend bought a house with about 3 acres of property. The house is about 10 years old and there is no problem with it but there is something strange about the property. The part I am talking about is about 100 feet from the house in some adjacent woods that surrounds the house. When we walk over there the hair on our arms stands up and we both get a really creepy feeling like we should immediately leave.
One time my friend actually felt sick out there so he avoids the area now. We did find what looks like the remains of an old house foundation out there so we investigated the property. This is even creepier because we found out that in the early 1800's there was a house there that was owned by a woman who was deeply steeped in occult practices that were very negative. This property is part of a larger acreage parcel that has only been developed over the last ten years and my friend's house was the first house to be built there. The former owners said they didn't have any problems but we don't think they are telling the truth. What can we do to clear up the energies? Would removing any remnants of the old house help?
Thank-you for your time.
Thank you for your question I hope that this will help you to understand and decide on your course of action.
I cannot say for sure without visiting the site if you are dealing with an entity, residual haunting, or a vortex so I will address each one and how to determine which one you may have. It does not matter if is an entity or a negative energy vortex that has possibly been leftover from the evil woman that lived there in the 1800's or even a residual haunting - you will want to first cleanse your friends house.
There are many different ways of cleansing a house and it is in accordance with you and your friend’s religious beliefs. Some of the things I do is to burn sage and sprinkle Holy Water while asking for help from the Angels and the Lord to cleanse the house and to keep it clear of the negative energies that would do harm. You can ask for help in doing this if you so desire because some religions believe in blessing a house which is very similar to cleansing. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Episcopal Churches are known to do these blessings during the Epiphany (the 12 holy days after Christmas).
You can also request a Native American Shaman to come out and conduct a cleansing or even a Buddhist monk for they both have a ritual that could help you if this is how your religious belief is based. Before doing any thing outside you will want to have the house blessed or cleansed and this is to keep your space clear from anything from this area that may look to change location. You will also want to look into some spiritual protection for the house and yourself. This will go along with your religious beliefs also; the protection could be crystals, crosses or whatever your beliefs use for protection.
Some of the things that will help you to understand what you’re up against are your own observations of the wildlife and plant life in the area in question. The kinds of plants and trees that are growing or not growing in this area could help you to know if it is a residual haunting, entity or a negative energy vortex. In most cases, a residual haunting that is associated with a location where an old home used to be will not affect the plant or animal life in general. This is not to say that you may see animals act as if they get spooked sometimes but for the most part, they will still use the area. If there is an entity present for the animals will stay away from the area except for carrion or scavenger animals. The plant life of this type of this area will for not be affected by an entity but may take on some of the negative aspects of its energy so you may see inhospitable plants such as briars and thorn bushes.
If there is a negative energy vortex, the plant life will not flourish and the wildlife will avoid the area. You will also see sickness in the plants that do grow there and in any animal that lives there. Why is it important to look at the how the nature of the area is affected? Because what you described in your letter could be the way that any one of these types of areas would affect us as humans. We all have a part of our spirit that will give us warnings to leave an area that has a residual haunting, entity or a negative energy vortex for our protection.
You asked if removing the remnants of the old house would help and the answer is yes and no. You will have to address the type of occurrence that you have first because the remnants of the old house may be confining the negative energy vortex or the entity. If it is a residual haunting you can remove the remnants but only after doing a cleansing of the area with holy water, sage… and a blessing would not hurt! It may also take planting some flowers and sacred plants in the area to help. I would put a bird feeder on that side of the house and cultivate nature to return to be a buffer. So, if it is a residual haunting you will try to get the spirit to move on or cross over with your intent and the cleansing.
The other two problems are not as easy and you may need to get some help from your religious organization or someone who has had experience with these types of problems. If it is a negative energy vortex, the vortex will have to be closed or transmuted to the light or good energy. In most cases, this will take a while and it may take a group effort of people that have had some experience in dispelling or transmuting negative energy. The way you handle this has a lot to do with your religious beliefs for you will have to ask for assistance from a higher source to help due to the fact that the other side of the vortex is in a different realm.
There may still be a vortex there after you have cleansed the area and have dispelled or transmuted the energy. This is because there was a natural occurring vortex there before it was changed to the will of the woman that had lived there in the 1800's. If she was steeped in the occult then she would have picked an area with a naturally occurring vortex to build her house on so that she could transmute it to the negative for her own benefit. The area may have been sacred ground that she transmuted because of her evil deeds and if this is so, you may want help from a Native American Shaman.
Entities can be very tough to banish from an area and again you may want to ask for assistance from your religion. There are many different types of entities that could be attached to this area including the woman that was there in the 1800's. In your case, it is most likely that the woman conjured up this entity and could not or would not banish it. Entities can be hard to banish because they are not of this world and live off the misery and suffering of this world. A spirit or ghost even when negative will cross over but entities want to stay and feed off us and cause us ill will.
The entity may be contained to the ruins of the house so you will want to be sure to banish it first before removing the remnants of the house. If your religious belief doesn’t have banishing or exorcism as part of its belief system, you may want to check around to see if there is someone in your area that has some experience in dealing with negative entities. When dealing with entities you will need help from a higher power of light to combat the darkness. After you or who ever you employ for assistance helps you banish the entity you will feel a shift in the energy of the area and then you will want to cleanse the land just as you cleansed the house. You will want to plant flowers and sacred plants and cultivate nature to return to the land.
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