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What is the color of nothingness ?

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In this world can we see true nothingness?

Can we understand true nothingness?

Can we even start to believe there has been true nothingness?

So what am I talking about when I say true nothingness? Let us go to Websters definition ; “something that does not exist” ,, in this I am looking for an absolute lack of anything a true nothingness. In our world there is no way for true nothingness to occur due to the fact of our existence, thoughts,actions and all the other stuff that is here with us. So what can come from nothingness? 0+0 =0 So you can only have nothing from nothingness. Look at a empty space is it empty, or is our perception telling us that there is nothing there. Nature hates a vacuum and will always try to fill it but even in a perfect vacuum there is still not true nothingness. Our thoughts have energy and by viewing the vacuum our thoughts will be there, in that space we are thinking about.

Ok so now that I have jump down the rabbit hole or taken the green pill or was it the blue one,,, or have I forgotten to take my med's altogether ? Why do I even ask these questions about true nothingness? Well no real reason, just a thought that got away from me while I was sitting here thinking about nothing.

Peace with yourself and nature

Johjn Holbrook