Submitted by Holmes on
Lately I have been considering closing my various social media accounts because quite frankly, people have become a bore. They weren’t always that way. As a matter of fact they were quite amusing, funny and even brilliant at times but now they lost their edge. They seem to be focused on all the wrong things and become quite primal and tribal. Yeah, yeah, you could argue that they have always been that way but this all has a different feel and it sure isn’t just a ‘timely revolution’, you know one of those concepts that the experts tell you must occur for the evolution of mankind. It also isn’t some other horse dookie that phony gurus tout about spiritual cleansing of the vast collective.
The other day, a gay friend told me that God is merely separating the wheat from the chaff (which He does every millennium or so) and that Satan is an undercover agent dressed in drag to fool the masses. He was kidding of course but my mind immediately conjured up the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland all decked out in royal robes and wearing an enormous amount of bright red lipstick spitting out, “off with their heads!”
Tell you one thing friend, if the Red Queen is really Satan, she sure is taking heads.
Lots of them.
And social media is her bitch. All of it.
It’s the whole passive-aggressive capability social platforms offer. It’s easy to crucify, “that guy who didn’t agree with me and needs to be straightened out” AND "How DARE he vote the way he did!" AND "I will deny and I will rebel." Those more creative design cruel memes generally based in untruths because disbelief can be a real bitch. Let’s face it we all laugh and hide behind our keyboards yelling, “freedom of speech!” More like freedom of hate.
We don’t need Satan – we are taking each other out.
Maybe that’s Queenie plan.
I won’t get into the myriad ramifications of current politics but, it is one baseline influence and there is absolutely no reasoning with any of it mainly because experience has taught me hell-bent people actually like to be angry and offended and defensive. The worst thing that could ever happen is that they be “wrong” about something. Politics has always been an excuse for crazy behavior since ancient days. We could shrug and say, “It’s only human.” I say it has now become inhuman. A person’s political stance has always meant very little to me but their personal character weighed heavily in my estimation. Unfortunately, now it seems to be the platform du juor right up there with renewed and improved forms of racism and assorted colorful perversions all designed in the name of progress. It’s not likely to blow over nor are we likely to grow out of it. Too many precedents have been set.
“Choose a side!” shrieks the Red Queen, “Or off with your head!”
She’ll grab you and plant a sloppy red lipstick kiss on your forehead. Her mark! A new recruit! Get behind your keyboard and spew her rhetoric. Express yourself. Hate! Bully! Overpower! Take them out! Annihilate!
Just one more thing. Try to remember that there is a balance. There is another side.
“Whatcha’ gonna’ do when they come for you?”
Maybe I'll hang around after all just to see.
Tippin’ my hat to ya!
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