Submitted by Holmes on
There are lots of catchy phrases and quotes out there these days about Karma. They are very appealing because they make us feel good, after all, what can be more empowering than pointing the fickle finger of judgment at someone and telling them, “Karma is going to get you.” You know you’ve done it, feeling guilt free because after all you are only stating a spiritual law and are not doing anything yourself except turning that rotten person over to a Higher Power process. It never seems to occur to anyone dishing out that pre-sentencing that they are indeed passing a judgment. What’s that you say? You didn’t make the rules – you just go by the rules? Maybe you made your own rules based upon your own reasoning and common misconceptions such as:
Karma is a system of reward and punishment.
It is the same as fate.
Karma is the influence of one lifetime on the next.
Yes, we have it all covered making those superior pronouncements even to the point where we apply the added benefits of, “if not in this lifetime, it will be in the next ... but you’ll get yours!” We do however run into a few problems if we make proclamation to someone who actually does not believe in Karma and takes a great deal of pleasure stating the Lords of Karma can shove it where the sun don’t shine because sovereignty makes them immune. They are after all gods of a lesser world themselves and justified in making that claim. Their free will shall not be violated! Sign up now! No dark force influence in that claim or other means of control agenda – right? They seem to think so. And by the way, this is their last lifetime because they are done, they have risen above the hype. Ah, to each his own … guess Karma cannot kick me in the derriere for that statement. Does anyone know if sarcasm counts? I heard those Lords have plenty of rope ... BUT - Not To Worry … There is also a guy who can relieve you of your Karma for $19.95 and you won’t have to recycle anymore and the Archons will be unable to catch you in their soul net …
Moving along …
The query remains that if we believe in Karma why we are so concerned with someone else’s Karma and less concerned if at all about our own? By all accounts, it is a rather personal thing and really no one else’s business. When we slam someone with a Karmic prophecy of doom are we in fact adding to our own Karma? Even if we don’t orally proclaim it but just think it (that must be safe right?), it exempts us yet makes the point? All nice and tidy. And what about all of the other people who are believing the same thing about that slamee? “That guy is going to get his!” ... so sayeth the peer group. Certainly that collective observation makes it correct and therefore proper? We must be on a mission of dealing out the verdict Guilty because it happens often enough ... yes, that’s it … must be a righteous mission. Righteous makes it “right” --- right?
Karma is crucial to our development as wise caring, and loving human beings because, if we act out of a non-harmful intention, we predispose ourselves to act that way again. In other words, we plant a behavioral seed. We begin to form a habit. Conversely, if we act out of a harmful intention, we predispose ourselves to act that way again, making it more likely that the next time our behavior will be harmful. – Tori Bernhard J.D
Why is it we rarely hear that we may be reaping good Karma? Not much of a kick in that or any way to cop a superior air I suppose.
‘You cannot clear up all the thorns
which you yourself have spread in your path,
but you can wear heavy boots for protection.' - Kirpal Singh
Maybe Karma is not a life existence reward or punishment system as people seem to think. Maybe it would be easier to think of Karma as simply intentional action and assimilated inputs we have all garnered. That makes it pretty specialized and free from judgment. It also puts a humorous spin on the negative opine –
“You’ll get yours! Karma will give it to you!”
“Hmmm … let’s see that means I’ll get more action and input.”
“I’m going places and intend to sweep the floor as I go!”
Tipping my hat to you all!
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