Submitted by I am I said on
An interesting take on humanity in the future ...
As to what the past says about the future, I’m pretty optimistic about where humanity will be, say, five hundred to a thousand years from now. I think future humans will look back on our time the same way we look back on the fabled Atlantis, as a mighty civilization that fell due to a combination of corruption and disasters.
From an occult perspective, future humans will be living embodiments of the Philosopher’s Stone, and what the world faces between now and then amounts to an alchemical separation and purification process. So future people may one day become purified vessels for the divine fire, whereas right now, mankind is just the decomposing starting material of alchemy that contains, only in potential, the seed for an eventual miraculous outcome. It also contains the caput mortem, the irredeemable and unsalvagable dross, which are energies and forces entirely native and epiphenomenal to this Matrix illusion that are to be separated out and discarded so that the remainder can rise to join with Spirit and thereby accomplish the Great Work.
The alchemical wheel of history has been grinding away for a long time, at least six thousand years if not further back, perhaps since the last Ice Age. There’s this axiom in alchemy which is “dissolve and coagulate, dissolve and coagulate,” and what do we see in history other than order and chaos, order and chaos, you know, rise and fall, rise and fall.
And there is no reason why the next few centuries should be an exception to that rule. People who think modern living will go on forever in a gradual upward arc, well they’re ignoring tons of factors that say otherwise, least of which is climate change and the depletion of resources and the fragile interdependence of our global economy. Other variables include solar EMPs or asteroid or comet disasters, pole shifts, robot wars, super viruses, or so on. It also doesn’t take into account spiritual trends and occult cycles that involve exit from this Kali Yuga we’re in, or the ancient prophecies about how this all ends.
So short term, it doesn’t look good because things are already unraveling and polarizing and marching toward their various singularities. What do I mean by singularities? I mean critical points beyond which a trend simply cannot continue because the system breaks down. So we’re headed toward various singularities, and we know what they are because the trends leading toward them are in evidence right now. So let’s have a look at a few.
The political singularity is obvious when looking at current events. Thanks to the internet, people become aware of endless provocative events from across the world that force them into choosing a stance on issues. Most of these provocations are false dichotomies pitting people against each other. But underneath it all are some genuine dualities, such as between authoritarianism / collectivism and libertarianism / individualism. Since aware people know what they know and cannot unsee what they’ve seen, and since everyone else is irrational and uses reason only enough to justify their emotional biases, there’s no hope for reconciliation. And so the tension will increase until it snaps and the status quo breaks down.
The technological singularity trend is one that will continue so long as there is a global economy to support it. If everything remains stable, then we’re headed for a world of drones, nanotechnology, brain-machine interfaces, virtual reality escapists, robot armies used in the name of tyranny, and an eventual AI “god” that rules over life on Earth that’s been plugged into its networks. That’s stuff Ray Kurzweil has been predicting for a while, and with him being the head of Google’s engineering team he’s helping to make it happen. This technological singularity is just a physical replication of what’s already happened at the metaphysical level with our “falling” here into physicality under the dictatorship of the corrupted Demiurge. Same game, different name.
On the other hand, if the global economy crumbles and the world is consumed by starvation, by revolution and mass migration or war, as it has throughout history, well you can’t build AI robots if you don’t have the parts, and the parts are such high level technology that they can only be produced by an intricate global economy. Or if Earth were hit by a solar EMP, we’d be knocked back to the 1800s and once factories and machines start to rot from neglect it would take another century or two to get microelectronics back into production. So the whole robot apocalypse or matrix movie scenario is only possible, and likely, if everything else stays constant, if financial or geological singularities don’t arrive first. Therefore if you forget all about fringe stuff for a moment, assume there’s no such things as aliens, no natural disasters, no nuclear war or anything, then we’re still heading toward the tech singularity at the very least.
If instead we face setbacks caused by natural disasters or climate change or economic collapse, then we’re looking at a primitive dark age instead. What typically happens during a dark age? Well, you have a shift from centralized control and services to decentralization. So things become more local, more tribal, more feudal. In the beginning, you will have the existing order and its elites trying to maintain control but they quickly run out of money and manpower and are increasingly overrun by the violent and disaffected parts of society, the ones with a chip on their shoulders (or a chip in their brain), the strong barbarians so to speak. Rome was carved up by the barbarians after its demise, and we can expect similarly today.
In a survival environment, typically you have groups of people bound together by racial, geographic, ethnic, religious, or political affiliation that band together and either try to defend themselves in enclaves, or go out of their way to wipe out or enslave their perceived enemies. If you look at the history of the Middle East, in ancient Biblical and Egyptian times especially, it was a total circus with tribes slaughtering tribes in between short periods of regional stability. Or look at what’s happening today in Iraq, Libya, and Syria — with the old government out of the way, society devolved into fighting between various ethnic groups, especially when life became hard and there was competition over resources.
The pattern is that social tensions or schisms held in check by the rule of law, get out of control and become violent when law and order break down. Worse, according to MILABs research, the black ops factions have been abducting numerous people and programming them to create sleeper armies that can dominate the post-collapse environment and do their bidding. They’re out there right now, on-call to help push the fall of civilization and shape the aftermath.
During a dark age, it’ll be up to good people to band together, to stand up against injustice and tyranny, and to be adequately prepared and self-sufficient so that they won’t be forced to prey on the innocent or be preyed upon. They will need to have superior defense, superior knowledge, superior power, and superior spiritual and physical technology. They will form protected enclaves to keep that flame of higher civilization alive, so that after the forest fire stops burning and the smoke clears, they can scatter the seeds for a new and hopefully better civilization. They will have to do this in the face of possible climate difficulties and negative alien intervention.
Chaos is inevitable and cyclical, and in the end it comes down to what new order crystallizes from the dissolved remnants of the old. The ancient mariners were ruled by alchemists, sorcerers, magicians, occult scientists, and alien contactees. Some of them were aligned with positive forces and some with the negative. Their dueling agendas have rippled down through the ages and culminated in the situation we find ourselves in today. This world is their crucible and they’re turning up the heat.
So it’s under this immense adversity that I think the divine fire will be kindled, that collective discernment will be sharpened, and that the remnants of humanity will transform and finally break out of the cycle of ignorance and violence and rise and fall that’s has been the story of our history up to now.
The next dark age will give birth to a spiritual chivalric order, an age of heroes empowered by demiurgic science and correct gnostic awareness, an epoch the Rosicrucians have called the “Reign of Wisdom.” It won’t be based on dogma or hearsay, but on direct perception, knowledge, and anamnesis (reversal of incarnational amnesia).
The distant future is looking pretty good. We’ll end up in a Golden Age just like the prophecies say, but the near term looks rather rocky and we’ll likely go through a dark age first, like the Latin saying “ad astra per aspera” which means to heaven, through hell.
Tom Montalk
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