Submitted by Jacob Weiskopfh Ph.D on

Sin (the idea that you can sin) is the single most destructive force implanted into the human psyche. It says that you think, act, and desire outside of the rules of a “perfect” creation. Therefore, you are defective, a sinner. Nothing can be further from the truth. How have you come to think like that?
You are taught that, long ago, a God” created a man and a women, and, after placing them in a “paradise” gave them instructions to follow. Tempted by another character named “Satan”, the two perfect souls disobeyed a command of the “God”. This act caused a split (a fault line) in their “human” nature. They had sin. And, on that day, their sin became your sin. Like these first parents, your mind, your life, became a battlefield for a never ending war between “God” and “Satan”. “God” represented good, “Satan” evil. This set the human stage for what is right and what is wrong. Satan stands at the ready to tricks (you) in wanting forbidden “fruits”… forbidden knowledge… forbidden thoughts… forbidden acts… forbidden sensations… forbidden desires. Always fearful of displeasing the “God”, you struggle. Even though you try your best to be like God your natural nature overruns your good intentions. You sin. Fall. Repent. Fall again. The game never ends. Sin twists your mind. Sin makes you hate your own “self” as well as the world around you.
You are caught in a nightmare.
The nightmare, consumes your existence.
Till death, the battle absorbs and consumes your days, your life, your energies. But, the battle is false. For it has nothing to do with who you are at source. In reality, you enact the ways of nature. Like all forms, you follow nature’s rules. You cannot transgress, change, alter, modify, deny, reroute the laws of nature. It is not possible. Your natural nature cannot be undone. Nature demands that you walk your existence awake, aware, and conscious. But a wall encloses and traps us in “ignorance”. We argue, we fight, we discuss, we write elaborate thesis… but we never cross the wall’s boundaries. Why?
Because what is on the other side of the wall cannot be the same as what is within it. To exit means facing two questions: The first one: Who is or was the personage we call “God”? And we must stop thinking that we cannot know. We must stop arguing. We must stop looking where we always look. We must look at something new. With a new mind. We must look, observe, reflect, observe again, analyse, read, reflect again. Then, as we become conscious that no divinity created the world eons ago… we must figure out what is the real date for creation. That date explains how and why the universe functions the way it does as well as the way we function. When this is understood, all begins to fall in place. And we begin to make sense of the world… and of who we are.
So that I, and we, and all that exists make sense… if we are able to know that we are, we should be able to know who we are… and how and why we are so.
Who or What is our Primary Foundation?
Religion, for millennia, has been promoting the idea that the Creator of mankind and nature, the universal Primary Foundation, is a God. God is above mankind, the material world and nature. Mankind is above the material world and nature. The purpose and meaning of human life: To, after this existence, be with God. The path: During this existence, the more we desensitize ourselves from the material world, the closer we get to our “divine” nature.
Some, hesitating in their faith, turn to science for answers. Science, in a thousand fields, has found a thousand answers. But here science only sees fingerprints… not the Originator; it cannot confirm nor dismiss. Thus: There could be or not a God. In a grand void, our minds twirl their philosophical thumbs. For a moment, we pursue nihilism, for another, we continue to be as spiritual, as good, and as moral as believers.
When we ask beyond, we are told that no one can know. Many long moons ago. I ask myself… what if there were answers? What if we could know? But to know, something had to change. A shift of paradigms had to occur.
How have we come to believe in the existence of a God?
Dust over meaning: What if Ezekiel’s vision was true. What if God’s “vehicle” the biblical prophet heard and saw breaking through the sky and noisily coming down to earth was a real nuts and bolts craft? What if at one point in our human history gods did inhabit earth?
“The first fact we face when we begin to survey the historical documents is that there was not only one “God” but many gods, present on earth, in those days. Yet, we have made it dogmatically “untouchable” to admit to the existence of other gods; we have brushed them under the truth’s carpet. We want all these gods to be imaginary. Our history books present them as mythological figures. Images in dreams. – We have turned a magnificent past into illusions and fairy tales. The second fact that becomes quickly evident when examining the ancient documents is that the gods, including our “God”, were beings of flesh, blood, and bones. It is only with the passage of the millennia that the gods became ethereal figures. And the third fact that the same texts make clear – the truth that confuses us so much and has sent us into astronomical loops over the millennia – is that the gods descended unto earth, from the heavens. The heavens being the skies above our heads”.
After a time on earth, the gods departed. People lifted their eyes upward and scrutinized the heavens. And, they waited… prayed… remembered… offered sacrifices…Thus began… and the long wait for the return of the magnificent ones… and the transformation of facts into memories, into reconfigured stories, into religions. – Over the generations, over the millennia, the descent of gods from the sky unto earth, their accomplishments, their relationship with humanity and their “words” have been reinterpreted and distorted to the point of being completely unrecognizable. And, with more time, more isolation, more reinterpretation, more refining, one of the many gods, a being issued from the womb of nature, was raised to the high post of “Supernatural” Supreme Being: (God).
And that was/is God. For certain.
Origin. Concept. Name. Idea. Definition. Locale.
The words of the gods/God, no matter their inerrant wisdom and historical accuracies/ inaccuracies, were/are about the relationship and the day to day interactions between powerful ruler gods and their charge. These ancient directives, though important to the people of those days, even to the people of today, have nothing at all to do with who, why, and how we are at Source.
A solution to the question: “If there is no God, then, Who or What created us and all that exists? We change the time and date of creation… (and what it mean?):
Think about it: It is now. It is now. It is now. It is always now. The only “space/time” that is always “there/here” is the Now. A Now must always be, must have always been. Having always been, the Now was not created. And… having always been, the Now is eternal. Being everywhere, the Now is infinite.
What does it mean? As the date of creation was not located in the distant past but in this moment…
The Now is the Primary Foundation,
The Now is the Primal Source.
The Now is the Creator.
The how: In its totality, completeness, wholeness, the Now is ONE. In its multiplicity of forms, the Now is all. One into all incessantly, infinitely. divides. All into One incessantly, infinitely return. To divide implies motion. Except that the Now cannot move. The Now cannot jump ahead of itself. The Now must remain still. The mechanism: As One divides into all… at the same time… all collapse into One. A pulse is emitted… Life… at the very same time… a counter pulse is emitted… Death. Thus, everywhere… continuously, incessantly… Life/Death, Life/Death, Life/Death.
The Now is a singular Source/event engendering a binary pulse/Source. The Now cannot not be. This having to become from not being creates the “spark of Life”. Followed by the extinguishment of the spark. Yet…
Existence: All become. All disappear. Yet… something (a residue) remains. A middle: Creation, existence. How? At the moment that Life is erased by Death… Life comes back stronger… with more Power, with more Force… and… pushes against Death… a space opens… we inhale… Death comes back with more Power/ Force… pulls back Life… the space collapses… we exhale. Vibration by vibration, fragment by fragment… after being born, the Now holds for an instant, an hour, a decade, a century, a millennium…. universes, rivers, grains of sand, thoughts, people… and… at the same time and over time, all collapses. The middle, the residue, is where the battles for form and duration (space and time) occurs.
Of space/time field of play: (Yesterday exited… but it does not exist… yet what existed (for the most part) is still here). The space/time residue, existence’s filaments of presence, is what we call the Memory. – The central, the focal point, of all that exists is the – one at a time – creation, maintenance, and deletion of memories.
As the binary pulse push forth and comes back, patterns of becoming, of maintenance, of ending can be detected, identified, named. The patterns are the laws of existence. The laws of nature. Our human laws. From these patterns, we are able to decipher the rules of the Game of existence. Understanding the Source, we can make sense of our existence and the world around us. Games of life, death, renewal, survival, letting-go, fighting back, winning, are always at play.
Everywhere is the center of the Now. Every speck of cosmos is a center at the center of the Now. You are a center at the center of the Now. There are infinite numbers of centers. Through a multitude of games… games of mind, games of body, games of soul… we become, we remain, we end.
Meaning and purpose: In the Now, all of the ingredients that compose One are included in all… from people to animals, trees, flowers, grains of sand, and specks of dust. One is in all, all is in One. Consciousness, intelligence, intelligent “life”, are universal ingredient; they are manifest in everything, everywhere. – As the two pulses act at the same time, essence is substance, cause is effect, mind is matter. – The pulses transform One into all and reunify all into One. At all times. it is us. It is what we do.
Form is mind in interaction, in reflection with the infinite.
It’s about you: You are a center of existence, a point of being, a point of radiance, a point of creation, where thoughts and senses weave the fabric of the eternal instant… where and when you receive and give the elemental and the formed. As it unfolds, the Now reveals itself. Then it folds. Again, it reveals itself. Pulse by pulse, wave by wave, you sense, you think, you walk.
Awareness of the patterns (the laws, the rules, the ways) of the Now has its advantages, its rewards.
Albert Forcier
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