Submitted by Joseph Morningstar on
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We have moved from living in an information age, to living in a personality age. There is so much information available and on high blast, that people filter which bits to pay attention to based on how compelling/likeable/resonant they find the persona of its source.
As both a cause of this shift and a result of it, every modern individual is encouraged to cultivate their personal brand. The social media feeds of writers, artists, and influencers of every stripe thus showcase their work alongside intimate, behind-the-scenes looks at their creative process, family life, and breakfast choices. Shared thoughts are invariably accompanied by the author’s own face, and every other podcast thumbnail features someone’s smiling or ever-so-serious-looking mug.
There are downsides to this private-mingled-with-public dynamic. For one thing, those with a winning demeanor may not espouse sound principles, while those who do have something worthy to say may lack the ability or the willingness to sell themselves along with their ideas. Socrates wasn’t traditionally likeable; Kierkeegard was compared to a creepy spider; Nietzsche’s sickly nature belied his strenuous maxims. Such still-revered figures would likely have struggled to strike artfully arranged poses on Instagram or attract followers on TikTok.
More pernicious still, is the way the personalization of ideas leads to their shallowing out. While the teachings of philosophers have always been inextricably tied up with their personas, they attracted the attention of others, in order to point beyond themselves — towards principles broader, deeper, and bigger than can be contained within any individual. Today, our focus gets fixated on the gesturing hand itself, and the three fingers which point back to the gesturer. 1
It’s been said that great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss personalities. To which can be added this broader corollary: it’s in small-minded societies that ideas are discussed . . . through personalities.
Native American advice on dealing with EGO:
Medicine of Self - Who are you? What is your truth? For many of us, these are tough questions to answer. However, if we are courageous enough to do the work required to find the answers we are rewarded with the sense to find and follow our own paths. Sacred teachings are to be shared and the wisdom found in Native American culture can help heal and guide us along life’s precious journey.
The term Medicine as found in Native American tradition refers to anything that will aid the seeker in feeling more connected and in harmony with nature and all life-forms. In this light anything that is healing to the body, mind and spirit is Medicine. Learning about your personal Medicine is about discovering your personal power. This is where answers to problems and questions of identity are found.
According to traditional teachings the abilities we now possess are only shadows of our real strength and learning how to reach and connect to our Spirit self can lead us to a springboard of power. This can be illustrated by thinking of our shadow self as our ego and our true self as our Spirit, which is eternal and connected to our Creator. Spirit equals stillness. Ego equals conflict. Spirit reflects knowledge. Ego reflects contradiction. These two selves speak to us in different voices.
Which voice do you listen to? The voice of Spirit is quiet and forgiving. The voice of ego is harsh and condemning. We choose one or the other in any given moment. Your choice is clearly demonstrated in your behavior, attitudes and feelings. Your mood can indicate to you which voice you have chosen to hear. If your mood is unsettled know that another choice can be made. When you feel less than good know that your ego is in the driver’s seat. Release the strength and power of your Spirit and rise above the madness. Learn to guard your mind carefully and let go of any thoughts that do not serve your best interest. Soon your true Spirit will shine through in all situations and endeavors. In this way there is no limit to what you can do. It is very helpful to know that you can monitor where your thoughts have been by noticing how you feel. Let your feelings be your mirror.
As life seems to beat on us at times we ask where we might go for protection. We desperately search outside ourselves for help. As we make the choice to seek within ourselves we link up with the supernatural power of the universe. Native American philosophy states that all things and beings on Earth are related and therefore must be in harmony for the earth to be balanced. Now is a time of great change on our planet and unless we do our part to connect with the Spirit within we will be unable to connect to our relations.
Every mind that is changed and healed adds to the totality of wellness. We can apply this philosophy to our everyday lives and gain energy, focus, and strength. This will ultimately result in the healing of ourselves and the rest of the planet. We can learn to look to ourselves as a source of comfort and direction.
We can use our personal Medicine to center ourselves and establish peace and where there is peace there is power. 2
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