Submitted by Julia on
Border Areas between two different Realms have always been sacred in Ancient Teachings as they represent the Union of Duality. It is in these slightly overlapping border areas, doorways, and thresholds, that life-forms and energies from both realms interact and co-exist in harmony.
Examples of Border Areas in the Material Realm are:
...where a river meets land
...where the ocean meets the sandy shore
...where the desert ends and vegetation begins
It is in these "narrow" border areas that life-forms from both Material Realms interact and co-exist in Harmony on our planet.
Examples of Border Areas in the Spiritual Realm are:
...where the horizon meets the sky
...where a mountain peak meets the sky
...where night meets the first light of day
...where sleep meets consciousness
...the Vesica Piscis
These Spiritual Realms are Sacred Areas that Symbolically represent the Union of Duality.
The border area between the Horizon and the sky is considered the Crack In The Universe. It is the doorway through which thesouls of the departed were believed to re-enter the afterlife, and was also referred to as Heaven's Gate.
The border area between the mountain peak and the sky is considered to be the closest we can get to the Infinite while still here on earth. It is here that Gods and Wise Men reside and interact with each other.
The border area between night and first light is the Tipping Point where light chases away darkness; a metaphor for Illumination (wisdom) chasing away ignorance.
The border area, or doorway, between sleep and consciousness is accessed through meditation. It is in this area where we, while still conscious, can access not only our own subconscious but also the Great Eternal Consciousness where all knowledge and wisdom exists.
The Vesica Piscis is a product of Sacred Geometry and symbolically represents the narrow doorway whereby two different Realms overlap and co-exist in harmony.
The Ancients were very aware of the harmony and balance that exist in the border areas between two different realms. They passed this knowledge down through metaphor, symbolism and myth in order to teach us that balance, harmony and truth exist in the
Middle-Ground between two "extremes".
It is up to us to incorporate this Wisdom when evaluating any argument or decision regarding two "extremes" of the same issue and realize that ...The Truth Lies Somewhere In-Between!
By Joseph Panek
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